Author Topic: JTFers official condemnation of racism.  (Read 37831 times)

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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #150 on: July 28, 2008, 05:22:38 PM »
I think there is nothing wrong with intermarriage as the exception and as long as the two people really are doing it for reasons beyond race which is rarely the case.  People marrying other groups happens but the media actually wants people to think that intermarriage is superior to marrying within your own culture.  I'm not going to worry about race if I married a Hispanic woman if she believes everything that I do.  Should I marry a Muslim or a commie liberal because they are white but forget about a righteous Asian or Black woman?  I'd prefer to marry someone with similar upbringing and culture as mine and that would be my preference but I can't condemn someone for doing so if it is for the right reasons.  The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

I respect anyone's choice not to intermarry other racial groups but I think culture and religion are more important.  

The problem you see all the time is that intermarriage is done with often evil intentions.  People want to go out of thier way to find another group because they hate themselves and don't want kids who look like them.  Self hating white people think they are too vanilla and want a mixed baby like Borax Osama.  Countless self hating white women are with self hating black guys and countless self hating Asian women are with with self hating White guys.  You see those pairings all the time and it's no accident.  The culture pushes these images through music videos, movies, soap operas, etc.  Most of those couples are white men who won't date white women or Asian women who won't date Asian guys, etc.  The kids grow up and its very difficult for them to have no identity and only a very strong, G-D fearing upbringing can get these kid through a childhood.  Most of these kids however, grow up in divorced homes because as soon as these couples look beyond the race that attracted them, they see the true colors of the person and it may not be pretty.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #151 on: July 28, 2008, 05:28:27 PM »
The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

Don't you understand that's why I can't stand to see a white with a black? I don't want my people to die. I don't want our heritage to be destroyed!

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #152 on: July 28, 2008, 05:43:43 PM »
The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

Don't you understand that's why I can't stand to see a white with a black? I don't want my people to die. I don't want our heritage to be destroyed!

Totally agree that that's the goal of multiculturalism and anti colonialism.  They think all their problems will end with no white people left but their problems would just begin.  I'm just saying I think it should be avoided to call blacks inferior or sub human.  

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #153 on: July 28, 2008, 05:56:38 PM »
I think there is nothing wrong with intermarriage as the exception and as long as the two people really are doing it for reasons beyond race which is rarely the case.  People marrying other groups happens but the media actually wants people to think that intermarriage is superior to marrying within your own culture.  I'm not going to worry about race if I married a Hispanic woman if she believes everything that I do.  Should I marry a Muslim or a commie liberal because they are white but forget about a righteous Asian or Black woman?  I'd prefer to marry someone with similar upbringing and culture as mine and that would be my preference but I can't condemn someone for doing so if it is for the right reasons.  The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

I respect anyone's choice not to intermarry other racial groups but I think culture and religion are more important.  

The problem you see all the time is that intermarriage is done with often evil intentions.  People want to go out of their way to find another group because they hate themselves and don't want kids who look like them.  Self hating white people think they are too vanilla and want a mixed baby like Borax Osama.  Countless self hating white women are with self hating black guys and countless self hating Asian women are with with self hating White guys.  You see those pairings all the time and it's no accident.  The culture pushes these images through music videos, movies, soap operas, etc.  Most of those couples are white men who won't date white women or Asian women who won't date Asian guys, etc.  The kids grow up and its very difficult for them to have no identity and only a very strong, G-D fearing upbringing can get these kid through a childhood.  Most of these kids however, grow up in divorced homes because as soon as these couples look beyond the race that attracted them, they see the true colors of the person and it may not be pretty.

To get to the bottom of this why interracial marriage is so high, there has to be an answer to it.

I am 22 years old so I have a lot of close experience with people that interracially marry.

Many of the people interracially marrying believe it or not are military, a lot of the guys that are stationed in Korea or Japan, etc. are bringing back women with them that are thai, filipino and other asian races. I think this is because they are stationed there, it's not uncommon, look at the British when they were an imperial empire and mixed with the Indian population and had Indian wives?

Younger couples that you see interacially mixing, I really don't see too many white men with black women, I see a lot of white men with Asians including a friend of mine I went to school with who is half white/thai. He acts white (similar interests to whites) but he refers to himself as Thai as his identity even in his online name. Ok no big deal but it shows how mixed race think it is cool to forget that "white ancestry". You see this with whites claiming Native American background as well. How many really have a significant ammount of native blood? Is it just a trend?

Where the real danger lies, white women mixing with black men. The media has made it a trend to promote blacks are athletes, superior in fighting and physical looks, larger downstairs (excuse the language but this is a well known stereotype amongst white women), rap music being heavily promoted by MTV and other music video outlets which are associated as black culture, thug/gangster culture. I've seen a lot of the ....ahem heavier/bigger/beefier (alright lets just say their fat) women out there. Some of the women who are a bit less secure want a strong man to protect them and they are attracted to these men, they end up having kids and the black guy beats the women and shes left with a mullato baby and stuck on welfare. Some women that are single and already have a kid end up being attracted to the black guys as well.

Todays society sees being "white" as a negative thing, whites are associated with writing history, committing all the major genocides, holding the black man down, the imperialist oppressor who should forever feel guilty for their crimes.

From a more immature perspective, being white is considered lame (how many women do you know of that go to tanning salons?), white music is considered obsolete or poor, whites supposedly can't dance, etc. etc.

So we have a situation where many young white women are dating black guys and having kids before getting married, how many white women are available for young white guys? Then you have the trend promoting homosexuality and homosexual marriage/kids, do you see where it's creating a negative situation for white culture/race as a whole?

The only whites I've noticed that tend to stick together are usually foreign immigrants (Russians/Polish/Jews) but that is starting to change over time.

You're totally right on that.  The people who are mixed never say they're white because it's a disadvantage for jobs, school and you get to have special minority status.  White people actually are starting to become an outcast people with legal restrictions.  Police can stop as many white people as they want because there would never be a consequence and white people are encouraged to be self hating.  I don't know about all those black stereotypes though.  Black is considered cool because of the Bolshevik media but look at the strongest man in the world competeion and UFC.  Blacks definitely dominate a number of sports but Jews dominated basketball when they were less affluent earlier in the 20th century. 

Honestly, if I go outside today, I could count about 20 black guys with white or Asian women and maybe one white guy with a black woman.  You never see an Asian or Indian guy with a black women though.  Intermarriage/dating is so disproportianate and no one will ever talk about this subject.  Asian guys are really pissed too because tons of Asian women are self hating.

I also almost have to laught when I meet a white women who was left with a black kid and says, "I never saw it coming."

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #154 on: July 28, 2008, 06:00:14 PM »
I'm not too much older than you also, i'm 30.  I don't see it a lot in friends and people I work with who are 30+ but it's like anyone who was born after 1980, it's a modern day sickness.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #155 on: July 28, 2008, 06:06:17 PM »
I'm not too much older than you also, i'm 30.  I don't see it a lot in friends and people I work with who are 30+ but it's like anyone who was born after 1980, it's a modern day sickness.

I'm 30 as well. I believe that the propaganda intensified to a crazy degree in recent years.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #156 on: July 28, 2008, 06:12:38 PM »
I'm not too much older than you also, i'm 30.  I don't see it a lot in friends and people I work with who are 30+ but it's like anyone who was born after 1980, it's a modern day sickness.

I'm 30 as well. I believe that the propaganda intensified to a crazy degree in recent years.

It correlates with people going to high school during the Clinton years I guess.

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #157 on: July 28, 2008, 07:24:39 PM »
I'm going to have to disagree with many of the members. I have stated it in the past, I am a separatist, I am a white Jew and I do not believe in interracial mixing (from a voluntary standpoint). I primarily dislike most blacks and hispanics. I do not want to be beer buddies with them, I do not want to learn about their culture, I do not want to sympathize with their cause, and I do not want to marry them or have kids with them. If I have to work with them, then I will be a professional and do my job, other than that, I would like to stay with my own kind.

That does not make me a racist, as a racialist, I realize genetics exist and preservation of ones background is not a bad thing as long as it is voluntary and not force.
O0 Excellent Post!
I think more members agree with you then you know.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #158 on: July 28, 2008, 07:59:02 PM »
voluntarily you can do whatever you want...some want to mix..others don't want to..why should either be forced?  that's the reality of free of choice.

They're not only hurting themselves by their behavior.

are they?  Some like multi cultural societies..i don't fault different people who can get along.  I fault double standards and people who refuse to get along wtih each other...

Sometimes we should segregrate ourselves from vermin...other times, it's not vermin

They're committing genocide by their actions. Also the children have no race of their own and often cling to the darker parent fiercely. Look at Obama, his identity crisis because of what his sick mother did is harming us all.

What genocide?  People are dying when people of different cultures live together and get along wtih each other?

Once again, i don't advocate different religions marrying each other..Nor am i advocating one world...nor am i advocating multi-culturalism diversity...but there are people who prefer to be around those who are different so they, themselves can feel unique. I personally have no issue with that.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #159 on: July 28, 2008, 08:00:48 PM »
voluntarily you can do whatever you want...some want to mix..others don't want to..why should either be forced?  that's the reality of free of choice.

They're not only hurting themselves by their behavior.

are they?  Some like multi cultural societies..i don't fault different people who can get along.  I fault double standards and people who refuse to get along wtih each other...

Sometimes we should segregrate ourselves from vermin...other times, it's not vermin

Perhaps, but lets put it this way, not everyone wants it shoved down their throat either. I'm sure that many people wouldn't like it if people were forced to stay with only their race via government or other control just like we shouldn't diversity forced on us either.

When I grew up in Chicago (one of the most multicultural cities in the US), it was just that. Diversity was "forced" down our throats, you see it in commercials, you see it in movies and tv, even the school systems when we had to go to a program called "Snowflake" which was meant to teach kids to stay off drugs and their quote being "we're all one race..human", pairing up kids with the opposite race to show tolerance and encouraging multiculturalism/different lifestyles with the latino exchange club, african american history club, black history month, gay/lesbian alliance, etc.

These are all prevalent in our life, many school systems refuse to aknowledge race exists. One history teacher I had claimed that skin color was just a "liquid" that sets the color of the skin based on the environment. When I came back the following day with a picture of a albino negro asking "so are they white?" I was sent to the deans office and suspended. I was merely pointing out that race in context is more than skin color, it is related to cultural influence, genetics, and features (hair texture, nose, shape of forehead, eyes, lips, ears). The problem is that race is a controversial topic in Judaism because people associate identity of race with Nazi Germany in which strict guidelines were used to determine who was Aryan and who was not.

National Socialism was anything but pro white, it was used to divide the white race and exclude people as a means of a socialist/fascist government, really no different than communism but with some racial purity elements.

There is plenty of evidence today to show that Jews are Caucasoid people similar to those of the Mediterranean which is still considered white. I would not consider Arabs white as they bastardized the lands they conquered.

Anyways it's a double standard in todays society, if people are going to mix, then they will do it, but theres no need for government to officially promote or or push it down our youths in the schools. Voluntarily is the key.

Diversity and multi culturalism as well as segregation should not be shoved down anyone's throat.  Both need to be taught..and both the advantages and disadvantages.  i am against double standards where one race is required to kiss the other one's butt while the other doesn't kiss back...if one has to kiss butt, then the other one has to also...and if one refuses to do so, then the other should refuse as well.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #160 on: July 28, 2008, 08:02:05 PM »
I think there is nothing wrong with intermarriage as the exception and as long as the two people really are doing it for reasons beyond race which is rarely the case.  People marrying other groups happens but the media actually wants people to think that intermarriage is superior to marrying within your own culture.  I'm not going to worry about race if I married a Hispanic woman if she believes everything that I do.  Should I marry a Muslim or a commie liberal because they are white but forget about a righteous Asian or Black woman?  I'd prefer to marry someone with similar upbringing and culture as mine and that would be my preference but I can't condemn someone for doing so if it is for the right reasons.  The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

I respect anyone's choice not to intermarry other racial groups but I think culture and religion are more important.  

The problem you see all the time is that intermarriage is done with often evil intentions.  People want to go out of thier way to find another group because they hate themselves and don't want kids who look like them.  Self hating white people think they are too vanilla and want a mixed baby like Borax Osama.  Countless self hating white women are with self hating black guys and countless self hating Asian women are with with self hating White guys.  You see those pairings all the time and it's no accident.  The culture pushes these images through music videos, movies, soap operas, etc.  Most of those couples are white men who won't date white women or Asian women who won't date Asian guys, etc.  The kids grow up and its very difficult for them to have no identity and only a very strong, G-D fearing upbringing can get these kid through a childhood.  Most of these kids however, grow up in divorced homes because as soon as these couples look beyond the race that attracted them, they see the true colors of the person and it may not be pretty.

there are some like you mention...there are no absolutes here.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #161 on: July 28, 2008, 08:08:02 PM »
The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

Don't you understand that's why I can't stand to see a white with a black? I don't want my people to die. I don't want our heritage to be destroyed!

Last time i checked, the causecoid race had 100's upon 100's of different cultures...don't worry, the white race won't become extinct...but i'll tell you something...if there is proof that tan is better, stronger, smarter, more enlightened, lives longer, or more resistent to better believe i would go for tan and avoid white...

You are silly to say that whites have a heritage...what the heck is that supposed to mean?!  Caucasions are a bundle of different heritages...A polish white person is different from a french white person...This type of mentality is what blacks have...they created a culture because of their color...that will end up destroying them all together....whites never developed a culture base on their race...they developed a culture because they developed a culture.  White culture!...blasphemy!!!  What is that? You want to be like a black and take pride in your whiteness?!  Do you realize that will end up destroying you progeny in the future?  Kids that will feel pride for simply being white?  Let blacks have that type of shallow behavior...Take pride in being Christian if you are christian..or polish if you are polish or french if you are french or whatever...white culture...Puleezze...there is no such thing... Blacks only have one main culture...Whites have millions of different cultures each of which is better than any black culture there is on the face of the earth. you don't need to create a one world mentality for just shallow and dumb.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Rubystars

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #162 on: July 28, 2008, 08:34:08 PM »
You are silly to say that whites have a heritage...what the heck is that supposed to mean?! 

There is a common European-derived identity in addition to individual European cultures. European cultures have more in common with one another than they do with non-European cultures, no matter what internal conflicts they may have.

Caucasions are a bundle of different heritages...A polish white person is different from a french white person..

And so is a German, a Spaniard, an Englishman, a Norwegian, a Swiss person, an Irish person, a Greek, an Italian, etc. The white race is very "diverse". They're all white, all European, all far more advanced in culture, language, art, history, mythology, literature, and in every other way which marks a civilization, than ANY African-derived culture. They have more in common with one another than they do with other races.

This type of mentality is what blacks have...they created a culture because of their color...that will end up destroying them all together....whites never developed a culture base on their race...they developed a culture because they developed a culture.  White culture!...blasphemy!!!  What is that? You want to be like a black and take pride in your whiteness?!  Do you realize that will end up destroying you progeny in the future? 

Not feeling white pride is what will destroy white culture. White guilt destroys white culture.

Kids that will feel pride for simply being white? 

God willing.

Let blacks have that type of shallow behavior...Take pride in being Christian if you are christian..or polish if you are polish or french if you are french or whatever...white culture...Puleezze...there is no such thing... Blacks only have one main culture...Whites have millions of different cultures each of which is better than any black culture there is on the face of the earth. you don't need to create a one world mentality for just shallow and dumb.

I don't want whites to rule the world, but I do want us to have sections of the world where we can live among our own kind without the threat of Muslim terrorism, Negro crime, third world diseases, etc.

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #163 on: July 28, 2008, 08:40:35 PM »
You are silly to say that whites have a heritage...what the heck is that supposed to mean?! 

There is a common European-derived identity in addition to individual European cultures. European cultures have more in common with one another than they do with non-European cultures, no matter what internal conflicts they may have.

Caucasions are a bundle of different heritages...A polish white person is different from a french white person..

And so is a German, a Spaniard, an Englishman, a Norwegian, a Swiss person, an Irish person, a Greek, an Italian, etc. The white race is very "diverse". They're all white, all European, all far more advanced in culture, language, art, history, mythology, literature, and in every other way which marks a civilization, than ANY African-derived culture. They have more in common with one another than they do with other races.

This type of mentality is what blacks have...they created a culture because of their color...that will end up destroying them all together....whites never developed a culture base on their race...they developed a culture because they developed a culture.  White culture!...blasphemy!!!  What is that? You want to be like a black and take pride in your whiteness?!  Do you realize that will end up destroying you progeny in the future? 

Not feeling white pride is what will destroy white culture. White guilt destroys white culture.

Kids that will feel pride for simply being white? 

G-d willing.

Let blacks have that type of shallow behavior...Take pride in being Christian if you are christian..or polish if you are polish or french if you are french or whatever...white culture...Puleezze...there is no such thing... Blacks only have one main culture...Whites have millions of different cultures each of which is better than any black culture there is on the face of the earth. you don't need to create a one world mentality for just shallow and dumb.

I don't want whites to rule the world, but I do want us to have sections of the world where we can live among our own kind without the threat of Muslim terrorism, Negro crime, third world diseases, etc.

i agree wtih some thigns and disagree wtih other things here.  Europeans do have somethign in seems from your point of view of this, whcih is true, all of those wars way back when were a waste..and that in reality, the European Union is a good thing...except it really isn't.

I feel that whites should not be self hating just as blacks should not be self hating (although with their terrible track record, they are better off being self hating to correct all of their wrongs).  I would fault no white person for wanting to be with someone who wsa white becuase of phsycial attraction and cultural similarity.

THe issues with blacks today is that they have fake pride...whites have an inferiority complex but ought not to. I agree that whites of certain cultures should be proud of the culture wence they came from..and if they were mixed of different white proud of the heritage their parents passed down to them. 

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline White Israelite

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #164 on: July 28, 2008, 08:48:27 PM »
The problem too is that groups become extinct if they practice too much intermarriage.  Louisina Indians became "Creoles" when they intermarried with blacks and now all they have to show for their culture is Condoleeza Rice.  

Don't you understand that's why I can't stand to see a white with a black? I don't want my people to die. I don't want our heritage to be destroyed!

Last time i checked, the causecoid race had 100's upon 100's of different cultures...don't worry, the white race won't become extinct...but i'll tell you something...if there is proof that tan is better, stronger, smarter, more enlightened, lives longer, or more resistent to better believe i would go for tan and avoid white...

You are silly to say that whites have a heritage...what the heck is that supposed to mean?!  Caucasions are a bundle of different heritages...A polish white person is different from a french white person...This type of mentality is what blacks have...they created a culture because of their color...that will end up destroying them all together....whites never developed a culture base on their race...they developed a culture because they developed a culture.  White culture!...blasphemy!!!  What is that? You want to be like a black and take pride in your whiteness?!  Do you realize that will end up destroying you progeny in the future?  Kids that will feel pride for simply being white?  Let blacks have that type of shallow behavior...Take pride in being Christian if you are christian..or polish if you are polish or french if you are french or whatever...white culture...Puleezze...there is no such thing... Blacks only have one main culture...Whites have millions of different cultures each of which is better than any black culture there is on the face of the earth. you don't need to create a one world mentality for just shallow and dumb.

That's because the majority of blacks in America have no heritage, they have no identity, no African surname, no language to speak of, majority are mixed with other tribes or mixed in some form or another, so they go about stealing other peoples identities (claiming their Israelites), convert to Islam to have an identity, or claim how they made America and claim inventions that never were theirs. They steal identity because they have no creativity or culture of their own.

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #165 on: July 28, 2008, 08:52:03 PM »
You are silly to say that whites have a heritage...what the heck is that supposed to mean?! 

There is a common European-derived identity in addition to individual European cultures. European cultures have more in common with one another than they do with non-European cultures, no matter what internal conflicts they may have.

Caucasions are a bundle of different heritages...A polish white person is different from a french white person..

And so is a German, a Spaniard, an Englishman, a Norwegian, a Swiss person, an Irish person, a Greek, an Italian, etc. The white race is very "diverse". They're all white, all European, all far more advanced in culture, language, art, history, mythology, literature, and in every other way which marks a civilization, than ANY African-derived culture. They have more in common with one another than they do with other races.

This type of mentality is what blacks have...they created a culture because of their color...that will end up destroying them all together....whites never developed a culture base on their race...they developed a culture because they developed a culture.  White culture!...blasphemy!!!  What is that? You want to be like a black and take pride in your whiteness?!  Do you realize that will end up destroying you progeny in the future? 

Not feeling white pride is what will destroy white culture. White guilt destroys white culture.

Kids that will feel pride for simply being white? 

G-d willing.

Let blacks have that type of shallow behavior...Take pride in being Christian if you are christian..or polish if you are polish or french if you are french or whatever...white culture...Puleezze...there is no such thing... Blacks only have one main culture...Whites have millions of different cultures each of which is better than any black culture there is on the face of the earth. you don't need to create a one world mentality for just shallow and dumb.

I don't want whites to rule the world, but I do want us to have sections of the world where we can live among our own kind without the threat of Muslim terrorism, Negro crime, third world diseases, etc.

i agree wtih some thigns and disagree wtih other things here.  Europeans do have somethign in seems from your point of view of this, whcih is true, all of those wars way back when were a waste..and that in reality, the European Union is a good thing...except it really isn't.

I feel that whites should not be self hating just as blacks should not be self hating (although with their terrible track record, they are better off being self hating to correct all of their wrongs).  I would fault no white person for wanting to be with someone who wsa white becuase of phsycial attraction and cultural similarity.

THe issues with blacks today is that they have fake pride...whites have an inferiority complex but ought not to. I agree that whites of certain cultures should be proud of the culture wence they came from..and if they were mixed of different white proud of the heritage their parents passed down to them. 

Inferiority complex? How so? Majority of the white race regardless of their ancesteral homeland have something to speak of, the Russian Empire, the German Empire, Romans, Greeks, British Empire, French, Spanish, etc. etc., What do Africans have to claim? Kush? Egypt? There's evidence now showing that the Egyptians weren't even black, and evidence of Northern Africa shows the people have more in common with Spaniards/southern Italians and French than with central and south Africa.

What did blacks bring us in medicine, science, and culture? Fried chicken? Face flys? Aids? The doo rag?

I'm not trying to sound harsh, i'm just a realist. Evidence and facts cannot be denied no matter how harsh.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #166 on: July 28, 2008, 09:18:44 PM »
The "European Union" isn't a good thing because it's part of a tool of a one world government promoting forces. They seek to destroy all people of European descent and other advanced cultures in favor of a one-world, degraded, lowly culture of sheeple which can be easily manipulated.

I do think that the separate nations of Europe should continue to exist, because they all have their own unique character and national identity, and this should be encouraged. However, you can't tell me that a Frenchman moving to Norway will have the same detrimental impact that an African will. There is just nothing that the Norwegians have in common with Africans and the cultures are completely separate and incompatible.

Here in the United States, most whites are a mix of different European bloodlines and have blended these (compatible) cultures into a new white American culture that was thriving prior to the multiracial, multicultural upheaval of the 60s. I have German heritage, English heritage, Irish heritage, and Scottish heritage. My last name is German so I identify with that heritage the most, but I honor all my European heritage and my identity as a white American.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #167 on: July 28, 2008, 09:46:54 PM »
Now, more than ever, we must avoid racist slurs or calling Blacks by any other name than the correct English neutral word "Black". Anything sounding racist will only favour Obama.
We must do whatever at our reach to support McCain, not only because Obama's agenda is bad, but also because McCain has a very well balanced project that would bring peace to the world. He is not leftist, and he isn't bigotry biased either.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #168 on: July 28, 2008, 09:51:07 PM »
Now, more than ever, we must avoid racist slurs or calling Blacks by any other name than the correct English neutral word "Black". Anything sounding racist will only favour Obama.
We must do whatever at our reach to support McCain, not only because Obama's agenda is bad, but also because McCain has a very well balanced project that would bring peace to the world. He is not leftist, and he isn't bigotry biased either.

McCain is better than Obama, but let's not get too carried away.  ;)

I'm going to try to make a pro-McCain video when I get a chance, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #169 on: July 28, 2008, 10:04:01 PM »
Well, I share nearly all of McCain's proposals. (except that I oppose capital punishment)
He opposes abortion, he opposes human cloning and experiments with human embryos, he also opposes religious bigotry and defends all religions. He is pro-Israel. Of course he'd only be ideal if he, B"H, takes the American Embassy to Jerusalem.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #170 on: July 28, 2008, 10:04:39 PM »
Now, more than ever, we must avoid racist slurs or calling Blacks by any other name than the correct English neutral word "Black". Anything sounding racist will only favour Obama.
We must do whatever at our reach to support McCain, not only because Obama's agenda is bad, but also because McCain has a very well balanced project that would bring peace to the world. He is not leftist, and he isn't bigotry biased either.

So you promote political correctness? Are you an opponent of free speech too?

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #171 on: July 28, 2008, 10:19:41 PM »
Now, more than ever, we must avoid racist slurs or calling Blacks by any other name than the correct English neutral word "Black". Anything sounding racist will only favour Obama.
We must do whatever at our reach to support McCain, not only because Obama's agenda is bad, but also because McCain has a very well balanced project that would bring peace to the world. He is not leftist, and he isn't bigotry biased either.

So you promote political correctness? Are you an opponent of free speech too?

I don't oppose free speech but, those who want to add some little contribution to the Republican Campaign must avoid words that don't help. McCain is the leader of his campaign, not us. And he is a moderate. If we want to help him, we must not use words he woudn't use, or express opinions he does not hold. And, in this Election, even one vote counts. Not good someone googling for McCain finds slurs in this site, what about Blacks who may vote for him??? And if you think this forum has no influence in American public oipnion, then why keeping it in the first palce???

Offline MarZutra

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #172 on: July 28, 2008, 10:38:14 PM »
You know, for a Nazi/White Suprem site, there seems to be base truth in the cultural and total difference between blacks and whites.... 

Do a google search for "Ruins of Detroit".  Take a gander at the numerous pictures of the once white neighborhoods.  You will see very nice archetecture that has all gone to [censored].....  You can guess why... ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #173 on: July 28, 2008, 11:54:46 PM »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: JTFers official condemnation of racism.
« Reply #174 on: July 29, 2008, 12:04:58 AM »
I think Raul is right about turning away certain people.  I'm totally on board that black America is a mess and that white people are held in contempt in American society and that promoting people losing their cultural identity is horrible. Still, calling people names and degrading the entire race based on race is bad.  I don't think the pro Obama blacks deserve one ounce of respect  and I have no problem in calling them any name under the sun.  Still, if I think of it through a black person's eyes who agrees with us, they would be out of here so quickly it's not even funny.  No one is here to please people with uncomfortable truths but how can one be ok with a Muslim white person who's a European but not ok with an Ethiopian Christian or Jew who is more anti Islam than most whites on the planet?

I have to go with the spirit and soul of a person and not be like the Nation of Islam or La Raza scum who look down upon an entire group with no exceptions based on their DNA.