Author Topic: where were we when this was going down...?  (Read 2497 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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where were we when this was going down...?
« on: June 26, 2008, 10:34:55 AM »
come on people... let's wake up... nik.

Menachem Brody

( Police destroyed a container near Yitzhar, in the north-central Samaria region, Thursday morning, then proceeded with a large crane to another small farm nearby to destroy a trailer home. Dozens of residents resisted the demolition.

A lone trailer home on barren hilltop destroyed due to int'l pressure
Israel News Photo: Yoni Gormezano
Israel News Photo: Yoni Gormezano
The police responded with clubs and tear gas, injuring several residents, and arrested eight.  After about an hour, they succeeded in destroying the trailer home at the Shaked Farm and quickly left the scene.

One Border Guard police officer was injured by tear gas; the police and residents each accuse the other of employing the offending tear gas. The police also say that seven officers were injured by rocks thrown at them.

The incident continued throughout much of the day on Route 60, the main north-south highway in the area, with residents blocking the road near the local police headquarters in protest. Some youths from Yitzhar also entered neighboring Arab villages and threw rocks.

Yitzhar spokesman Yigal Amitai said during the original incident that the police destroyed the trailer home illegally.  "No orders have been issued against the home," he said, "and it has been there for more than 90 days and is connected to water and electricity."  An urgent legal warning was sent on the matter to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz and to the Commander of the Samaria and Judea Police District.

The first trailer home that was destroyed was located on Givat Lehavah, adjacent to Yitzhar, and belonged to the Ben-Pinchas family. The police then moved to the Shaked Farm, on another side of Yitzhar. Yitzhar is located 20 miles due east of Herziliya.

IDF Border Guard Officer Arrested for Refusing Orders
One IDF Border Guard police officer was also arrested during the incident. The officer was apprehended after he broke down in tears and refused to participate in the destruction of the home at the Shaked Farm.

Young Couple's Home Taken
The modest house was to be used for Yitzhar residents Malachi Lev and his fiancee Naomi, who are to be married ten days from now.  Eyewitnesses say that when Naomi tried to prevent her future home from being destroyed, she was attacked by male policemen.  When Rabbi David Dudkevitz, Rabbi of Yitzhar, then came to her aid, the police attacked him with what eyewitnesses described as excessive force.  The witness said that at least one person was hurt and on the verge of unconsciousness.

Amitai further said that the Shaked Farm has been evacuated four times in the past, "including sometimes at the expressed demand of the White House."

"Only he who comes to an agreement with the terrorists in the past and who abandons Gilad Shalit and the residents of Sderot," Amitai said, "can have the nerve to war with the Jewish residents of the Samaria region."

Baruch Marzel, head of the Jewish Front movement, said, "The policemen of the Samaria and Judea District must be brought to justice" for their clubbing of residents. "They are planning another Amona for us," referring to a violent police destruction of seven homes in a neighborhood near Ofra in which hundreds of Land of Israel loyalists were injured.

Vilnai: Six Homes in Brachah to be Destroyed
On Wednesday, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai informed the Knesset that the homes of six Jewish families in the Samaria community of Har Bracha, near Shechem, will be destroyed.

National Union faction leader MK Uri Ariel responded to the Labor MK by pointing out that the houses were built ten years ago on government land that is not owned by Arabs. MK Ariel also noted that illegally-built Arab homes in the area are not being destroyed, and said, "At the same time that the defense establishment is agreeing to a temporary ceasefire with terrorists in Gaza, it acts against Jews in Samaria."

Talkback   39 Comments
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1. In the Tradition of the Cossacks they attack those to be Wed (N"C)
Yitzchak, Yerushalyim (19/06/08)

1. In the Tradition of the Cossacks they attack those to be Wed (N"C)
Yitzchak, Yerushalyim (19/06/08)
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THE TRUTH, (19/06/08)

THE TRUTH, (19/06/08)
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3. Comment
S.E., U.K. (19/06/08)

3. Comment
Not to believe! But that is exactly what whe know from the Thorah: "Meharsayich Umecharvayich mimeich yeitsu" unfortsenaly!
S.E., U.K. (19/06/08)
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4. Lefanot HaMitnachalim!!!
Malakai, Jerusalem (19/06/08)

4. Lefanot HaMitnachalim!!!
The West Bank may be part of biblical Israel but it is outside the State of Israel.

Dear settlers - please come home to the Green Line now!!! Illegal outpost must be dismantled first, then the rest of the settlements. There is no future for the state of israel whilst occupying millions of Palestinians...
Malakai, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
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5. Police State
Gary, Jerusalem (19/06/08)

5. Police State
Wicked as in Sodom & Amorrah. Defend and support the enemy while stealing it from whom it belongs to.
Gary, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
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6. Illegal police action
Ariel Ben Yohanan, Kfar Tapuah (19/06/08)

6. Illegal police action
The preliminary paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence make this new pogrom blantly illegal. No Israeli security force is allowed to be used against Jews occupying their land in Eretz Israel:

"ERETZ-ISRAEL [(Hebrew) - the Land of Israel, Palestine] was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.

After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.

Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland."
Ariel Ben Yohanan, Kfar Tapuah (19/06/08)
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7. Government actions & non-actions
Irwin Ruff, US (19/06/08)

7. Government actions & non-actions
This government doesn't know how to react to Arab rockets, and knows only to make "agreements" with terrorists, has no trouble taking violent action against Jews. Arabs don't need permits - they can build wherever the want. Can Olmert & Co. be gotten rid of before they completely destroy the state?
Irwin Ruff, US (19/06/08)
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8. again...?
J. Korman, maaleh adumim (19/06/08)

8. again...?
Considering the fact that our borders are all peaceful & worry-free, terror's under control, our politicians are upstanding leaders, no problem of missing soldiers, no poverty or social travails, higher education & housing is economically attainable for all, all citizzens uphold their civil responsibilty to the country (military svce), our education & justice systems are run by paradigms of intellect,...
the shacks/caravans in the Shomron really are THE burning security issue in the country.
Can a gov't be sued for gross mismanagment?
J. Korman, maaleh adumim (19/06/08)
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9. West Bank
Ra'anan, Jerusalem (19/06/08)

9. West Bank
The West Bank has never been part of a sovereign nation, so it is legally NOT OCCUPIED land & truly ANYONE can settle it.
Ra'anan, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
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10. what is it about Yizhar that triggers Washington
Ra'anan, Jerusalem (19/06/08)

10. what is it about Yizhar that triggers Washington
Yizhar has been attacked so many times by the Israeli police & border police who seem to be following orders of Washington, but what is it about Yizhar that pushes Washington's buttons? Is there an Arab terrorist with ROOTS near Yizhar who keeps calling Rice??? What's all of this about??? This doesn't happen w/every other settlement.
Ra'anan, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
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11. Homes destroyed
Ann, Michigan (19/06/08)

11. Homes destroyed
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for [Jewish] brothers to dwell together in unity." Back off and take a look at what you are doing to each other. You are becoming as crazy as your enemy. Let go and let the living God take controll of the future of Israel - or have you forgotton that God is the God of Israel and is ever watching over His land and His people.
Ann, Michigan (19/06/08)
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12. As a Jew, this makes me feel ashamed
Steven, San Francisco (19/06/08)

12. As a Jew, this makes me feel ashamed
To think that such insanity is actually taking place. Something is terribly wrong. When will things change? The survival as a Zionist state of the State of Israel is at stake.
Steven, San Francisco (19/06/08)
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13. new amona in Yitzhar
pesach, bar yochai (19/06/08)

13. new amona in Yitzhar
Gush Katif residents were afraid of civil war, Amona's resistence was afraid of civil war and now Yitzhar;s violence.

When is this anarchy going to endand how With peaceful elections?? We now have a cease fire with a group the US and Israel have listed as enemies of the State of Israel. We therefore have recognized them instead of destroying them! WHEN WILL WE END THE CURRENT CIVIL WAR
מלחמת אחים started with the ashkenazi vs sefardi before 1948 WHEN DO WE END THE WAR AND START TO HAVE PEACE WITH OURSELVES? When will this nation top tolerated the civil war now running in our government.
pesach, bar yochai (19/06/08)
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14. Yitzhar
Aharon, The Holy City (19/06/08)

14. Yitzhar
I have long been in favor of a coup de taut of the satanic police & government here & replacing them with yirat shamiyem Jews.
Aharon, The Holy City (19/06/08)
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15. Wake Up !
Heisler, Bnei Brak (19/06/08)

15. Wake Up !
Dear Malakai from Jerusalem. You don't understand that the Arabs and the US and Europe want you to move out of your home in Jerusalem. Wake up !
Heisler, Bnei Brak (19/06/08)
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16. Dont Give UP!!!
DD, nyc (19/06/08)

16. Dont Give UP!!!
Soon, HaShem will take revenge on our enemies, and the Jewish People whom are loyal to HaShem will rise again, forever.
DD, nyc (19/06/08)
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17. Kol HaKavod to the brave Jews of Yitzhar
Mike, Vienna, VA (19/06/08)

17. Kol HaKavod to the brave Jews of Yitzhar
To date their tiny town remains the only part of Judah partially liberated from the Israelis. May Hashem give them strength in their struggle and the vision to openly declare the only goal that can bring them the peace, security and prosperity they deserve: Atzmaut LeMedinat Yehudah!
Mike, Vienna, VA (19/06/08)
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18. Hate Jews? So don't live in their country
Lea, Jerusalem (19/06/08)

18. Hate Jews? So don't live in their country
Disgusting, the way some people hate their fellow Jews so much that they want to destroy their homes, lives, communities. Disgusting. When one hates Jews why live in Israel of all places?
Lea, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
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19. very strange things going on.
Vic, USA (19/06/08)

19. very strange things going on.
This "peace" thing has been going on for so long. Israel treating their enemies good and their own kind terrible. I'm beginning to figure it's not about peace at all. That can't be attained. What it looks like is ... Arabs and Jews who are bent on Israel's destruction all working together. Satan's mixed army all against the good Jews. A second holocaust. It looks the same in the USA with idiots wanting Obama for pres. The whole world becomes Islamic. Satan's quest. In the end, Almighty God will win over evil.
Vic, USA (19/06/08)
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20. Never trust the police anymore
cp, IL (19/06/08)

20. Never trust the police anymore
because they are subordinates of a criminal gang.

cp, IL (19/06/08)
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21. Reply to Malakai, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
yehezkel, (19/06/08)

21. Reply to Malakai, Jerusalem (19/06/08)
Inside the Green Line was given certainly to Israel. Inside the Red Line was given certainly to Jordan.
Yitzhar is part of the area that was outside bot lines. Its disposition was to be determined by negotiation.
The Arabs decided not to negotiate but to go to war.
Yitzhar and all the West Bank are the spoils of the war that they started.
Don't support apartheid: allow Jews to live in all of Eretz Yisrael
yehezkel, (19/06/08)
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22. Police Violence
Paul, U.S. (19/06/08)

22. Police Violence
Why does the Israeli Government treat Her own people like this?This is how they should deal with the Arabs!Kick all of the Arabs out of Israel!
Paul, U.S. (19/06/08)
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23. Dear Jerusalemite
Shmuel, mitzpe yericho, IL (19/06/08)

23. Dear Jerusalemite
A) It is obvious that you live in Western Jerusalem not, for example, Ramot Eshkol or Givat Tsarfatit which the Government wants to "give back" to the Arabs along with the Old City!

B) The "Green" line is a fiction that no one but you subscribes to. In the whole middle East land is only yours if you are willing to die to defend it. Or if you can buy mercenary help as Kuwait did with the US.

C) I invite you to tour the "West Bank" to see just where these "millions of Arabs live. They are also a fiction. For example, Ramallah is empty...huge villas, lots of money and everyone speaks English...everyone also has a US green card and lives in the US!
Shmuel, mitzpe yericho, IL (19/06/08)
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24. Are you going to join us Mike? (N"C)
Pioneer, Gav HaHar (19/06/08)

24. Are you going to join us Mike? (N"C)
Pioneer, Gav HaHar (19/06/08)
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25. Malakai, was the "Disengagement" a success?
Pioneer, Gav HaHar (19/06/08)

25. Malakai, was the "Disengagement" a success?
Only a fool repeats his mistakes.
Pioneer, Gav HaHar (19/06/08)
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26. Another disgrace on Israel
Cliff Ross, Conway (20/06/08)

26. Another disgrace on Israel
There will never be peace with Arabs. So - Annex West Bank, clean out all terrorists, and build and settle wherever you wish,l Israelis.!
Forget any previous agreements . ANNEX NOW ! !
Cliff Ross, Conway (20/06/08)
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27. Demolition of Jewish Homes
Fayk, Melbourne (20/06/08)

27. Demolition of Jewish Homes
We have an antisemitic israeli government. There is no patriotism or commitment to Israeli idealism or chalutziut. Why do WE continue to destroy our own settlements so our enemies laugh at us and grow sronger and more determined. Our government and political leadership has lost its way and is only looking for short term solutions. Who are they trying to please because they will never win world opinion. Only strength and determination is respected in the Middle East and we continue to lose ground whenever the government acts aginst its own people.
We must learn from past mistakes(The embarrassing war lost to Hizbollah & the pointless destruction of Gush Katif most recently) and be committed to the welfare of our own people on all sides of the political spectrum. All potical decisions seem to be made out of political rather than just and unbiased motives (the Winograd report).
Fayk, Melbourne (20/06/08)
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28. The Real Enemy Of Israel's Leaders...
Norman F Birnberg, Salida (20/06/08)

28. The Real Enemy Of Israel's Leaders...
Of course. The real enemy of Israel's leaders aren't the Hamas terrorists bent upon the country's elimination, its the Jews who love the Land. They are the ones who must be brutally uprooted from it. All the more reason this government has to go!
Norman F Birnberg, Salida (20/06/08)
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29. samaria
eweb, hp (20/06/08)

29. samaria
this behavior is disgraceful. how can a jewish state allow its police and army to do such terrible things to its people.
eweb, hp (20/06/08)
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30. Terrorists don't need to spend a single cent
Daniel J. Vandeberg, St. Paul MN US (20/06/08)

30. Terrorists don't need to spend a single cent
on terrorism. They have the IDF and Israeli police to do their dirty work, with no fear of reprisal. IDF and police "protect and serve", but it isn't the Israeli people. Soldiers and police who commit illegal, violent acts against innocent civilians should be in prison.
Daniel J. Vandeberg, St. Paul MN US (20/06/08)
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31. the chayal who refused
chaya , (20/06/08)

31. the chayal who refused
kol hakavod to the chayal who refused. others should learn from his example adn then there would be no people to carry out expulsions
chaya , (20/06/08)
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32. Meir Kahane warned us
Yosef, New York (20/06/08)

32. Meir Kahane warned us
Even today to talk about forcible transfer of Arabs is banned in Israel.

The settler movement as a whole also went along with banning Rabbi kahane and Kach

Let them today come out in defense of Kach and Meir kahane publicly- but they still wont... what do you expect then?
Yosef, New York (20/06/08)
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33. World Conspiricey
Tzvi, sydney (20/06/08)

33. World Conspiricey
Learn about it at the movie.
Yes there is a international conspiricy that fuels war for the profit it generates. eg 9/11
Tzvi, sydney (20/06/08)
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34. Settlers have rights C"Univ.Decla.Human Rts.#2&13
jew, israel (20/06/08)

34. Settlers have rights C"Univ.Decla.Human Rts.#2&13
"Art.#2...territory to which a person belongs Art.13...freedom of residence"=regime rules by violence
jew, israel (20/06/08)
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35. Police Violence in Yitzhar, Locals Complain to AG
Tom, Texas,USA (20/06/08)

35. Police Violence in Yitzhar, Locals Complain to AG
Greetings:Thank you or permission to speak.Get rid of your government.They are a pack of liers.The people of Israel must fight terrorist,plus their own government?Only if you alow it.It is your decision,people.Remove all who have mistreated the Jews from wihtin the government,and hand pick who you know you can trust.It is not the education smart's that you need in government,but it is the true honesty and man of the dirt,that you need.You need the type that is fighting the government and that is being 'wronged'.This is who you need to form the new government.
Why ia this so? Because'they'are the ones who you can trust to rule over the people with honesty.Pick the ones who never have been in politics in their life,and elect them.
They will serve the people with honesty and pride.If they need help,then volunteer your help.
Pick the ones who live off the land.They truly love Israel.
Tom, Texas,USA (20/06/08)
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36. conspiracy, well...
Ra'anan, Jerusalem (20/06/08)

36. conspiracy, well...
Let's say there IS an int'l conspiracy to fuel war for profit, do you think Yizhar is so MAJOR as to bring war??? SOMETHING is strange about Yizhar as a trigger. I mean, I could understand Rochel & Yosef's Tombs, but what physical, strategic or spiritual significance is there in Yizhar???

Ra'anan, Jerusalem (20/06/08)
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37. We must massively support every one of our settlements and outposts.
Chaim, (20/06/08)

37. We must massively support every one of our settlements and outposts.
From now on, let none of our outposts or settlements be expendable. No matter how small. This tiny land is ours. We all know that. We must back it up with action. That means total resistance to those who come to destroy. It means taking all available legal action against them. It means physical resistance. It means rebuilding as soon as possible. It means massing in huge numbers to thwart the evil plans of the coalition.
Chaim, (20/06/08)
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38. Israeli Leaders Regard Jewish Patriots as the Enemy to be Attacked & Persecuted
Linda Rivera   , New York (20/06/08)

38. Israeli Leaders Regard Jewish Patriots as the Enemy to be Attacked & Persecuted
without mercy at every opportunity. Muslim terrorists are regarded as friends to be rewarded with Jewish Land and assets and rewarded with vicious religious Jew cleansing which renders Jews homeless.

Highly privileged Arab Muslims are ALLOWED to have THOUSANDS of illegal buildings and settlements in Jerusalem and throughout Israel because 22 HUGE Arab Muslim nations possessing enormous lands and oil wealth and 56 Muslims nations is not considered enough - Land must be seized from over-crowded little Israel where there is barely enough room for Jews.

The US/EU/UN cruel religious ideology that demands the ruthless cleansing of non-Muslims must stop!

In Israel as in the US/EU and other Western nations, Muslims are accorded a very special status granting them special rights and privileges which destroy the rights of non-Muslims. Islam is admired. Judaism and Christianity are despised
Linda Rivera   , New York (20/06/08)
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39. Destroying Jewish Homes
Murray Gorelick, Chestnut Hill (21/06/08)

39. Destroying Jewish Homes
The law if sreral must be for all. If there are Jewish Homes being Destroyed azs they asppear to Illegal. that the same law appplyi to houses and buenesses,including churches ans Mosques tha Arabs have built through outr Israel . I want to see the same destruction of thes illegal buildings with out any payment for the loss.
Murray Gorelick, Chestnut Hill (21/06/08)
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: where were we when this was going down...?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2008, 05:32:07 AM »
That's outrageous.

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: where were we when this was going down...?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2008, 05:04:12 PM »
damn straight... damn straight... when are we all going to finally stand up to this oppressive tyranny...? nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."