Author Topic: Ebonics.  (Read 2090 times)

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Offline P J C

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« on: July 16, 2008, 03:22:34 PM »
Yo wazzup leroy. Im in da house ma [censored]. Wat u say [censored]. U say "speak" shiyut ma [censored] yous be usin sum big mutha ****** words. Shiyut, I couldnt split ma crim down in new orleans cuz Iz aint able to unnastand that whitey mutha ****** wetha brotha. Iz gos rob shiyut instaed.

DO YOU WANT YOUR KIDS attending school were they hand out tests in Ebonics, exams. Black leaders are fighting for Ebonics in Schools
“She be walking.” Suppose this is written on a student’s paper; what should be done to correct it? Many black Americans, especially those from inner cities, speak using a language that Standard American English speakers tend to label ‘slang’. Literally ebony phonics, or ebonics, is Black English which is a mixture of African languages and standard English. A recent and extremely controversial issue among educators in the United States is whether or not ebonics should be brought into schools as a separate language. The purpose of incorporating ebonics into the curriculum is to give Black English speakers equal opportunity to excel in school because, as of now, the performance of these children continues to lag behind that of whites. Those who have studied education find it hard to comprehend that anything positive would come out of bringing ebonics into the classroom; in fact, the following will prove it to have a negative outcome. Poor performance of Black English speakers in schools, divisions between races, and lack of ability to communicate are just a few of the negative aspects of ebonics.

The first and most obvious problem is the performance of Black English speakers as opposed to that of Standard American English speakers in school. Ebonics whose origins can be traced back to the time of slavery, is a dialect made up of an African structure/grammar. The morphology and phonology of ebonics causes many African-American children to have reading problems. Ebonics is not just a dialect of English, it is a whole different speech, a separate formal language (Winters, 1). African-American students make up 53% of the student district in Oakland, California, and 71% of those enrolled in special education. The average grade of black students in this particular district is D+ (Sawicky, 24). When it comes to Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, the average score of Black students is 274 on reading, and 206 on writing, which are considered only basic level. While students, on average, scored 295 on reading, and 225 on writing which ranges from intermediate to adept level. The racial gap in standardized test scores is so wide and the rate at which the gap is closing is so small that Blacks will not catch up to Whites until the middle or latter part of the next century (Cross, 49).

The federal government does not seem to believe that ebonics has value in the schools. The Oakland School Board was turned down for any funding to be used for ebonics in December, 1996. U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley argues, “Elevating ebonics to the status of a language is not the best way to raise standards of achievement in our schools and for our students.” Many educators and officials feel the same way as Riley, for example, the Clinton Administration policy is that ebonics is a “nonstandard form of English and not a foreign language” (Sawicky, 25). Incoming Oakland School Board Chair, Jean Quan, explains, “We recognize the reality that our kids are coming into school with language that isn’t standard English, transitional steps are needed, and we’re trying to be culturally sensitive” (Sawicky, 25).

Up until now, teachers simply corrected Black English as incorrect grammar, but the problem may lie with insufficient teacher instruction. African-American students fall behind because the language they use at home and on the streets is different from the standard English that is used in class. Perhaps if teachers have a better understanding of Black English, they will be able to do a better job of teaching standard English (Sawicky, 25). The more educated teachers are, the more supportive they can be to their students in need o help rather than coming across as critical.

Poor performance of Black English speakers is not the only disadvantage of ebonics, it also promotes the increasing division between the races. Alicia Banks is a columnist from Oakland, California, who views ebonics as more of a racial issue than and educational issue. She argues that “everything African is VERY black and VERY bad” and that Black English is not being rejected for its differences, but rather for its blackness (Banks, 2). She continues by saying, “ebonics can not possibly increase segregation because we are already more segregated than ever before” (2). Educators need to enforce unity, not segregation. Black English is a separate dialect and as such deserves respect, but it is not standard, and should not be brought into the schools. All children should be taught to speak Standard American English so that they will fully be able to understand one another.

The importance of children being able to communicate and being able to understand each other brings us to a third negative effect of ebonics. If all children do not learn Standard American English, United States high school graduates will not have the same opportunities when they move into the real world. Black English speakers will sound uneducated and therefore will miss many opportunities such as getting a good job, simply because no one will understand them.

In reality, Standard English dominates in practically every arena of American society, and without mastering this language, one will not get very far. Trained educators find it difficult to see the benefits that ebonics will bring to students. It is vital for teachers to be educated in Black English because they will better be able to understand and correct their students. Not only is it vital for teachers to enforce Standard American English, but parents also must be educated so they too can enforce it in the home. If children are not properly equipped with the knowledge of standard American English, they will be at a severe disadvantage compared to students who are. The more children are surrounded with Standard American English, the more they will use and understand it, and performance in schools will greatly increase.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline P J C

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 03:24:33 PM »
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline Dan

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 03:36:30 PM »
....'wacha talkin' bout Willis?!'

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 03:47:25 PM »
Yo wazzup leroy. Im in da house ma schvartza. Wat u say schvartza. U say "speak" shiyut ma schvartza yous be usin sum big mutha ****** words. Shiyut, I couldnt split ma crim down in new orleans cuz Iz aint able to unnastand that whitey mutha ****** wetha brotha. Iz gos rob shiyut instaed.

DO YOU WANT YOUR KIDS attending school were they hand out tests in Ebonics, exams. Black leaders are fighting for Ebonics in Schools
“She be walking.” Suppose this is written on a student’s paper; what should be done to correct it? Many black Americans, especially those from inner cities, speak using a language that Standard American English speakers tend to label ‘slang’. Literally ebony phonics, or ebonics, is Black English which is a mixture of African languages and standard English. A recent and extremely controversial issue among educators in the United States is whether or not ebonics should be brought into schools as a separate language. The purpose of incorporating ebonics into the curriculum is to give Black English speakers equal opportunity to excel in school because, as of now, the performance of these children continues to lag behind that of whites. Those who have studied education find it hard to comprehend that anything positive would come out of bringing ebonics into the classroom; in fact, the following will prove it to have a negative outcome. Poor performance of Black English speakers in schools, divisions between races, and lack of ability to communicate are just a few of the negative aspects of ebonics.

The first and most obvious problem is the performance of Black English speakers as opposed to that of Standard American English speakers in school. Ebonics whose origins can be traced back to the time of slavery, is a dialect made up of an African structure/grammar. The morphology and phonology of ebonics causes many African-American children to have reading problems. Ebonics is not just a dialect of English, it is a whole different speech, a separate formal language (Winters, 1). African-American students make up 53% of the student district in Oakland, California, and 71% of those enrolled in special education. The average grade of black students in this particular district is D+ (Sawicky, 24). When it comes to Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, the average score of Black students is 274 on reading, and 206 on writing, which are considered only basic level. While students, on average, scored 295 on reading, and 225 on writing which ranges from intermediate to adept level. The racial gap in standardized test scores is so wide and the rate at which the gap is closing is so small that Blacks will not catch up to Whites until the middle or latter part of the next century (Cross, 49).

The federal government does not seem to believe that ebonics has value in the schools. The Oakland School Board was turned down for any funding to be used for ebonics in December, 1996. U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley argues, “Elevating ebonics to the status of a language is not the best way to raise standards of achievement in our schools and for our students.” Many educators and officials feel the same way as Riley, for example, the Clinton Administration policy is that ebonics is a “nonstandard form of English and not a foreign language” (Sawicky, 25). Incoming Oakland School Board Chair, Jean Quan, explains, “We recognize the reality that our kids are coming into school with language that isn’t standard English, transitional steps are needed, and we’re trying to be culturally sensitive” (Sawicky, 25).

Up until now, teachers simply corrected Black English as incorrect grammar, but the problem may lie with insufficient teacher instruction. African-American students fall behind because the language they use at home and on the streets is different from the standard English that is used in class. Perhaps if teachers have a better understanding of Black English, they will be able to do a better job of teaching standard English (Sawicky, 25). The more educated teachers are, the more supportive they can be to their students in need o help rather than coming across as critical.

Poor performance of Black English speakers is not the only disadvantage of ebonics, it also promotes the increasing division between the races. Alicia Banks is a columnist from Oakland, California, who views ebonics as more of a racial issue than and educational issue. She argues that “everything African is VERY black and VERY bad” and that Black English is not being rejected for its differences, but rather for its blackness (Banks, 2). She continues by saying, “ebonics can not possibly increase segregation because we are already more segregated than ever before” (2). Educators need to enforce unity, not segregation. Black English is a separate dialect and as such deserves respect, but it is not standard, and should not be brought into the schools. All children should be taught to speak Standard American English so that they will fully be able to understand one another.

The importance of children being able to communicate and being able to understand each other brings us to a third negative effect of ebonics. If all children do not learn Standard American English, United States high school graduates will not have the same opportunities when they move into the real world. Black English speakers will sound uneducated and therefore will miss many opportunities such as getting a good job, simply because no one will understand them.

In reality, Standard English dominates in practically every arena of American society, and without mastering this language, one will not get very far. Trained educators find it difficult to see the benefits that ebonics will bring to students. It is vital for teachers to be educated in Black English because they will better be able to understand and correct their students. Not only is it vital for teachers to enforce Standard American English, but parents also must be educated so they too can enforce it in the home. If children are not properly equipped with the knowledge of standard American English, they will be at a severe disadvantage compared to students who are. The more children are surrounded with Standard American English, the more they will use and understand it, and performance in schools will greatly increase.

What? Dat be the way wes speak n sh*t. You be racist n sh*t cracka. I be callin Johnny Cochran and Al Sharpton, you be opressin me n sh*t! :::D

Did you understand that, because I didn't and I wrote it! ::) It's scary, and if you correct them like a teacher, you better believe, "you be racist!" >:(

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 03:49:39 PM »
Why be yoo whities axing for trobels ?

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 04:08:19 PM »
Can you imagine a mother reading to her child a childrens book before they go to bed and the writing was all done in Ebonics?

Twas deez 3 bears in da hood, but da fadder bear ran away before the little mutant bear cub named bling bling bear was spawned by the welfare blood sucka yo mama bear.  And da 2 bears wit out da fadder bear decided to go to the corner store for Colt 45 and some watermelon cause da chitlens on foodstamps beez too hot cause do stove be racist and was going to burn da mouths.   So day goes to da store and yell at da store owner you charge too much.  

While all dis be happening a homeless girl named Golddigger or Jigger comes through da window and smells food by foodstamps all on da stove and she be stealing da chitlens and putting it her fat belly.  

She feeds her self on stolen foodstamps goes to the empty seat were daddy bear was suppose to sit but he is no where to be found and throws da chitlens across the housing project den cause it beez too hot, den she goes to yo mama bears bowl of  chitlens takes a bite with her nasty paws and says dis beez too cold and throws da chitlens out,  den she gets to bling bling bears chitlen bowl and she licked it up like she be starvin but she beez already 300 lbs from government pay offs or rip offs.

And she lets out a big belch.  Now she bez full and all dat she goes to sit down to rest her fat housing project belly.  She goes to daddy bear's chair that left and said "Oo no wonder he be leavin dis chair has cracks on it and splinters on my ghetto butt it be too hard''.  Den she goes to yo mama bear's chair and it is a folding lawn chair in da living room and she said "I ain't even sittin on dat I beez a queen in my housing project."  Den she goes to bling bling bear's chair and it be a nice soft toilet bowl seat so she sits down and relax with her fat belly spread out and said "Dat be nice". But it broke when her fat cottage cheese housing project arse ends on the chair, just fall to da floor. BOOM!

She den lets out a big yawn like if it was a truck rolling by.  And said "Oo I beez tired, I did nothing but watch Oprah bear on da stolen TV from a local riot, I ate da chitlens I needs to sleep."  So Goldigger got up and found deez tree beds.  

Daddy Bear was da first, A jail cot from his time in da pen from his past activites, and she lays down and said.  " Dis ain't right da bruddah be sleepin on dis"

Den she beez going to yomama Bears bed, so smelly because it was made from newspapers and watermelon rinds and dem flies be swarming all over. Goldigger went to lay down and she be swatting flies from her eyes and says "Dis be like if we in Zimbabwe wit da flies on our face I ain't sleepin hea".

Den she sees bling bling bear's bed.  It was given by da stupid housing bears as da gift from da whitey bears honey.   She lays down and says "Dats right dats good I sleep on dis and snores zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

By den yomama bear and blingbling comes home with Colt 45 and Watermelon and yomama bear yells out ''WHO BEZ IN OUR HOUSE AND SHEET, THERE IZ FOOD ALL OVER AND CHITLENS ALL OVER AND LOOK AT DIS BOWL IT BE CLEANOUT!"  blingbling bear tells his welfare mama bear "Dem chairs be broken and daz be splinters all over da floor mama someone beez in here".  

Yomama bear bez yelling ''who be in here cause da police which we do not like will be here get yo [censored] up!''  

They both here dis loud zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coming from da oddah room, yomama bear gets da frying pan still with chitlen remains and goes in da room and sees Golddigger sleeping in blingbling's bed.  She pushed her off da bed and say "Who be you in our crib and sheet who be you" (Yes thats how they speak english is not a known language)

Golddigger bez saying "Yo you be livin in dis crib, I came in cause the ally was smelly.  I came in got da free food, free seat and free sleep I love anything free."

Blingbling got his gangsigns up and say you be leaving now hootchie or I bust a cap.  

But Golddigger didn't leave da housingproject den so yo mama bear told her you be stayin here we get you a job by affirmative action and we gets you your own food stamps and whitey bear pays all.

And day lived happily ever after till Goldigger bear died of AIDS cause she ho'd around in da hood.

The End.

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2008, 04:17:00 PM »
Can you imagine a mother reading to her child a childrens book before they go to bed and the writing was all done in Ebonics?

Twas deez 3 bears in da hood, but da fadder bear ran away before the little mutant bear cub named bling bling bear was spawned by the welfare blood sucka yo mama bear.  And da 2 bears wit out da fadder bear decided to go to the corner store for Colt 45 and some watermelon cause da chitlens on foodstamps beez too hot cause do stove be racist and was going to burn da mouths.   So day goes to da store and yell at da store owner you charge too much.  

While all dis be happening a homeless girl named Golddigger or Jigger comes through da window and smells food by foodstamps all on da stove and she be stealing da chitlens and putting it her fat belly.  

She feeds her self on stolen foodstamps goes to the empty seat were daddy bear was suppose to sit but he is no where to be found and throws da chitlens across the housing project den cause it beez too hot, den she goes to yo mama bears bowl of  chitlens takes a bite with her nasty paws and says dis beez too cold and throws da chitlens out,  den she gets to bling bling bears chitlen bowl and she licked it up like she be starvin but she beez already 300 lbs from government pay offs or rip offs.

And she lets out a big belch.  Now she bez full and all dat she goes to sit down to rest her fat housing project belly.  She goes to daddy bear's chair that left and said "Oo no wonder he be leavin dis chair has cracks on it and splinters on my ghetto butt it be too hard''.  Den she goes to yo mama bear's chair and it is a folding lawn chair in da living room and she said "I ain't even sittin on dat I beez a queen in my housing project."  Den she goes to bling bling bear's chair and it be a nice soft toilet bowl seat so she sits down and relax with her fat belly spread out and said "Dat be nice". But it broke when her fat cottage cheese housing project arse ends on the chair, just fall to da floor. BOOM!

She den lets out a big yawn like if it was a truck rolling by.  And said "Oo I beez tired, I did nothing but watch Oprah bear on da stolen TV from a local riot, I ate da chitlens I needs to sleep."  So Goldigger got up and found deez tree beds.  

Daddy Bear was da first, A jail cot from his time in da pen from his past activites, and she lays down and said.  " Dis ain't right da bruddah be sleepin on dis"

Den she beez going to yomama Bears bed, so smelly because it was made from newspapers and watermelon rinds and dem flies be swarming all over. Goldigger went to lay down and she be swatting flies from her eyes and says "Dis be like if we in Zimbabwe wit da flies on our face I ain't sleepin hea".

Den she sees bling bling bear's bed.  It was given by da stupid housing bears as da gift from da whitey bears honey.   She lays down and says "Dats right dats good I sleep on dis and snores zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

By den yomama bear and blingbling comes home with Colt 45 and Watermelon and yomama bear yells out ''WHO BEZ IN OUR HOUSE AND SHEET, THERE IZ FOOD ALL OVER AND CHITLENS ALL OVER AND LOOK AT DIS BOWL IT BE CLEANOUT!"  blingbling bear tells his welfare mama bear "Dem chairs be broken and daz be splinters all over da floor mama someone beez in here".  

Yomama bear bez yelling ''who be in here cause da police which we do not like will be here get yo [censored] up!''  

They both here dis loud zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coming from da oddah room, yomama bear gets da frying pan still with chitlen remains and goes in da room and sees Golddigger sleeping in blingbling's bed.  She pushed her off da bed and say "Who be you in our crib and sheet who be you" (Yes thats how they speak english is not a known language)

Golddigger bez saying "Yo you be livin in dis crib, I came in cause the ally was smelly.  I came in got da free food, free seat and free sleep I love anything free."

Blingbling got his gangsigns up and say you be leaving now hootchie or I bust a cap.  

But Golddigger didn't leave da housingproject den so yo mama bear told her you be stayin here we get you a job by affirmative action and we gets you your own food stamps and whitey bear pays all.

And day lived happily ever after till Goldigger bear died of AIDS cause she ho'd around in da hood.

The End.

You sound like a teacher in a bad area. Am I right?

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2008, 04:19:00 PM »
I have seen the NYC Public schools

Offline P J C

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2008, 05:32:49 PM »
I have seen the NYC Public schools
They are filthy and filled with viruses and sicknesses. I'm an admitted germaphobe so that is all I think about that [censored] hole.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 06:01:39 PM »
They are really zoos or holding pens for creatins

Offline P J C

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Re: Ebonics.
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 09:40:01 PM »
They are really zoos or holding pens for creatins
Tell me about it.  ::)
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2