What are your thoughts after talking to a bleeding heart liberal?
I just had enough with arguing with one over the Arab terrorists! G-d just go live with them already and eat marshmallows until you die!

Usually Great Victory. It seems the more I write here- the more intelligent I become, sounds nuts, and I know I am not smart- but there is something very spiritual, clear, and holy about this site, there is more info. than you can shake a stick at. I have been in lefty and moderate rooms in paltalk, and have used everything I learned here, to combat these leftists. I studied some of the muZlim- obamas votes- and really shocked the living daylights out of even far leftists. In Life when I am out- I tell people FLAT OUT- DONT VOTE B.H.M.Obama- and they get REALLY MAD and ask WHY, I tell them of his votes (like today I did, b/c I just submitted another audio to David to give to Chaim) and it is fresh in my mind. They get scared- b/c they dont even read about this slob, his 13th district, hamas, hezbollah, al aqsa- ETC..
~All they know- is: Yes We Can. Sometimes if they tell me: OH! I am voting obama- I just start singing Bob the builders 'Yes We Can'.. they smile, and say- You are voting B.H.Obama??- and I say
Hell NO-
WHY would I vote for some IDIOT that made his campaign slogan after Bob the builders "Yes We Can" They give me a look- and I just say- DANG! YOU HAVE BEEN HAD!

Leftists to me, are getting EASIER and easier to DEFEAT.
***~The iZlam issue in debate is getting better in paltalk- there is a lady that disguises herself as a muZ- and she even has an albanian sounding accent- she goes to the leftist rooms, and tells them what she is gonna do to them, for 'underestimating' muZlims- she tells the leftist people- "
We will kill you first" for just believing that they dont exist. She scares the living daylights out of people- then she comes into a conservative room as herself again- and she has those people LOL- she is totally 100% FOR America and 100% FOR Israel-

-Her chat name is: "juliet4hamas" -she is the MEANEST NASTIEST muZlim imitator I have EVER seen. She has this down PAT. My hats off to this crazy chatter. she cracks me up- she even had a room "
real muZlims will never vote for obama the apostate" She even has iZlamos thinking she is a "good muz" WHAT A CRACK UP! Her room is full of muz that arent voting obama, she proves he is a 'bad muz' bc he is really a 'christian' LOL!!!!! HAHAH! Brilliant! hahaha!***