maybe we should have an Obama facts section..
so people can find this thread
I suggest moderating the thread carefully to ensure that people don't discuss things here, but only facts are posted. discussion moved or removed..
These would largely be posts already made about obama.. Just collected in one place
I will let Rubystars know about this thread.. she often posts facts about obama I think.
she could post a reference here too.
I will PM her so she has a link to it. But best thing .
Make it a sticky!!!!!! So everybody can find it.
Amend the subject so people know the thread is documentation about obama
you are welcome to edit or remove chunks of my post if you think they are not necessary or they are already done, like if you amend the subject
FACT from Mord 30th July 2008 rap singer obama's favorite releases song mocking white politicians
Ludacris, rapper and avid supporter of Barack Obama (Obama once claimed to have Ludacris in heavy rotation on his iPod) has released a new song called 'Politics: Obama Is Here' in which he attacks Hillary Clinton as an 'irrelevant Jezebel'.And attacks MC CAIN AS CRIPPLED as well as saying paint the white House black