Let me just respond to one statement you made. The fact that their brain is naturally smaller does not mean that the quality of their brain is inferior to a larger brain. The size of someone's brain has nothing to do with the quality of the brain. That's an old wise tale. RubyStars, you are a women. The women's brain is smaller than the men's brain. So are you inferior Genetically to an idiot like John Kerry, because your brain is naturally smaller?
Men's and women's brains are different, but neither is inferior. Some of that size difference has to do with body size being different too. Both men and women with similar education score about the same on intelligence tests.
However, what we're most interested are the folds of the cerebrum, where all the thinking goes on. Whites have more developed frontal lobes, and more folds of the cerebrum overall than blacks. Of course, as Dr. Dan pointed out, someone who is naturally better at something (let's say sports, or math) might not be as good at it as someone who is naturally worse at it, because the naturally worse person could work out, train, or study and end up better than the naturally inclined person who didn't do any of the above. You can't really judge an individual's ability due to that variable factor. However, large groups of people who have certain tendencies (like an entire race) are going to show patterns when you compare them to the group of people who have a different tendency. Whites are simply better at building advanced civilizations and did it, while blacks are still scarifying their children in the tribe and putting plates in their lips to be "Beautiful"

The reason that the large majority of blacks tend to commit more crimes, Do not succeed, have sex earlier, and do drugs is not Genetics. It is Society. From the time they are born to the time they die, they are exposed to this disgusting pile of excrement we call pop culture. It preaches Gang activity, murder, sex , drug use, and racism. The sad fact is they think that they are supposed to do this because of their race. They use the color of their skin as an excuse for all their misfortunes because that is how we treat them. We treat them like they are little innocent discriminated people. So they cash in on that and do what they want. They think that they do not have to work because it is drilled into them like they don't have the ability to fend for themselves and to hate the white man.
All that stuff about "society" causing their problems is just a long winded way that liberals use to blame "whitey". It's liberal code-words. Whites don't have anything to be ashamed of when it comes to blacks being degenerate. We gave them all the "reparations" they could take, and they are still just as degenerate if not worse than they were before. They choose to follow an evil way of life and create an evil, degenerate culture. Genetics contributes to this, of course, but I know I can't get most of you to accept that.