Well, I made a MISTAKE.... OOPS... "NEO-NAZI" kkk, st0rmfront, C.I, Vanguard, The Torch bla bla bla, all the same. Same Ideas, Same costumes, just different a-holes.
NO AMERICAN WOULD EVER JOIN ANYTHING LIKE THIS, EVER. EVER, EVER. So, DONT tell people HERE that YOU are "Patriotic" You are an INSULT to intelligent people. NO Patriotic AMERICAN WILL EVER go to a murdering neo-nazi forum- EVER- EVER- it is a SLAP in the FACE to our GRANDFATHERS. You ALSO may as well know, that Jews, NO MATTER WHAT KIND, WILL stick together- liberal, bolshevik, conservative, Zionist- ETC. IT DOES NOT MATTER, when an upcoming storm HITS, Jews WILL stand ALONE, and ONLY with EACHOTHER. So-
IF you are a Jew- you will HELP those people too. Sorry- dear horse- thats the way it is.
can vouch for that kind of thinking. I joined a neo-Nazi board and told them I was Jewish <
WTF FOR>? They were very nasty to me but I was curious to learn about
why they hated Jews so much
<<<PLEASE!!!!!! AS IF you DONT know OUR history The fact that I am a conservative Jew meant nothing to them because they believe that conservative Jews are just neocons
who support Israel first, America second. It became apparent after awhile that neo-Nazis hate Jews much more than they hate other races. That is why
many of them are reluctantly planning to vote for Obama, believe it or not. They feel that since he is anti-Israel, he will be better for the country than
They spent so much time complaining about the Jews running the country, the banks, the media, even the President of the US that one day I said to them,
"Jews only number about 6 million in this country and you Christians number in the hundreds of millions. So why is it that you let Jews run everything
when you out number them by so much? Why did you never try to stop them?" That got them to thinking and before long they were blaming themselves
for not doing anything.
They never changed their views about Jews in general, but one of them said, "You aren't like other Jews." To which I answered, "There are a lot of Jews
like me, who share many of your conservative views." "It is the liberal Jews who produce the pornography that you hate and support illegal immigration"
Had I known about these J street Jews, I would have pointed them out as the kind of Jews they'd get along with.
I pop in there once in awhile but really don't post there anymore.
HORSE the "Patriotic American"