On the liveleak video, someone seems to have said that Chaim calls for a stop to the military cooperation between Israel and the US. This is a separate issue from the 5 billion financial aid money. I DO NOT think that this program should be cut off, and I'd be surprised if Chaim called for that. Most rightwingers who I've seen call for an end to aid do not include the military program in this (but perhaps it could be only if US stopped building up arab militaries). I believe Chaim is just talking about the monetary aid, which is a one-way street (although Israel is then obligated to spend most of it on US goods). I haven't watched the video yet, but I will see what Chaim says. I would strongly disagree if he calls for an end to the military cooperation because that is not necessary to stop. It is a two-way street that both countries benefit from, in sharing military technology and intelligence. It's a partnership, not a welfare case. Israel was a major player in helping the US win the cold war against the Soviets. And the Israeli fronts against Arab terrorist groups certainly helped inform the US administration's planning for Iraq.
All in all, what I'm saying is that the military program is different from monetary aid, and it should not be stopped, IMO. But the US military buildup of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other Arab Muslim Nazi countries SHOULD STOP. And THAT is certainly a one-way street, with sandmonkeys contributing nothing to the US. I don't have a liveleak account but maybe I'll sign up and comment...