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Offline nikmatdam

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risking banning to publish the truth...
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:41:36 PM »
From: nikmatdam <[email protected]>
Subject: proof positive that the vatican is absolutely evil... redux...
To: "nikmat dam" <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 7:12 PM

as per my warning earlier on today... here is the re-posting of what i put up here late last night... and i will keep re-posting it until you leave it up or ban me...

this is not just a rehashing of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by hitler's pope... pius XII... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed... nor of basic evil of the entire vatican infrastructure during the era of ww2... the truth of which is already so well known... (not!!)... no... this is an offering of an evidentiary nature on the recent actions of the vatican under john paul II during the 1990's in kosovo and bosnia... facts and truths which are still in the news today on the ground there in the balkans which effect us jews in the middle east as well today... just check out and the work of francisco gil-white who writes in an essay/article called... 

 The Serbs Were Not Oppressing the Kosovo Albanians... Quite the opposite
and here's the link to the piece in question... i want you to go to the appendix and read what the vatican under jp2 is responsible for doing over there which are exactly similar to things done there by pius12... during the holocaust... and here is what you are looking for... (see reply)... and please keep in mind that he himself is a catholic living in a catholic country... mexico... and still he finds the courage and strength to call to account his own religion and its leaders when the truth points to the veracity of such an indictment being legitimate and just...

all catholics at jtf should follow his brave example and find a way to look at this evidence objectively and dispassionately... as much as humanly possible... in order to ascertain the truth... and nothing but the truth...

and all jews here should as well not be afraid of the truth and shoiuld show some faith and conviction of our torah ideals to know and admit that judaism teaches that all other religions are idolatrous and are of false doctrine... and especially given the slaughter of our people historically under the roman empire and the catholic church for 2 millenia now... only the path of the ben noach is the acceptable way for gentiles to worship G-d thru His torah teaching them and commanding them their 7 universal laws of mankind...

we as jews of jtf have got to stand up and declare to the supposed righteous gentiles here that they have to move away from their false practices and ideology and embrace Hashem thru the torah and become "G-d fearers" once again like back in the 1st and 2nd centuries... when judaism was weeping the planet in the form of the 7 laws of noach for most of the gentiles coming in contact with judaism and a few true converts who entered the covenant fully... no one is trying here to get anyone to convert,,, however we should be weening as many non-jews as possible away from falksehood and evil incarnate such as the catholic church really is... as demonstrated clearly in this appendix to a much longer article on the torture of jews and serbs in the balkans during ww2 and in the 1990's until the present...

now... someone here asked me for proof that jp2 was a jew-hater... and so here it is... for if apope pushes for the beatificationof someone who persecuted jews he is agreeing with that action... and no matter what else the person did that was noble... if he burned jews at the stake or worked to help the nazis during and after the war then he is tainted and should not be so elevated... unless of course the whole point of this sanctification is DUE TO THE PERSON'S HATRED AND SLAUGHTER OF JEWS...

a case in point... when king juan carlos of spain went around the world in 1992 ahead of the barcelona olympic games apologizing to jewish communities for his country's inquisition and expulsion of jews 500 years ago back then... in 1492... which were carried out under the auspices of rome via their notorious and infamous murdering villan and high executionor... one tomas de torquemada... he didn't really mean it... he was just paying this lip-service to garner the goodwill of world jewry in order to keep his greedy little paws in the pie for a generous chunk of jerusalem which he claims he is the rightful king over... proof of his true ill-intentions are the summits since the madrid conference in '91 where he has hosted and feted arab leaders from around the globe to better unify the world in their efforts to destroy israel...

but further evidence of a ruse and of subterfuge is to be gleaned from the fact that in 1992 as carlos-baby took his little jaunt around the jewish world... john paul II was at the same exact moment very busy back in rome pushing for and accomplishing the beatification of none other than... kingt ferdinand and queen isabella who followed vatican law to banish all of their jewish subjects in that fateful year... 1492...

this clearly shows animus and malfeasance as we have just discussed above... so it matters not that jp2 recognized israel... went there and hosted all kinds of amer. and isr. leading rabbis... it was not all done to effect an historic rapprochement between the children of esav and yaakov... no indeed it was not... it was to further vatican aims to sink their sinister fangs and claws deep into the "flesh" of judaism and jerusalem... nik. over and out... (probably)...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 10:43:35 PM »
[...] At least have the decency not to harm jtf with this nonsense. Dont you realize you are offending our righteous gentile supporters? Cut the drek out.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 08:02:59 AM by Pheasant »
I am urinating on a Koran.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 10:46:39 PM »
You are really starting to [censored] me off Nik or Nick or how ever you spell your name
"Oh the catholic church created Islam and chose Muhammed I should know I read it in a book "

Good you can read you want a cookie
Why dont you post your hate on another site

 >:( >:( >:( >:(

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 10:47:41 PM »
APPENDIX -- Croatia, the Vatican, and the Krajina Serbs __________________________________________________________

When Hitler invaded Yugoslavia, he found much support among the Croatians, and particularly among the extensive Ustashe organization that had been plotting the destruction of Yugoslavia for years from their base in Italy. The Ustashe very quickly became the state in Croatia—a quisling state that sympathized deeply with the German Nazi occupation forces to the point where Ante Pavelic (the poglavnik or ‘leader’) personally requested to Hitler that Croatian men of arms be allowed to fight under German command in the Eastern front (Avramov 1995:259). This was in addition to the thousands of Croats already serving under German and Italian command. The Ustashe also obliged the German Nazis by conducting extensive pogroms of Jews and Gypsies. However, the mission in which they took a special delight was that of the extermination of the Serbs, whom they considered their special ‘enemy’. They established an extensive system of death camps and butchered a still unknown number of Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies, with a fanatical brutality that shocked even the German Nazis. Towards the end of World War II, many Croatian Ustashas fled and were assisted in their escape by the money they plundered from hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Roma that they had butchered. They were also assisted in their escape by the Vatican (Avramov 1995:243-244).

Helping spirit out the Ustashe murderers out of Croatia was by no means out of character for the Vatican, nor was it an innocent or well-meaning mistake. The Vatican had been supporting the Ustashe from the beginning with full knowledge of what they were and what they did, starting from the time when Ante Pavelic and his collaborators were training and preparing in fascist Italy, and also during the time of the creation and formation of the “Independent State of Croatia” (this is the name of the quisling state led by Pavelic under German occupation). “The first to congratulate Kvaternik on the proclamation of the Independent State of Croatia was Zagreb Archbishop Dr. Alojzije Stepinac, and when Pavelic arrived in Zagreb he again was the first to pay his respects and bestow upon him his ‘Christian blessing.’” (Avramov 1995:252). The Croatian Catholic clergy was deeply involved with the Croatian quisling state, even down to the details of running the astonishingly barbaric Ustashe death camps. “…priests, Franciscans in particular, had the leading part in the massacres of Orthodox Serbs. They approved of the forceful conversion of Orthodox Serbs, about which the Vatican was informed through the Eastern Church Congregation (…) Four days after the massacres in Glina, Ustasha Leader Ante Pavelic was received by Pope Pius XII at the Vatican, and the Independent State of Croatia was, de facto, recognized by the Holy See” (Bulajic 2002:33). The Vatican collaborated closely with the Croatian Ustashe despite appeals from within its ranks.

"A group of Slovenian Catholic priests, banished by the German Nazis into the Independent State of Croatia, were arrested by the Ustashas and sent to the Jasenovac Camp because they refused to serve a mass of thanksgiving (Te Deum) to Ustasha leader Ante Pavelic. Archbishop Stepinac was informed of the arrest of the group of Slovenian Catholic priests and of their dispatch to the Jasenovac death camp. The Zagreb Kaptol (seat of the Archbishop of Croatia) refused to discuss the matter, considering that all those opposed to Hitler and Pavelic, “who are fighting for the Cross”, were to be considered criminals.

One of the imprisoned Slovenian priests, Anton Rantasa, managed to escape the hell of Jasenovac. On 10 November 1942, he informed the Kaptol and the Apostolic Legate, Marconi, on the fate of his colleagues and on the crimes of genocide being perpetrated at Jasenovac. He was told to keep silent! His testimony, written in 1950, has been preserved."—Bulajic (2002:36-37)

The foregoing gives only the merest taste of the degree of involvement of the Croatian Catholic Church, and the Vatican, in these crimes. It remains here only to note that, even if the evidence of involvement at the time were not already so clear, the assistance that the Croatian Ustashe got from the Vatican in escaping the law, at the end of the war and afterwards, is evidence enough of complicity, for this assistance continued well after the crimes were known to the rest of the world, and therefore well after any claims of innocence on this matter could be credible by whatever measure.

"On May 4, 1945, [Pavelic] paid a farewell visit to the Zagreb archbishop in his residence at the Kaptol, delivering to his safekeeping crate upon crate of gold, jewelry and other valuables plundered from his victims; on May 5th he left Zagreb, together with some 500 Catholic clergy, headed by Archbishop Saric of Sarajevo. Pavelic first hid in the monastery of St. Gilgen outside Salzburg and then, disguised as a priest and under the assumed name of Father Gomez, he went to Rome and for a time stayed in a monastery there. Three years later he went to Argentina, traveling under a false passport issued to him in the name of Pablo de Aranios by a branch of the International Red Cross in Rome on July 5, 1948. After an abortive assassination attempt on his life, he left Argentina for Spain, again going to stay in a Franciscan monastery. All this was taking place at a time when the Ustasha crimes were no longer a secret to anyone, least of all the Vatican. Pavelic was on the list of war criminals, as undoubtedly one of the most monstrous figures of the twentieth century. He died in a German hospital in Madrid on December 26, 1954, after having received the last rites and the personal blessing of Pope Pius XII."—Avramov (1995:243-244)

The Ustasha mass murderers and their families who had escaped with the help of the Vatican were resident in various countries (including the United States) and spent the entire cold war plotting (once again) the destruction of Yugoslavia. Here is a partial list of their accomplishments during the Cold War (from Avramov 1995:246):

-           1967. Assassinations and bombs in the Yugoslav embassies of Washington DC, Ottawa, and at the Yugoslav consulates in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Toronto.

-           February 19, 1968. One killed and several wounded during an attempt to place a bomb in the Yugoslav Club in Paris.

-           March 4, 1968. A bomb exploded in front of the Yugoslav Consulate General in Graz (Austria).

-           August 10, 1968. A bomb detonated in front of the Yugoslav mission to the United Nations.

-           1969. A bomb went off in Sidney on June 8th; the Yugoslav embassy at Canberra was bombed; on May 8th a bomb exploded in front of the Yugoslav ambassador’s residence in Brussels; on June 30th the military mission at Berlin was attacked, and the head of the mission was seriously wounded; and on August 21 another bomb exploded in front of the Yugoslav consulate in Melbourne.

-          January 31, 1971. A large cache of Ustasha weapons was discovered at 334 Heide Street in Frankfurt.

-          February 10, 1971. Croatian terrorists occupied the Yugoslav consulate in Göteborg in Sweden and held the employees there hostage.

-          April 25th, 1971. A bomb was thrown at the Yugoslav Consulate General in Milan.

-          April 7, 1971. The Ustashas Miroslav Barisi, Andelko Brajkovic, Ante Stojanov, Stanislav Milicevic, and Marinko Lero murdered the Yugoslav ambassador Vladimir Rolovic in Stockholm.

-          September 25th, 1971. Ustasha Tomislav Tebrina made an assassination attempt against the president of the Club for Yugoslavs in Stockholm. A year later, a group of Ustashas hijacked a Swedish airplane with 86 passengers aboard, demanding that the murderers of Ambassador Rolovic be set free.

-          November 22, 1972. A bomb went off in front of the Adriatic Travel Agency in Sidney.

-          January 26, 1972. An airplane flying from Stockholm to Belgrade exploded over Czechoslovakia, and 27 passengers and crew members died. Three days later, a bomb completely wrecked the Yugotours office at Stockholm. On the same day, a bomb exploded in the Vienna-Zagreb express train, wounding six.

-          Spring, 1972. 19 Ustasha terrorists (trained in Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany), led by Ambroz Andric, entered Yugoslavia clandestinely and tried to organize an uprising in Bosnia. All 19 belonged to the Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood, which had been formed in Australia and was headed by Srecko Rover (there were ten terrorist training camps located in Australia). Fifteen terrorists were killed in a shoot-out with Yugoslav regular police forces, and the uprising proved abortive.

-          July 15th, 1972. A bomb exploded at the entrance to the Yugoslav consulate in Munich; a subsequent attempt to free the arrested terrorists was foiled by German police. However, on September 15th, three terrorists successfully hijacked a Swedish airplane and forced the Swedish authorities to free the murderers of Ambassador Rolovic in return for the plane.

-          Autumn, 1974. A group of Ustasha terrorists, led by Zelimir Mesterovic, infiltrated Yugoslavia and began a series of subversive actions. Two of them were killed in an encounter with the police on October 29th; one policeman was killed and another one seriously wounded. This group maintained ties with the Black International and attended the congress of Catholic organizations held in Lyon on December 28 and 29 of that same year. The same group claimed responsibility for the assassination of Mladen Dokovic, consul in Lyon in February 1974.

-          1975. From this point onwards, tactics changed and the principal activities were transferred to Yugoslavia, and the various organizations eventually coalesced into the coalition known as Hrvatsko Narodno Vijece (HNV), whose headquarters were established in the United States, with branches in Croatian towns. An important component of their strategy to dismember Yugoslavia, from this point onwards, became to give assistance to the ultranationalist Shqiptar (Kosovo Albanian) separatists in Kosovo.

The question that must come to many people’s minds, concerning the Vatican’s support for these people, is why? Why would the Vatican associate itself with a policy of extermination and forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs, Jews, and Roma? Why would it help spirit out the Ustashe monsters far from the reach of justice, enabling them to continue a campaign of terrorism against Yugoslavia from the Diaspora? The answer is that

"[Ante] Pavelic was an exponent of the Vatican and two popes, Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII, who were committed to confessionalism, to a policy which was based on theological traditionalism—“Roma eterna” and Roman Catholicism as the only true faith. It is true that this policy was crushed in the Thirty Years’ War, but the Vatican never renounced it in its policy toward the Orthodox world. It was pursued systematically, and Vatican diplomacy was engaged on several parallel fronts. In essence it was the ideological opponent of communism, but it supported communism wherever such a line meant the destruction of Orthodoxy, and this was true of the countries of Eastern Europe.

The Vatican made every possible effort to save the Ustashas, so that at a given moment it could skillfully use them in the anti-communist movement of the West, again heaping all the odium on the Serbs and Serbia. This explains why Ustasha war criminals received a different treatment in the West from that meted out to Nazi war criminals, and this explains why the genocide of the Serbs was hushed up. Under the aureole of “papal infallibility,” with clerical discipline and assistance from the highly sophisticated Vatican propaganda machine, the Ustasha movement survived the death of its own state. Under the patronage of the Western democracies, the Ustashas consolidated their ranks and began their campaign to destroy Yugoslavia, this time the communist “AVNOJ” Yugoslavia."—Avramov (1995:244)

In Hitler's pope: The secret history of Pius XII (1999), John Cornwell has meticulously documented the involvement of the former pontiff with the Nazi powers and in the Holocaust. Cornwell’s book is all the more remarkable for the fact that the work is based on painstaking research in the Vatican secret archives and other previously unmined sources, and for the fact that he is a Catholic. Moreover, he began his research in an attempt to exonerate Eugenio Pacelli, also known as Pius XII, of what he initially believed to be unfair accusations.

"When journalist John Cornwell began his examination of certain secret Vatican records, he believed he would find evidence to vindicate the controversial papacy of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, pope during World War II.

In fact, Cornwell's very access to the archives depended on the assurances he gave Vatican scholars about the viewpoint of his work."[18] [my emphasis]

But the data leads where it will and because it convicts Pacelli it changed Cornwell’s mind. The following summary of Cornwell’s findings is by Frank Mclynn, writing in the Glasgow Herald[19]:

"As Pius XI's Secretary of State he [Pacelli] suppressed the powerful Catholic opposition to Hitler in Germany, which might well have led to Hitler's defeat, just as it had led to Bismark's in the Kulturkampf of the 1870s. Pacelli backed the Nazis to the hilt throughout the 1930s, even going behind Pius XI's back to do so. As Pope from 1939 onwards he supported Germany's annexation of Poland and overrunning of France and Belgium in 1940. He backed the vile fascist regime of Ante Pavelic and Ustashe in Croatia and connived at the anti-Serbian pogroms there. He did not protest when the Nazis in 1943 transported thousands of Italian Jews from Rome, under the very walls of the Vatican, to death camps in Poland. He did not protest when German bombers razed London and Coventry, but did so when Allied bombers appeared over the Eternal City. He was an anti-communist zealot throughout his life, thought Franco's Spain the most perfect society on earth, and despised democracy and the parliamentary system. His apologists, defenders of the indefensible, have tried to palliate, extenuate, or explain away his guilt over the Holocaust. Their arguments vary from the (documentarily falsifiable) claim that he did not know what was going on in Germany to the barefaced Cold War argument that to help in discomfiting Hitler was to aid the Soviet Union. Cornwell's meticulous research blows away all this nonsense. How can anyone seriously claim that the following mealy-mouthed formula, part of Pacelli's Christmas 1942 broadcast, amounts to a condemnation of the Final Solution? After pleading for a vow to be made by men of good will to bring society back to its "immovable centre of gravity in divine law" (whatever that means), Pacelli continued: "Humanity owes this vow to those hundreds of thousands who, without any fault of their own, sometimes only by reason of their nationality or race, are marked down for death or gradual extinction." No mention of Nazis or Jews here, millions are reduced to "hundreds of thousands," and systematic extermination becomes "sometimes". And this was actually Pacelli's strongest statement ever on the Holocaust!"
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 10:48:27 PM »
That's it, Nik!  I'm calling your psychiatrist this instant!!! You have stopped taking your's time for you to be comitted!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 10:48:45 PM »
Oh look nik knows how to copy and paste

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 10:49:00 PM »

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2008, 10:41:07 AM »
From: nikmatdam <[email protected]>
Subject: proof positive that the vatican is absolutely evil... redux...
To: "nikmat dam" <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 7:12 PM

as per my warning earlier on today... here is the re-posting of what i put up here late last night... and i will keep re-posting it until you leave it up or ban me...

this is not just a rehashing of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by hitler's pope... pius XII... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed... nor of basic evil of the entire vatican infrastructure during the era of ww2... the truth of which is already so well known... (not!!)... no... this is an offering of an evidentiary nature on the recent actions of the vatican under john paul II during the 1990's in kosovo and bosnia... facts and truths which are still in the news today on the ground there in the balkans which effect us jews in the middle east as well today... just check out and the work of francisco gil-white who writes in an essay/article called... 

 The Serbs Were Not Oppressing the Kosovo Albanians... Quite the opposite
and here's the link to the piece in question... i want you to go to the appendix and read what the vatican under jp2 is responsible for doing over there which are exactly similar to things done there by pius12... during the holocaust... and here is what you are looking for... (see reply)... and please keep in mind that he himself is a catholic living in a catholic country... mexico... and still he finds the courage and strength to call to account his own religion and its leaders when the truth points to the veracity of such an indictment being legitimate and just...

all catholics at jtf should follow his brave example and find a way to look at this evidence objectively and dispassionately... as much as humanly possible... in order to ascertain the truth... and nothing but the truth...

and all jews here should as well not be afraid of the truth and shoiuld show some faith and conviction of our torah ideals to know and admit that judaism teaches that all other religions are idolatrous and are of false doctrine... and especially given the slaughter of our people historically under the roman empire and the catholic church for 2 millenia now... only the path of the ben noach is the acceptable way for gentiles to worship G-d thru His torah teaching them and commanding them their 7 universal laws of mankind...

we as jews of jtf have got to stand up and declare to the supposed righteous gentiles here that they have to move away from their false practices and ideology and embrace Hashem thru the torah and become "G-d fearers" once again like back in the 1st and 2nd centuries... when judaism was weeping the planet in the form of the 7 laws of noach for most of the gentiles coming in contact with judaism and a few true converts who entered the covenant fully... no one is trying here to get anyone to convert,,, however we should be weening as many non-jews as possible away from falksehood and evil incarnate such as the catholic church really is... as demonstrated clearly in this appendix to a much longer article on the torture of jews and serbs in the balkans during ww2 and in the 1990's until the present...

now... someone here asked me for proof that jp2 was a jew-hater... and so here it is... for if apope pushes for the beatificationof someone who persecuted jews he is agreeing with that action... and no matter what else the person did that was noble... if he burned jews at the stake or worked to help the nazis during and after the war then he is tainted and should not be so elevated... unless of course the whole point of this sanctification is DUE TO THE PERSON'S HATRED AND SLAUGHTER OF JEWS...

a case in point... when king juan carlos of spain went around the world in 1992 ahead of the barcelona olympic games apologizing to jewish communities for his country's inquisition and expulsion of jews 500 years ago back then... in 1492... which were carried out under the auspices of rome via their notorious and infamous murdering villan and high executionor... one tomas de torquemada... he didn't really mean it... he was just paying this lip-service to garner the goodwill of world jewry in order to keep his greedy little paws in the pie for a generous chunk of jerusalem which he claims he is the rightful king over... proof of his true ill-intentions are the summits since the madrid conference in '91 where he has hosted and feted arab leaders from around the globe to better unify the world in their efforts to destroy israel...

but further evidence of a ruse and of subterfuge is to be gleaned from the fact that in 1992 as carlos-baby took his little jaunt around the jewish world... john paul II was at the same exact moment very busy back in rome pushing for and accomplishing the beatification of none other than... kingt ferdinand and queen isabella who followed vatican law to banish all of their jewish subjects in that fateful year... 1492...

this clearly shows animus and malfeasance as we have just discussed above... so it matters not that jp2 recognized israel... went there and hosted all kinds of amer. and isr. leading rabbis... it was not all done to effect an historic rapprochement between the children of esav and yaakov... no indeed it was not... it was to further vatican aims to sink their sinister fangs and claws deep into the "flesh" of judaism and jerusalem... nik. over and out... (probably)...

  THIS is IT in a nutshell- I have been up much of the night reading this- and there is a SINGLE MOST VALID point re: this 'conspiracy' which is not a 'conspiracy'.   
  In Debate- on forums all over- each person from each side (what have you)  discerning the "right from the wrong" ~There ARE "good and bad", in ALL religions." If you are a person that believes in your religion, you MUST accept the Good- WITH the BAD, show the good points with the bad- WE ARE ADULTS. If Jews KNOW who THIER BAD is among them (which they DO here, AND point ot out, like EVERYDAY) then all people of all faiths need to take into consideration that there IS bad in ALL religions. PERIOD. I further conclude that IF you did NOT read ALL of these doc's, then this is UNFAIR. Born Agains- they came out during that Tammy Baker, and Jimmy Swaggert situation, and FLAT OUT- they CONDEMNED IT.
If you cannot read ALL of this, because of lifes busy-ness, then CONSIDER this:

Nik: and please keep in mind that he himself is a catholic living in a catholic country... mexico... and still he finds the courage and strength to call to account his own religion and its leaders when the truth points to the veracity of such an indictment being legitimate and just...

all catholics at jtf should follow his brave example and find a way to look at this evidence objectively and dispassionately... as much as humanly possible... in order to ascertain the truth... and nothing but the truth...
  ^Above is what Nik is asking, and for this I totally Agree.   
He is NOT bashing Catholics here.
He is bringing up a brave example of a man that refuses to cow-tow to the status quo. Do people REALISE HOW MUCH it pains Jews to see these far-left traitors, that are TOTALLY AGAINST HaShem?  IT PAINS NO END- Especially since THEY ARE THE MAJORITY. :'(

I do not see where Nik bashed any one person, but the faultiness of a 'part' of the religion. So- asking for a 'ban' is absolutely ridiculous.
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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2008, 11:11:11 AM »
Paulette - I usually agree with you but Nik is beating a dead horse.  The Vatican/Catholics are responsible for all the evilness in the world.  :D  I think Nik can't see the forest through the trees.  He could post the same thing a million times.  No one can make me read it more then once. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2008, 11:11:35 AM »
Nik, can you advise me if the Catholics have the Ark hidden away in basement under the Vatican?
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2008, 11:16:10 AM »
Nik, was Rabbi Kahane a Jesuit also?

How about the Lubavitcher Rebbi?

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2008, 11:23:25 AM »
to go as far and say that the catholic church was involved in creating Islam...just to annoy the teeny tiny jews...come on...if that's not anti-catholic then i don't know what is..

Paulette, you are correct...every nation every people every religion has evil in it and it is up to us as Jews to rebuke fellow Jews who mis-state facts or are truely self hating and evil.

Catholics should do the same wtih the vatican when they do wrong...and if they didn't then they woudl be an accessory for wrongdoing.

and the list goes on...Islamics, Buddhists, Americans, Canadians, Antarcticans, Eskimoes...Aborigines...etc...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 11:31:22 AM »
Nik, can you advise me if the Catholics have the Ark hidden away in basement under the Vatican?

They do... its hidden with the crustal skulls and the holy grail.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2008, 11:32:00 AM »
Is it groundhogs day??

Offline Scriabin

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2008, 11:34:34 AM »

Eskimos are Jesuit missionaries

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2008, 11:36:56 AM »
Nik, can you advise me if the Catholics have the Ark hidden away in basement under the Vatican?

They do... its hidden with the crustal skulls and the holy grail.

Along with the coconuts that the European and African Swallows carried...and the answer to the velocity of their wings flapping to carry it together...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2008, 11:49:15 AM »
Nik, can you advise me if the Catholics have the Ark hidden away in basement under the Vatican?

They do... its hidden with the crustal skulls and the holy grail.

Along with the coconuts that the European and African Swallows carried...and the answer to the velocity of their wings flapping to carry it together...

Be careful of the rabbit that guards the inner-sanctum.  He's the real Pope!

Offline eb22

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2008, 12:03:06 PM »
      The following relates to this thread and many other related recent threads:

      The other day,     I was listening to the December 5, 2007 edition of "  Ask JTF".     It can be found at the following link:

     2007-12-05, show c   

     At around the 44 minute point of the program,  a former JTF member asked Chaim whether the Jews should get 75 % of the Vatican assets because of what has occurred in the past.    Chaim's answer is well worth listening too.     I highly recommend this part of that program.  Chaim demonstrated again why he's an excellent leader,  who wants the best for righteous people.     
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2008, 12:04:42 PM »
Nik, can you advise me if the Catholics have the Ark hidden away in basement under the Vatican?

They do... its hidden with the crustal skulls and the holy grail.

Along with the coconuts that the European and African Swallows carried...and the answer to the velocity of their wings flapping to carry it together...

Be careful of the rabbit that guards the inner-sanctum.  He's the real Pope!

South Park is a hilarious show :)

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2008, 12:10:18 PM »
At around the 44 minute point of the program,  a former JTF member asked Chaim whether the Jews should get 75 % of the Vatican assets because of what has occurred in the past.    Chaim's answer is well worth listening too.     I highly recommend this part of that program.  Chaim demonstrated again why he's an excellent leader,  who wants the best for righteous people.     
That person was/is a Jew-hating, white supremacist troll whose sole purpose for being here was to bash Christians at every step and stage and call nonwhites/indigenous people "monsters" and various other such things. Not that the majority of nonwhites don't happen to fit that description, but I think you know what was objectionable.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2008, 12:15:03 PM »
At around the 44 minute point of the program,  a former JTF member asked Chaim whether the Jews should get 75 % of the Vatican assets because of what has occurred in the past.    Chaim's answer is well worth listening too.     I highly recommend this part of that program.  Chaim demonstrated again why he's an excellent leader,  who wants the best for righteous people.     
That person was/is a Jew-hating, white supremacist troll whose sole purpose for being here was to bash Christians at every step and stage and call nonwhites/indigenous people "monsters" and various other such things. Not that the majority of nonwhites don't happen to fit that description, but I think you know what was objectionable.

      What impressed me was how Chaim responded to that individual.     Focusing on that there are a multitude of righteous Catholics in the United States,   who have so much in common with what JTF is trying to accomplish.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2008, 12:21:22 PM »
Yes, you are absolutely right, but it still gets me that in some 10,000 posts that that creature made, nobody once here thought there was anything wrong with or fishy about him. As I recall, he was not warned even once. A lot of admins were asleep at the switch for a long time. Let us hope we never tolerate trolls for so long again.

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2008, 12:21:47 PM »
all catholics at jtf should follow his brave example and find a way to look at this evidence objectively and dispassionately... as much as humanly possible... in order to ascertain the truth... and nothing but the truth...

It's been my opinion that any large organization, be it a church, a corporation, a club, etc. is subject to corruption. The good people within these large organizations should have the courage to be whistle blowers, to expose the corruption where it exists.

and all jews here should as well not be afraid of the truth and shoiuld show some faith and conviction of our torah ideals to know and admit that judaism teaches that all other religions are idolatrous and are of false doctrine... and especially given the slaughter of our people historically under the roman empire and the catholic church for 2 millenia now... only the path of the ben noach is the acceptable way for gentiles to worship G-d thru His torah teaching them and commanding them their 7 universal laws of mankind...

What about the "Righteous Gentiles" who weren't Noahides that hid Jews at the risk of their own lives during the Shoah? Do you believe they have a place in the next world? What about those who, despite not being Noahides, are righteous at heart and would do the same thing if the circumstances were the same? I don't think we can really say certainly who would and who wouldn't without such circumstances being there again though (G-d forbid). On another level, what about people who truly do support the nation of Israel being a Jewish nation, without selfish reasons for it? What if someone is truly a friend to the Jews? Will Hashem not take that into account? I'm not offended at all, by the way. Many people I've been on friendly terms with have held beliefs similar to yours, so I don't mind if you have a very strong position on this.

we as jews of jtf have got to stand up and declare to the supposed righteous gentiles here that they have to move away from their false practices and ideology and embrace Hashem thru the torah and become "G-d fearers" once again like back in the 1st and 2nd centuries... when judaism was weeping the planet in the form of the 7 laws of noach for most of the gentiles coming in contact with judaism and a few true converts who entered the covenant fully... no one is trying here to get anyone to convert,,, however we should be weening as many non-jews as possible away from falksehood and evil incarnate such as the catholic church really is... as demonstrated clearly in this appendix to a much longer article on the torture of jews and serbs in the balkans during ww2 and in the 1990's until the present...

Chaim himself has said that being a Noahide is the ideal state for a Gentile according to Judaism. I think us non-Noahides here understand the Jewish position on that kind of thing. Yet, we want to help anyway. When JW missionaries come to my door, I gently turn them away, because I'm not interested in their religion. I know enough about it to know it's not what I want to follow. The same thing applies to Noahidism. I know what it is, and I'm not interested in following it. I'm content with the religion of my choice. I know that Judaism does say you should encourage Gentiles to be Noahides, but if it goes beyond encouragement into shoving it down people's throats, then many people may become annoyed and not want to help as much as they did before.

but further evidence of a ruse and of subterfuge is to be gleaned from the fact that in 1992 as carlos-baby took his little jaunt around the jewish world... john paul II was at the same exact moment very busy back in rome pushing for and accomplishing the beatification of none other than... kingt ferdinand and queen isabella who followed vatican law to banish all of their jewish subjects in that fateful year... 1492...

this clearly shows animus and malfeasance as we have just discussed above... so it matters not that jp2 recognized israel... went there and hosted all kinds of amer. and isr. leading rabbis... it was not all done to effect an historic rapprochement between the children of esav and yaakov... no indeed it was not... it was to further vatican aims to sink their sinister fangs and claws deep into the "flesh" of judaism and jerusalem... nik. over and out... (probably)...

Obviously the two had different opinions about that couple. How do you know that Juan Carlos wasn't sincere, just because of what the Pope was doing?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 12:24:18 PM by Rubystars »

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2008, 12:26:49 PM »
You know Harav,zecher tzadik livracha, Meir Kahane stated that the Vatican is not to be blamed for the Holocaust because the Vatican did what you would expect, which is to look out for its own interests by being quiet and protect Catholics.

Meir Kahane stated the real blame lay with the Self-hating Jewish community that was silent for fear of what the goys would think if they spoke up and asked the Allied countries to bomb the railways to the gas chambers.

At the end of the day the future of the Jews is controlled by the JEWS!!!

The Vatican, the Muslims, Nazis, Eskimos etc.... can do what they want, but if the Jews turn towards Hashem's Mitzvahs then nothing will threaten them!

So instead of making the Vatican the boogeyman of all the evils that falls upon on the Jews, we should realize the Jews are in control of their destiny, and it is up to them and US here at JTF to wake them up to their faith!!

So stay calm, learn Hebrew, and get to Eretz Israel as fast as possible!
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides

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Re: risking banning to publish the truth...
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2008, 12:27:35 PM »
Chaim himself has said that being a Noahide is the ideal state for a Gentile according to Judaism. I think us non-Noahides here understand the Jewish position on that kind of thing. Yet, we want to help anyway. When Hashem's Witness missionaries come to my door, I gently turn them away, because I'm not interested in their religion. I know enough about it to know it's not what I want to follow. The same thing applies to Noahidism. I know what it is, and I'm not interested in following it. I'm content with the religion of my choice. I know that Judaism does say you should encourage Gentiles to be Noahides, but if it goes beyond encouragement into shoving it down people's throats, then many people may become annoyed and not want to help as much as they did before.
Good responses Rubystars, and that (the above) is one of the things that I love about Chaim. He is able to get his points across and accurately state what Judaism believes on tough topics without any hesitation, and still do it in a friendly way. But this is a genuinely interesting topic. Strictly speaking, wouldn't a devout Christian also be a Noahide by default, if you use the strict definition (somebody who goes by the Seven Laws of Noah)? Also, what is the difference between being a Noahide and actually converting to Judaism? Don't Noahides practice some of Torah, albeit in a less formal way?