Sorry, but Jews should not and cannot refer to other nations as "family". This is not an insult to anyone else, but we are not family, nor are we brothers. You wanna call allies, okay, people working together for a common goal, okay, but never should Jews get the impresion of family, and brothers.
Sorry Tanach disagrees with you, dude. The whole purpose of Judaism is to be a light and example to all of the nations.
Not that it matters. It's not like I regard your opinions any more highly than Barack Hussein Obama's anyway.
No Tannach clearly states for their to be Havdalah. In fact this week's parsha is what the theme is all about, how Jews should not get to close to other nations, and the bitter consequences of that. And light unto nations is not an argument, no one is talking about light unto nations, infact Rabbi Kahane and Hazal taught the exact opposite, only through Havdalah will we be a light unto the nations (he wrote a whole chapter in Ore Harayon on Havdalah).
Even noahides we do not call our brothers, their is a different level in Ger Toshav, but that is another discussion. And just because someone is not our brother it does not mean that they should necessarily be disrespected, or whatever, BUT no Jew should fall into the trapp of being too close to other nations and getting this false impression of "One World One unity".