Author Topic: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.  (Read 19852 times)

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Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« on: November 13, 2006, 08:34:14 AM »

Hi Chaim,

Happy Purim! May all the present day Amalek be wiped out as well to mark this Purim!

You have said you like Italians and Irish. What is your opinion on the governments of Italy and Ireland today and the people living there? Northern Ireland which is part of The United Kingdom is generally more Pro-Israel than the Catholic Republic of Ireland. The IRA which fought The British I think are Anti-Israel and have worked with The PLO. But I know you have praised the Irish fight against The British.

Why do you single out Irish and Italians as the people that made a great contribution to America? The Founding Fathers were mostly WASPs. Why don't you praise the WASPs of America? I have heard you condemn England and you insulted the island but then offered your apologies to Scotland. How do you reconcile your dislike of The British People if the first white Americans were themselves British? What do you think of WASPs in America today? I can understand though why you condemn their government.

Since you don't have anything against Scotland, what is your opinion on Wales and The Welsh? What do you think of Scottish and Welsh Americans today?

What is your opinion of The Episcopalian Church since it is tied in with The Church of England? Are they like the Bible believing Christians led by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell?

What do you think of The Amish of rural Pennsylvania? Can they be considered to be Bible believing Christians and/or Righteous Gentiles like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell?

What do you think of The Quakers? Can they considered to be Bible believing Christians and/or Righteous Gentiles like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell?

What do you think of Americans of French descent?

What do you think of white Cajun French in New Orleans?

What do you think of Americans of Scandinavian descent?

What do you think of Americans of German descent?

What do you think of Americans of white Spanish (Spain, not Latin America) descent?

What do you think of Americans of Dutch descent?

What do you think of Americans of white Portuguese descent?

What do you think of Americans of Belgian descent?

What do you think of Americans of Russian descent?

What do you think of Americans of Polish descent?

What do you think of Americans of other Eastern European descent?

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 06:38:10 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2006, 10:14:00 PM »
Yacov Menashe asked me to post this.

1. Why did you say you can't accuse a Jew of committing suicide if you accuse Irv Rubin of committing suicide?

2. Do you believe the below report increases Baruch Marzel's chances of being elected? I first posted it a while ago so by now it might not be relevant news anymore.

A Move to Increase Knesset to 180 MKs
05:45 Sep 26, '06 / 4 Tishrei 5767
by Yechiel Spira

Kadima MK Prof. Menachem Ben-Sasson, who chairs the Knesset Law Committee, supports increasing the Knesset from its current 120 MKs to 180. 

Ben-Sasson explains that at present, about one-third of the MKs are serving as cabinet ministers or deputy ministers, leaving the work of members of Knesset in the hands of only 80 lawmakers. On an average, an MK serves on six different committees he explains, making their effectiveness on any one committee somewhat limited.

Adding 60 MKs he explains would result in MKs serving on an average of two committees, permitting him to then focus his energies on those committees as should be the case. Ben-Sasson believes expanding the number of MKs would be a positive step towards revamping the political system.

If his proposal is not accepted, Ben-Sasson plans to support the Norwegian Law which would compel MKs appointed to a cabinet position to resign as MKs during their tenure as a government minister. Their Knesset slot would go to the next in line on that party’s ballot.

Among the outspoken opponents of the plan is Prof. Shevach Weiss, a former Knesset Speaker. Weiss stated that at present, the Knesset is not overwhelmingly popular and a call to increase its size by one-third would be met with angry public accusations of wasting additional taxpayer funds. Weiss stated that if the Knesset enjoyed widespread public support, then such a move might be feasible but considering public realities, it would be a mistake.

Prof Arik Carmon, who heads the Israel Democracy Institute, came out in support of the move in his statements released on Monday. He explained that at present, the Knesset is unable to carry out one of its primary tasks, to oversee and monitor the performance of the cabinet. He added the individual burden of MKs would be lessened by his expansion plan, permitting each elected official to carry out his/her duties more efficiently, making the Knesset a more attractive option to higher caliber individuals who might as a result opt to consider running for an elected post.

Ben-Sasson stated that with the opening of the Knesset winter session, he plans to form a subcommittee which will probe the proposed change in the structure of the Knesset; a move he is certain will contribute to the running of the government and Knesset alike. He added that in internal Kadima Party discussions on the idea, the prime minister and others expressed their support for the plan.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 02:32:26 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 02:44:15 AM »
Dear Chaim,

A: I am very aware that over the years JTF has been highly supportive of white South Africans, and rightfully so. However, what specifically is your opinion of the SA military's "dirty war" (to use the Bolshevist vernacular) in the '60s/'70s/'80s against pro-ANC subversives? If you believe the Bolshevists, many of those arrested and "abducted" by the SA secret police were tortured and executed and many were Jews. I do not give a crap about any of them because as far as I know all of these were evil, schvartze-sympathizing communists. It is said that a certain portion of hard-core Boer society was always anti-Semitic, but weren't all Jewish prisoners under the white government self-haters/Israel-haters?

B: Under a Kahanist regime, would average Israelis who support surrender or belong to pro-handover parties like Kadima be classified as goyim and exiled? A Jewish friend of mine from another forum and I were discussing this this summer and we both agreed that appeasenik kapos should lose the right to be considered Jews. What does rabbinic or Talmudic law state about excommunication from Judaism?

« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 12:21:41 AM by Chaimfan »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 06:40:32 PM »
Shalom Chaim, Happy Purim and thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

Do you believe that Israeli should use tactical nukes against Iran? These are nukes that won't have the kind of radioactive fallout that could reach Israel, but maybe Iraq and kill US troops.

Despite that risk why should one Jewish life be risked inorder to minimize so called Iranian "civilian casaulties". If Israel strikes Iran but does not finish the entire country off, then Iran can still retaliate with missiles that have chemical or biological warheads that can devestate Israel.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 11:56:14 AM by Maimonides »
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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 04:40:23 PM »
1. Is it wrong to place people on life support if they are in Sharon's irreversible situation if they are not evil mosrim like Sharon?

2. Did you have a Bar Mitzvah reception? Did we get jipped that my father handed out dixie cup ice cream cups to the kids in the back of the shul for my Bar Mitzvah?

« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 10:31:18 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2007, 10:34:35 PM »
Dear Chaim,

What do you think of a recent occurence where a member of the EU  petitioned the YAD VASHEM museum in Israel not to allow Jean marie Le Pen from coming to visit?  What is your opnion about Yad Vashem in general?

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 05:09:31 PM »
Hello Chaim,

I have one inter-related comment and a question
1) Just came back from Israel. It is a truly mixed feeling - there are a lot of things that even worse than what I was expecting and that you are describing. Israel is a very sick society, starting from the abomination atop of our holiest site to daily humiliation of security guards checking your bags. You see Moslem Arabs, youngsters, men and women even in Hertzliya’s malls. You see Jewish Sephardim youngsters laughing and flirting with equally degenerate Jewish girls in Yad Vashem. You see brand new Arab houses adorned with new mosque and a minaret overlooking an Israeli military cemetery in Haifa. Speaking of which, you see graves where 19-20 year old boys and girls rest. These lives, HY"D, could have been spared if lives of IDF solders where deemed more important to the Israeli ruling mafia than lives of their muslim nazi enemy.  And there are many more similar depressing things. Liberalism and weakness permitted all fibers of the Israeli society.

However, there are a lot of things that are not that gloomy and that are downright amazing and good.

2) Question - as you read Rabbi Kahane ZT’L, HY”D books and watch his DVDs you get a sense of doom and gloom. Everything is very negative in his books and DVDs. As much as I was appalled by a lot of things I observed in Israel, I am happily confirming that Israel is a modern, prosperous, economically booming country with living standards similar to that of France and much better highways than in USA, and a general feeling of safety that you just don’t have in USA. Construction sites are everywhere, malls and restaurants are full of people. 

So the question is, was Rabbi Kahane right projecting that much negativity and antagonism onto Israeli society? What is your take on it? Have you had similar reservations? Have you discussed this point with Rabbi Kahane? Has he ever expressed his opinion of being overly negative? Not that I disagree with much that he said or wrote, but being constantly negative does not appear to be a winning political strategy. Appreciate your thoughts on this subject.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 04:58:20 PM by Manch »
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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 06:21:45 PM »
Dear Chaim,
      I am asking this question on behalf of a poster from

i have two questions to be answered.  a few years ago, chaim ben pesach used to ask viewers of his jtf-public access tv shows that he and jtf supported feiglin and were trying to get the hilltop youth to vote for feiglin in the knesset elections.  why isn't chaim supporting feiglin and feiglin being elected to the knesset anymore?

This is my question, I dont have a problem with the Lehi actions against traitors in principle but I do think it would have been better if the Lehi had consulted with a Beis Din. I was wondering if you agree.

If the new Sanhedrin accepted claims of Davidic ancestory would that be enough for you even if Navua hasnt yet been restored?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 05:56:16 PM by kahaneloyalist »
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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2007, 09:16:54 PM »
Dear Chaim, you have said that if you had 25 million dallars you would organize a kahanist takeover of Israel within ten years. But Chaim, do we really have ten years left? The Bolsheviks are happily pushing the Jews of Israel into the abyss. I don't think that Israel will be around in ten years if Israel keeps the present course or if Moshiach doesn't come. What do you think?

Also, what do you think about the Yeshu Tomb. Have you looked at their evidence? I think that it is quite extensive. I don't want to insult the Christians but I think that this needs to be looked at objectively. I know that the Names Yeshu, Mary, Joseph, Matthew, James were common, but to find them all lined up in a row in one crypt. I think the probability is about 600 to 1. What do you think?

Thanks Chaim, you're the best. If I win the Mega Millions Lottery this weekend. JTF will get my Maaser.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 10:40:09 PM by judeanoncapta »
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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2007, 11:35:31 PM »
Welcome, Chaim

I like the Japanese. The Jujitsu is awesome,and they produce one of the best heavy industries.

I find Koreans to be surly,Chauvinistic,culture copiers. They imitate wiggers.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 11:41:08 PM by Gerard »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2007, 01:35:39 AM »
Dear Chaim,

1. Do you know Rabbi Yekuthiel Eckstein of the "International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews".  He raises millions of dollars from both communities.  I personally do not like him because he defended islam's pedophile founder mohammed.  When the Southern Baptist Pastor Jerry Vines described mohammed as a "demon-possessed pedophile" Yekuthiel Eckstein immediately criticized Pastor Jerry Vines. Therefore I do not think that Rabbi Yekuthiel Eckstein is a sincere person.

2. In my opinion only you are the movement leader in the Jewish community who work with Christians.  Yekuthiel Eckstein, Gary Cooperberg, Esther Levens and others are not movement leaders like you.  They have their own projects.  I wish the Christian community hear more about you and support JTF.
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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2007, 03:57:06 AM »
I have great respect for you too. I should also thank you for making me aware of the war of Black crime on White America, the evil of Communism, and the genius of super capitalism. Even before watching your shows, I was always suspicious of Islam because I noticed the closer someone gets to Islam the more likely he is to be a terrorist.

I read somewhere that you were a 14 year old junior when you dropped out of Jamaica high school. Did you get skipped a grade or two because a high school junior should be 15 or 16? Were there a lot of Blacks at Jamaica high school during your years of attendants because there are now.

How does Judaism describe the relationship between Cyrus the Great and the Jews? Is he considered a righteous gentile and was the Persian Empire blessed by G-d because of this?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 10:20:50 AM by Norman »


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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2007, 06:13:11 AM »
Hello Chaim,
For about 8 years in the 90's I worked as a car service dispatcher in Kings Point, Great Neck, LI. As you are well aware this is one of the most affluent communities in the country. There is a big Iranian-Jewish presence there. I heard you once say that these people[Iranian-Jews] were examples of how Jewish intelligence and ingenuity can enable a person to immigrate to a foreign land and go from basically nothing and work themselves up to a point where they can become members of a wealthy, prosperous community like Great Neck. The implication was that these Iranian-Jews came here penniless. It was my understanding while working there, from things I overheard, from conversations I had with non-Iranian members of the community, etc. that most of these Iranian-Jews that lived there in fact were either high ranking people in the Shah's regime, or important, wealthy people that siphoned out most of the countries wealth once they got advanced warning of the impending Islamic revolution. What is the truth in this situation? I can say that I had alot of bad experiences with these Iranian-Jews who were very pushy,arrogant and seemed to have this attitude that they were above the law. All attributes that are generally not present in people who work hard and build great things from square one. The Iranian men in particular had a very bad habit of being particulary offensive to women that I had driving for me. In retrospect I have always had a real distaste for those people. Your comments, which seemed to be the exact opposite, intrigued me because you are someone who I think is very honest and quite perceptive. Secondly, I am SamanthaTheCat, I have several Youtube accounts already besides my director's account. Youtube has a 3 strike your out policy anyway. Get me the tapes, I'll get them posted one way or the other and I also can post them as complete shows on my google video account.       
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 11:27:07 AM by Allen-T »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2007, 05:07:08 PM »
Hello Chaim,

I have to admit and proudly so JTF has inspired me deep to take a strong leadership role for younger Americans.  Being that I am still concidered young I am 31 to take that step to promote pride to Americans  that are in that age of early teens to their 30s that to be proud of who they are, where their ancestors came from and to never apologize for it.  I know this is a tough task cause we live in a society where the schools have lied to children.  Where they want to have kids believe that Martin Lucifer King was as important if not more so then George Washington.  But I want that role as you inspire young Jews I want to inspire young Christians, and I am sure a lot of Christians on this forum would join in as well as my Jewish brothers and sisters would as well.  How do we start this if you or anyone else may have suggestions to get this ball rolling.   Unfortunatly I am too young to know what America was like in the 30's, 40's and 50's but from what I read about it I want that America to be today's America for tomorrow's America.

If there is any gift to give I think this will be the one that will everlasting. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 05:08:58 PM by MasterWolf1 »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2007, 07:47:03 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I hope you are well.  You might please comment on the one (rather large) point that I make below.

I think that Jewish success is due to Jewish brains and not to the Torah.  I know you believe the opposite.  I do not deny that the Torah and the Talmud etc. are wondrous Books and I do not deny that those Books come from G-d.  The Talmud is the product of the greatest minds (maybe inspired by G-d), and not the other way around. 

I consider that the evidence of inborn brainpower is just too strong, especially in the Ashkenazim.  There are many ‘politically incorrect’ but scientifically correct studies showing that the Ashkenazim have an average IQ (115) that is as much above the average white IQ (100) as the average white IQ is above the average black IQ (85).  Ashkenazim appear to have slightly larger brain sizes. 

I think that the real secular importance of keeping the Torah is that it stops Jews of great ability from breaking off and becoming indifferent or even anti-Semitic.  Examples include Lev Bernstein who became Leon Trotsky and indirectly caused the deaths of thousands of Jews.  A rabbi told him, ‘The Trotskys will be the death of the Bronsteins.’

Even worse, Erich von Manstein was the son of an assimilated Levite (von Lewinski) and was adopted by a Gentile German military family.  He had all the ability of his Jewish blood relatives but no sense of loyalty to them.  He was by far the most effective of Hitler’s field marshals and his brilliant generalship allowed the Nazi regime two extra years to carry out the Holocaust.

The one and only counter-example to my argument seems to be Rabbi Akiva, who is said to have been born a Gentile but later became a learned Rabbi and martyr.

Surely you can leave open the possibility that Jewish ability is biological rather than cultural – it may be a chicken-and-egg argument but I think you would agree that it is better to be truthful than not to seek the truth for fear of being called ‘racist.’  What do you think?

Ihulim Levaviim from Noahide.  (I still listen every week.)

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2007, 08:40:12 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I remember you said you liked Yemenite and Yiddish music. Listen to Zion Golan (Yemenite). Also, go on

I know most MK members are Bolsheviks, but which ones do you think are the best if you had to choose?

What job do you recommend for an individual moving to Isarel, but who want to get into politics?

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2007, 07:00:43 AM »
Dear Chaim,
  How do you deal with stress? I'm a teacher in a horrible area where many of the "students" do aggravating things like destroy the classroom and walk around with impunity. I'm looking for a new job in the field of finance/accounting but do you have any suggestions on how to cope with the stress until I find one, G-d willing?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2007, 07:03:56 AM by ItalianZionist »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2007, 12:17:16 PM »
Shalom Chaim thanking you for taking my questions as usual – CHAG PURIM SAMEACH! :) :) :) :D 8) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Comment 1: Regarding the Charedi fellow I mentioned to you last week – he is fairly ‘leberl’ in the sense that he is tolerant and accepts people not Chareidi, but will quiz him on that ‘evidence’, he does have women working in his schools & also talks to women.   

OVER SOME TIME - EVER SINCE Yisrael Beiteinu MK Avigdor Lieberman entered the Smolmert Government coalition - he has been making so many statements about Jews and Arabs in Israel/PA, the whole media is up in arms against him and all the Left and Radical far-Left parties in the Knesset. He is being condemned so much – as a ‘fascist’, as a ‘Kahanist’, as an ‘ultra-nationalist’ and as a ‘racist’; it is [not] remarkable. Have you changed your position on him, since you wrote that article on him – now in the JTF archives section?

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2007, 07:14:56 PM »
hello chayim (sorry im sure i spelled it wrong).

look, on one hand i feel bad about disagreeing with you so much, but on the other i feel your stanse on homosexuality limit's JTF. you say its an obamination, ive seen that word before many time's but dont know what it mean's other than its bad. well maybe it is but, last semester my religious ethics class saw thsi film claimeing that jesus never once spoke of homosexuality and that the old tesstament mention's of it had to do with prostetucion and idalatry, not sex by itself. couldn't it be the case that it used to be sin but now is not as bad if you are manogamous? maybe it is wrong, and yeah it grosse's me out but no ones forceing me to look at it. ive had gay friend's and they are fine with me. i think that if the task force didnt talk against gay's it could maybe get more member's. you really think you cant be gay and support israel? that dosent make sense to me. what did rabbi kahan think of sexual orientation?

this is off the subject but oh, you have great taste in women chayim, ann coulter's a hottie and i wish i lived near her, but no one like that lives in LA.

thank's again for listening to me,


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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2007, 07:24:01 PM »
i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2007, 11:14:16 PM »
Dear Chaim,

1. Have you ever read Chaim Potok's novels? What is your opinion of him as a person/author? I enjoyed reading his books, particularly his classic, 'The Chosen'. I know he wrote a multi-volumed essay entitled 'Jewish Ethics' but I don't know what sort of view it espouses.

2. To what extent would a Kahanist government monitor public decency. For example, will Israelis be free to access Western television shows/movies exhibiting violence and distasteful sex? Also, would the internet have filters to prevent access to pornography and to the views of our political enemies? What about those who violate Tzniut on the streets of Tel-Aviv? What does Judaism say about co-ed beaches?

« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 10:47:54 AM by Jabo »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2007, 11:50:31 PM »
i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.

HAHAHA an 'Obamination". That's what it will be if Hussain is elected. Chaim, you are free to use it.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 12:31:59 AM by Jabo »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2007, 12:56:25 AM »
i omited one fact to consider is that gay's and jew's have been pursacuted (spell?) through most of the world & most of world history, think about that next time you say they are an obamination. thanks.

one last time i dont support the life but i dont hate them either.
I thought you were a homo, but now I have to agree with the other posters here. You must be a flamer and a troll. Nobody is this stupid.

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2007, 09:49:52 AM »
Chaim, why don't we have an island set aside and call it homoland.
We can then allow faggot marriage and allow them to have their evil ways there.
Encourage all the queers to go there, but normal people will not be allowed there.
They can butt each other to death there. They can share their AIDS and other plagues.
Now, this will not be a prison, but a paradise for all the fairies.
There will be one condition, and that will be that they stay there.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 03:27:50 AM by angryChineseManiac »

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Re: Ask JTF For Purim, March 4.
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2007, 12:39:38 AM »
Chaim, why don't we have an island set aside and call it homoland.
We can then allow faggot marriage and allow them to have their evil ways there.
Encourage all the queers to go there, but normal people will not be allowed there.
They can butt each other to death there. They can share their AIDS and other plagues.
Now, this will not be a prison, but a paradise for all the fairies.
There will be one condition, and that will be that they stay there.

Actually this makes a lot of sense, and we should consider making it a reality. How bout putting Gayland in Antarctica?