Dear Nik,
I am relatively new here and maybe I am out of place for making this suggestion. I have read the words you have written and although I dont fully believe it all, I really believe you think this is important.
I too want to wake up people to the threat which is rising against us. But the way to accomplish your goals is to not be so forceful in your presentation. I am one who believes that there is no entity which Hashem created which is completely 100% evil. We believe that everything is created in this world by Hashem for a purpose.
I am concerned with your feelings and your outlook on life. I have been banned from some groups because they didnt agree with my opinions. It is a fact of life that everyone will not always agree with you. It is great the Chaim and the group here are working so hard to allow us to have a voice.
It is a good idea to start your own blog. They are cheap {free}. I have set up a blog because I was banned from LittleGreenFootballs. I believe I was banned because I didn't echo the blog owners ideas about how the world is just a random event in the universe. LGF is against the idea of Creationism {which I dont really understand} and as a result I was disparaged whenever I suggested that Hashems hand was involved in creation.
I hope that you feel better soon...