Author Topic: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil  (Read 3686 times)

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:16:51 AM »
I know that Hess and Sunoco do not import oil from the mideast when every single other gas station chain does. For me to get gas at either of these stations, I have to go out of my daily route. I have been doing that as I dont like the feeling I get knowing that I just gave a muzzy towelhead more gelt by filling up my tank. Do you guys believe its worth going out of your way to get gas at hess or sunoco or is it just pointless as we need to make oil worthless anyways?
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 12:44:50 PM »
Re:  "its worth going out of your way to get gas at hess or sunoco or is it just pointless as we need to make oil worthless anyways?..."

That's a decision that only you can make.

It obviously doesn't make sense to drive an extreme distance to patronize certain fuel corporations.

Even though we should make every effort to spend our money with our friends rather than our enemies, efforts in this direction will most likely have no measurable effect on the Petroleum Industry, due simply to the fact that "they no longer need us" like they used to when Americans were the only people on the planet with automobiles and highways.

Somehow we must find a way to stop using gasoline, diesel, and heating oil as a fuel source, even if it takes another decade to do so.

Drilling in Anwar and off the coasts of the U.S.A. will have absolutely no effect on our fuel supplies; let along the prices they are getting in the marketplace.

This is because all of the Petroleum Business Corporations don't feel any sense of allegiance to America and Americans, even though it was we who are responsible for their development, rise, and current profit-driven prosperity.

To allow them to drill for the petroleum found here on the U.S. mainland will only serve to enrich the CEOs and their fellow crooks, all at our expense; both in the short run and also in the long run.

Unless we literally NATIONALIZE each and every one of the Petroleum Giants based here in the U.S., we will have no access to any oil reserves; including those welled from our own land.

Think about it.

Catch 22:

Nationalization is Socialism.

Free-Market Capitalism means Americans are soon to starve and die from exposure to the elements and famine.

Which do you prefer?

The only viable option is to ditch oil as fuel, even if we have to clone horses to use once again for transportation.

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 12:46:12 PM »
I know that Hess and Sunoco do not import oil from the mideast when every single other gas station chain does. For me to get gas at either of these stations, I have to go out of my daily route. I have been doing that as I dont like the feeling I get knowing that I just gave a muzzy towelhead more gelt by filling up my tank. Do you guys believe its worth going out of your way to get gas at hess or sunoco or is it just pointless as we need to make oil worthless anyways?

How far away from were you live are those two gas stations?

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2008, 02:29:49 PM »
Man, I respect your level of principle. I don't do that. There are just too few of those gas stations over here. I'd be driving 30 miles just to fill up. I just go to Arco because it's always a couple of pennies cheaper. But that's dedication, DownwithIslam.  O0

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2008, 03:32:25 PM »
DWI, I think there is a Hess station in Flushing, near the hospital.  Booth that is.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2008, 03:48:58 PM »
I dont live anywhere near there masterwolf. Their are hess and sunocos around they just arent on my way to and from school. It's actually not that far out of the way to get gas at one of these stations but its deff a few min out of the way.
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Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2008, 04:30:43 PM »
Re:  "its worth going out of your way to get gas at hess or sunoco or is it just pointless as we need to make oil worthless anyways?..."

That's a decision that only you can make.

It obviously doesn't make sense to drive an extreme distance to patronize certain fuel corporations.

Even though we should make every effort to spend our money with our friends rather than our enemies, efforts in this direction will most likely have no measurable effect on the Petroleum Industry, due simply to the fact that "they no longer need us" like they used to when Americans were the only people on the planet with automobiles and highways.

Somehow we must find a way to stop using gasoline, diesel, and heating oil as a fuel source, even if it takes another decade to do so.

Drilling in Anwar and off the coasts of the U.S.A. will have absolutely no effect on our fuel supplies; let along the prices they are getting in the marketplace.

This is because all of the Petroleum Business Corporations don't feel any sense of allegiance to America and Americans, even though it was we who are responsible for their development, rise, and current profit-driven prosperity.

To allow them to drill for the petroleum found here on the U.S. mainland will only serve to enrich the CEOs and their fellow crooks, all at our expense; both in the short run and also in the long run.

Unless we literally NATIONALIZE each and every one of the Petroleum Giants based here in the U.S., we will have no access to any oil reserves; including those welled from our own land.

Think about it.

Catch 22:

Nationalization is Socialism.

Free-Market Capitalism means Americans are soon to starve and die from exposure to the elements and famine.

Which do you prefer?

The only viable option is to ditch oil as fuel, even if we have to clone horses to use once again for transportation.

Massuh... even though I agree with you that we need to get off petrol... everything you say is baseless and stupid and so easy to dissprove.   Where to start??:

Drilling in Anwar and off the coasts of the U.S.A. will have absolutely no effect on our fuel supplies??

What???? The problem since the 70's is simple.   U.S. oil production has steadily decreased as percentage of total oil production.  This is not a conspiracy by Evil corporations.  THis is our government making it next to impossible to drill and refine by our corps... something that doesnt exist in most other oil-producing countries.   The Evil corps would LOVE to produce more oil/gas... especially to take advantage of these crazy high prices, but our intelligent government wont let them.

Now, if Clinton hadnt Veto'd the Anwar drilling... a conservative estimate would be that we'd have about a 780000 barrels per day.  That would would be roughly 20% increase increase in domestic supplies.  This would significantly counter the trend of less and less oil being produced here in the states.

Now.. include other offshore drilling... such as allowing drilling in the gulf of mexico.. and off the east coast, and we can increase domesetic supplies by 50%.  This is hugely significant.


Free-Market Capitalism means Americans are soon to starve and die from exposure to the elements and famine??

Do you live under a rock somewhere?  Please give me an example of countries that thrive in today's economy that do NOT rely on caplitalism for their wealth?  Don't mention China as a majority of their wealth is now from corps that are nearly identical to ours... with the exception that they have a percentage of ownership by their government.

We are not even remotely close to famine.  Just because the Food Price index went up about 6% based upon speculators buying food futures contracts means nothing.   And also: the further a country is from free-market capitalism... the more famine they have.  If you want me to prove this I will. 

Also... we now spend LESS of our total wealth on food consumption than ANY other country.   Even with the dollar being in the toilet.

If we are to be the only country to get off oil altogether.. it has to be done slowly, and it has to be done in the name of security, and not based upon nonsense pseudo-economics.  It would have to involve Nuclear Power as it can realistically keep up with our country's outrageous demand for power.

BTW, although I am a Finance professor, I am not part of a vast academic conspiracy.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 04:39:28 PM by briann »

Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2008, 04:49:23 PM »
Oh by the way... there's good information on terror-free oil initiatives.. petitions.. and information on where to find a terror-free gas stations here:

We are partnered with them

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2008, 07:59:32 PM »
This is somewhat unrelated.  I took it from Rush Limbaugh's website:

The Federal Government's Three-Month Take
from ExxonMobil Sales: Nearly $17,000,000,000
(Plus They Took a Chunk of the Company's $8.4B Profits)
April 27, 2006

RUSH: This is really going to make people mad. The oil companies are rejecting these accusations that they are gouging. That's going to really make 'em mad. When Senator Durbin accuses you of gouging, you better agree with it or they're going to do even more than want to see your books and force you to give your profits away. We've got the numbers here for ConocoPhillips. Their profit in the first quarter was $3.29 billion compared to ExxonMobil's $8.4 billion, and so we can figure that the federal government made about -- let's round this up to $3.3 billion, so $6.6 billion on the gasoline. In fact, you know what? I'm shooting low on this. I'm going to start this again.

ExxonMobil's profit was $8.4 billion in the first quarter, and there's nine cents per gallon of profit in the sale of a gallon of gasoline. So it's easy to figure. The federal taxes are 18 cents, so the feds get twice what the oil companies get in their profits. So the $8.4 billion profit for ExxonMobil translates to $16.8 billion that the feds get. But ExxonMobil then pays taxes on their profits. ExxonMobil pays taxes, so that $16.8 billion is actually larger by the time Exxon pays its taxes; same thing with ConocoPhillips -- and, of course, the drive-by media is playing right along with this because the profit is one thing. But it's the profit margin that you actually need to look at, and that's where you can find gouging.

Now, the first quarter 2004 profit margin for most of Big Oil is about 8%. This first quarter, it was 9.4%. The first quarter 2004 was about 8% and the first quarter this year, 2006, is 9.4%, and that's an increase of about 14% in the profit margin with an increase in revenue of 24%. They're taking in a lot more money, but their expenses eat up almost half the gain. So if you wanted to suggest that they're gouging, you would have to find evidence that their profit margin is skyrocketing, and the profit margin is not. Just looking at the number of dollars in the raw profit, you know, that's the simpleton way, and that's the way to get everybody all ticked off and everything.

It's a big business, for crying out loud. What are they doing with all the profits? They give it to the executives when they retire is what they do with all the profits. I don't know what they do. They pay it to their stockholders. They're publicly traded. You know, Exxon shares, this profit adds a buck thirty-seven to the average Exxon shareholder per share. That's one of the things they do with it. I'll tell you, economics education is so woefully inept.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2008, 08:41:47 PM »
This is somewhat unrelated.  I took it from Rush Limbaugh's website:

The Federal Government's Three-Month Take
from ExxonMobil Sales: Nearly $17,000,000,000
(Plus They Took a Chunk of the Company's $8.4B Profits)
April 27, 2006

RUSH: This is really going to make people mad. The oil companies are rejecting these accusations that they are gouging. That's going to really make 'em mad. When Senator Durbin accuses you of gouging, you better agree with it or they're going to do even more than want to see your books and force you to give your profits away. We've got the numbers here for ConocoPhillips. Their profit in the first quarter was $3.29 billion compared to ExxonMobil's $8.4 billion, and so we can figure that the federal government made about -- let's round this up to $3.3 billion, so $6.6 billion on the gasoline. In fact, you know what? I'm shooting low on this. I'm going to start this again.

ExxonMobil's profit was $8.4 billion in the first quarter, and there's nine cents per gallon of profit in the sale of a gallon of gasoline. So it's easy to figure. The federal taxes are 18 cents, so the feds get twice what the oil companies get in their profits. So the $8.4 billion profit for ExxonMobil translates to $16.8 billion that the feds get. But ExxonMobil then pays taxes on their profits. ExxonMobil pays taxes, so that $16.8 billion is actually larger by the time Exxon pays its taxes; same thing with ConocoPhillips -- and, of course, the drive-by media is playing right along with this because the profit is one thing. But it's the profit margin that you actually need to look at, and that's where you can find gouging.

Now, the first quarter 2004 profit margin for most of Big Oil is about 8%. This first quarter, it was 9.4%. The first quarter 2004 was about 8% and the first quarter this year, 2006, is 9.4%, and that's an increase of about 14% in the profit margin with an increase in revenue of 24%. They're taking in a lot more money, but their expenses eat up almost half the gain. So if you wanted to suggest that they're gouging, you would have to find evidence that their profit margin is skyrocketing, and the profit margin is not. Just looking at the number of dollars in the raw profit, you know, that's the simpleton way, and that's the way to get everybody all ticked off and everything.

It's a big business, for crying out loud. What are they doing with all the profits? They give it to the executives when they retire is what they do with all the profits. I don't know what they do. They pay it to their stockholders. They're publicly traded. You know, Exxon shares, this profit adds a buck thirty-seven to the average Exxon shareholder per share. That's one of the things they do with it. I'll tell you, economics education is so woefully inept.

Rush Limbaugh is a complete fraud. I refuse to listen to that beast.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2008, 01:25:09 AM »


Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2008, 01:25:36 AM »


 :::D :::D

Offline ape

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2008, 01:27:40 AM »

Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2008, 02:14:28 AM »


 :::D :::D

Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2008, 02:15:56 AM »

I completely agree on this one.  Actually... Ive found myself getting in better shape since I started biking.   But I just found out my bike is made in China :(

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2008, 08:45:55 AM »
I would just get a more fuel efficient car. That is what I will be doing.
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Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2008, 10:12:42 AM »

Yes we all should bike more often. We would be giving out less money to the stinking Arabs.

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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2008, 11:10:32 AM »
Oh by the way... there's good information on terror-free oil initiatives.. petitions.. and information on where to find a terror-free gas stations here:

We are partnered with them

good site.
I didn't know I've been supporting those smelly sheiks by buying from lukoil.

Anyone know about Gulf?
And Delta?

Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2008, 02:13:15 AM »
Oh by the way... there's good information on terror-free oil initiatives.. petitions.. and information on where to find a terror-free gas stations here:

We are partnered with them

good site.
I didn't know I've been supporting those smelly sheiks by buying from lukoil.

Anyone know about Gulf?
And Delta?

Dont know about Delta... but I beleive Gulf is just a rebrand of Chevron.  So.. stay away from them if you can.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2008, 09:36:33 PM »
Oh by the way... there's good information on terror-free oil initiatives.. petitions.. and information on where to find a terror-free gas stations here:

We are partnered with them

good site.
I didn't know I've been supporting those smelly sheiks by buying from lukoil.

Anyone know about Gulf?
And Delta?

Dont know about Delta... but I beleive Gulf is just a rebrand of Chevron.  So.. stay away from them if you can.

What's left?
That site only has three safe gas stations. Of which, only two that I've seen.

Offline briann

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2008, 01:24:41 AM »
Oh by the way... there's good information on terror-free oil initiatives.. petitions.. and information on where to find a terror-free gas stations here:

We are partnered with them

good site.
I didn't know I've been supporting those smelly sheiks by buying from lukoil.

Anyone know about Gulf?
And Delta?

Dont know about Delta... but I beleive Gulf is just a rebrand of Chevron.  So.. stay away from them if you can.

What's left?
That site only has three safe gas stations. Of which, only two that I've seen.

Yes... for those of us who its just too impractical to follow this list... all we can do is limit gas consumption as much as possible.  That means pub trans... Hybrid cars... car pools... etc.

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Re: Question about Gas companies that dont use mideast oil
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2008, 04:10:57 AM »
Honestly we should all be going biodiesel or hybrid. What's worse, being seen as a hippie or handing over money hand over fist to Muslim Nazis?