Grains are cereals and other seeds we cultivate. This damn leftist Govt confiscates 44% of our earnings.
If you have a non-righteous gouvernment, like in my country, you shouldn't tell your income to nobody! Only your wife should have all infos. If you have no wife tell it to nobody.
Plus You should have two books. One for you and one for the wicked bolschewists.
Direct confrontation is bad for us, because the majority of the people is jealous and evil. They want the gouvernment to tax you to death, so that they are able to receive aid money , subsidisings and welfare. So they support them.
Never drive a big car, never wear fancy clothes, never buy a great house etc.
So you can survive. Pitty hurts sometimes your pride, but jealousy will bring you in the best case behind bars and will kill you in the worst.