here- and I am NOT NOT NOT going to change:
As long as we live in AMERICA and its is not a muZlim nation.........yet............religions are open to be criticized. People SHOULD be able to do this, without a threat of going into exile. Personally, I dont like ANY religion. I believe 100% in Torah/Tanach and I LIKE the N.T. Torah, in my opinion is FREEDOM. Gd IS Gd. He is NOT in a box. I dont expect people to 'like' what I like- but DONT TRY TO CHANGE ME. I LIKE the way Gd has made me, and a few others in my life do too. If the rest dont like it------Get a quarter, and call someone who gives a dam.
*I realize this 'offends' people here. It is NOT meant to offend YOU. As long as I live, I WILL live FREE. Period. And the more people try to shove their beliefs on me, the MORE I will become indignant, to the point where anything you would say, will be a non-factor. David and I both, have had forceful people in our lives, we are BOTH on the same EXACT page, which is WHY we adore each-other. It is NOT easy to have very forceful people in ones life, it turns people AWAY, far away.This is why I detest forceful indoctrinating type people. TO THE MAX.