Author Topic: Response to Judeanoncapta's Ask JTF Question  (Read 811 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Response to Judeanoncapta's Ask JTF Question
« on: July 14, 2008, 12:48:42 PM »
Dear Chaim, since I wrote my question, an arab contruction worker used his bulldozer to flip over buses and cars killing many and injuring many more. This was done at the bus stop where I get off at twice a day.

In the newspaper, they quoted a businessman saying that despite the fact that the Arab workers occasionally kill people, the Israeli economy couldn't survive without arab labor. I think Israel should be willing to take a drop in living standards in order to protect the lives of it's people. What do you think?

I know Chaim already responded, but I saw your question and just had to pipe in. What that businessman (who sounds like a kapo sellout for sure) says is a complete lie in too many ways to list. In addition to the obvious ways (routine terrorism depresses the Israeli economy because it makes citizens scared to leave their homes, forces massive amounts of security spending, and discourages tourism), Arab laborers are a drain on the Israeli economy because of the vast amounts of welfare spending that is needed to sustain them and their huge families (since they cannot afford to feed all of those sand babies they crap out, the Israeli taxpayer completely foots the bill for their food, education, and healthcare). None of the Arab territories within Israel could survive without massive Israeli subsidization, and Chaim has pointed out many times that one of the first steps a Kahanist government would take would be to help the Muslim Nazis become "independent" by cutting off their free electricity, water, food, etc.

However, Arab laborers are also a drain on the economy because they are causing Jews (particularly less-skilled and educated Sfardim and Mizrachim from the territories and east Jerusalem) to not be hired. Unfortunately, kapo Israeli employers always prefer to hire Muslim Nazis because they are cheaper and there is an infinite labor pool of them. They don't care that the quality of their "work" is woefully lower than that that a fellow Jewish laborer would provide. As you already know, there is a whole lot of Jewish poverty in Israel, and the government's only answer to this is more socialism. It seems to me that there should be a law in the Jewish State that Jews must be hired.
