Author Topic: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.  (Read 6495 times)

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Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:49:38 AM »
get it, rate it etc... here:

this one took 4 long days to make,
it wasn't easy but B"H I'm glad it was done under a week...

the downloadable versions will be available
at my personal page on the server:


« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 08:34:39 AM by jsullivan »


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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 03:39:17 PM »
Downloadable links for this film:

For high quality version (roughly 70 MB) click here:
(ideal for burning and public screening)

For low quality version (roughly 22 MB) click here:
(ideal for distributing on the web)

For low quality version (roughly 22 MB) click here:
(ideal for distributing on the web)

« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 11:56:56 PM by OZ77 »

Offline Sarah

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 03:59:21 PM »
I just watched it was very well made -excellent in fact- but pointless if its only the people on jtf that view it. The sound doesn't follow in context with the muslims speaking at the conference in the beginning, so it almost seems as if the original wording has been altered. I thought Chaim ben pesach would have a beard and be a lot older.........he is well spoken, but something about him scares me.....hes too determined.
Btw the images you got of people praying were all copied from news reports and edited right?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 04:32:58 PM by OZ77 »

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2007, 04:12:02 PM »
The video has five youtube honors!  Keep rating it posting comments and watching the video.

#30 - Top Rated (Today) - People - All
#28 - Top Rated (Today) - People - English
#82 - Most Discussed (Today) - People - All
#47 - Top Favorites (Today) - People - All
#40 - Top Favorites (Today) - People - English
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2007, 04:33:12 PM »
I just watched it was very well made -excellent in fact- but pointless if its only the people on jtf that view it. The sound doesn't follow in context with the muslims speaking at the conference in the beginning, so it almost seems as if the original wording has been altered. I thought Chaim ben pesach would have a beard and be a lot older.........he is well spoken, but something about him scares me.....hes too determined.
Btw the images you got of people praying were all copied from news reports and edited right?

hello Sarah,
the idea for this video came to me
as I was watching a 1 hour report about
Muslims taking over Europe slowly but surely.
some clips from that report can be seen in this video as well.

the wording of these Nazi Muslims in the film was absolutely NOT altered
in any way or form! and I can't emphesise this enough, maybe it's hard for people
like you to grasp what Islam is really all about, and so you try to avoid reality
and rationalize these things that you may find shocking to you..,
I'm glad you saw this video, it was meant for people like yourself
who need to urgently be disillusioned from their perception of islam.

the segment in the begining was like that when I got it, it's a bit out of sync but that's how I got it,
other than that since the film had a time limit, only the highlights of their wording were shown in the film,
but let me assure you that the full report shows the same
extreme fanatic Muslim ideas which are being shown in the video and which are implemented into today's Europe.

don't be fooled Sarah,
consider this film your wakeup call...

« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 04:36:16 PM by OZ77 »

Offline Sarah

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2007, 04:52:38 PM »
hey OZ77

Yes you're right i did try and rationalize everything and.....


Maybe you could   get more evidence from written islamic books to back the video.....then it will be more about islam instead of the ignorant so called "imams" who wear those turbans.

I think its great, unlike me, you seem very competent with computors :)

hey do you want me to forward it to 100's of muslim kids? or will that create a sudden surge and a backlash on jtf....... i could do it on a fake account...

Offline Until Shiloh Comes

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2007, 05:17:37 PM »
Wow Oz, every time I think you've made a great video you simply out do yourself.    Fantastic job.

I'll offer a slight correction though.  In your caption you right "In France, police is(sic) is not allowed into Muslim areas..."   It should be "police are not allowed into Muslim areas...".    In any event, great work and G-d bless you.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 05:46:53 PM by OZ77 »
Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"


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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2007, 05:50:31 PM »
Wow Oz, every time I think you've made a great video you simply out do yourself.    Fantastic job.

I'll offer a slight correction though.  In your caption you right "In France, police is(sic) is not allowed into Muslim areas..."   It should be "police are not allowed into Muslim areas...".    In any event, great work and G-d bless you.

thank you, and I meant police as an organization rather the policemen themself,
so I think "is" is the way to go here, although english is not my native tongue
I'm pretty sure I got this right... i think..

btw guys, if you see <<Last Edit:by OZ77>> under you messages, I apologize
since in the hebrew forums the "quote" button is to the right and the "modify" button is to the left of it,
here it's the other way around, and so I keep modifying your messages with my reply, then delete my reply
from your original messages and click the "quote" button, it's a dumb reflex and I'm trying to shake it off,
but sorry about that, just so you'd know I'm not editing your messages or anything like that..  :P
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 05:52:49 PM by OZ77 »

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2007, 08:06:40 PM »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2007, 10:00:03 PM »
Oz77 your new video is great I don't know how you do it but keep up the great work! Your video and Chaim's narration is a winning combination.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 01:23:54 PM »
Good work, one piece of advice, pile in quotes from the quran and the hadiths next time, chaim mentions that the hadiths name three Jewish women that mohammed raped, next time quote it directly, give the chapter and verse so people can look it up and see that we are not lying.


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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 10:15:36 PM »
Good work, one piece of advice, pile in quotes from the quran and the hadiths next time, chaim mentions that the hadiths name three Jewish women that mohammed raped, next time quote it directly, give the chapter and verse so people can look it up and see that we are not lying.

well I could have gone in a thousand other ways with the making of this video,
there were a lot of ideas that didn't make the final cut for numerous reasons,
my goal was to try and compress as many elements possible withing youtub's STUPID 10 minute time limit,
I did have some snapshots of the koran quotes on the site, I just couldn't find the right spot
to place it long enough to be readable and yet not break away from the film's momentum.

but you make a good point, hopefully next time we can add it...


Offline mord

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 10:34:29 PM »
Excellent video your very talented
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2007, 01:17:29 PM »

More mohammedan movies in Youtube:

Condensed Blasphmey against Allah and Muhammad (Jizz up upon him)

Muhammad was a terrorist and pedophile.
The prophet Muhammad came into my apartment to dispell some myths about Islam. I present this for the education of all.

Islamic oppression

Married to Muhammad 

An examination, then comes the mocking and ridicule of this stupid religion called islam.


An examination, then comes the mocking and ridicule of this stupid religion called islam.


An examination, then comes the mocking and ridicule of this stupid religion called islam.


Fight the enemy by mocking them! 

why the meat(women) must remain in the fridge(veil)

« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 02:45:44 PM by Christian Zionist »
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Bar Mitzvah receptions
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2007, 10:36:38 PM »
Chaim:  What was your Bar Mitzvah like?  What do you think of the families who spend tens of thousands of dollars for a Bar Mitzvah reception at Leonard's of Great Neck or the Astorian Manor?  I once heard of a billionaire corporate riader who rented out the entire QE II while it was docked in Manhattan for his son's Bar Mitzvah.  ???

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2007, 02:59:02 PM »
ChaimJr, can you please explain to me what Chaim's Bar Mitzvah has to with this thread ???

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2007, 08:02:20 PM »
This question has been asked about 3 times. It was in last week's Ask JTF and I moved one of his new ones into this week's. In fact it was in last week's twice.

If this forum is so difficult to navigate, we can at least be sure that the affirmative action people won't disrupt things. 

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2007, 10:10:49 PM »

Your video-making talents are amazing.

(Although I have already said elsewhere that the 'Islamic problem' is totally controlled by the European elites.  They know what they are doing with their immigration policies.)
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 10:59:52 PM »
Fabulous Ozz  Looking forward to the next one brother.... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2007, 08:26:10 PM »
Great work Oz. This should convince anyone who watches what will happen if muslims are allowed into civilized countries. Bravo
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Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Offline Sarah

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2007, 05:16:37 PM »
How about projecting the video on buckingham palace's walls? Or in trafalger square. I think we should make this more well known. OZ has created this masterpiece, its our duty to spread it. Lets devise a great plan to really spread this and make it worth Oz's efforts. Great job. :)


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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2007, 06:03:36 PM »
I think that to have a really big impact it needs direct quotes from the quran and the hadiths.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 06:54:37 PM by ftf »

Offline julija333

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2007, 11:44:08 PM »
Hello my name is Julija Stojakovic and I was born and raised in roots are Serbian...and i am a follower of Orthodox Christianity...The video was sent to me on You Tube and it was all old news to you know eastern euro and othodox people in general have been fighting this jihad for centeries...for us in serbia and greece it has been since the ottoman era and for many other people it has been since the religion was made up...I am here to get information...i want to develop my opinion on jewish people...much of what i know is negitive from stereotypes to media...I've done some of my own reseach and find much in common with the jews...i am here for the truth...i am very honest and i will do reseach on what i find out....i just want different views...and i haven't heard a jewish one...thank you for your time...

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2007, 10:59:39 PM »
Julija, I am sure everyone on this forum will be happy to answer your questions. Though many of the posters are not Jewish.

The video was sent to me on You Tube and it was all old news to me...

I truly hope the Serbs regain their country from the Muslim colonizers, we Jews have also had to deal with the Muzzies for many centuries. I know of no equivalent philosphy of such evil that also has such longevity.

I will tell you that one thing you will get here is the truth both good and bad, we are honest at this forum.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

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Re: Now Released: "The REAL Islam Revealed" movie.
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2007, 06:08:13 PM »
You see in news us Serbs were made to look like killers...i'm not here to lie and say we did not have an equal part in many things but if you look at eastern euro history you will know that we were not these bad people that the world has come to think of us....the count of bosnian muslims were out of the roof when the UN stats come out for the see what people don't know is that these bosnians were bringing mullah's and soilders over from the middlest to fight in this brother in law is from a mixxed marrage and his father was skinned alive then his mother was gang raped by these muslim holy men....we still till this day have not found his body because serbian and croation leaders found out that these bosnians were buying/taking these bodies and telling the UN that they were the dead bosnians so when the stats came out it made it seem like many more bosnians were killed than anyone else...we believe my brother in law's father were among those dead....I recently made a trip to bosnia because we have friend there and i was shocked at what i saw....sarajevo is taken over by these muslims and turned into another city...THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS see a woman covered in a hajab in bosnia is crazy....i felt like i was walking in a arabic city....and what was even worse is they banned the sale of any pork...they will one day take bosnia over like they did to Kosovo....where i live there is a mini mart and i walked in one day and noticed pictures of men that look like my Orthodox priests and i asked the man where he was from and he said he was Jewish but his wife was a orthodox christian from palestein...we started talking and thats when i decided to learn more about the jews and their views....what shocked me about what this man said is that the arabs sold the jews their land fairly and now they start wars becuse they want it back....i don't know how rue this all is but i want to know...please feel free to respond and share your views with me....thank you for your time...Julija Stojakovic...