Were you ever a Liberal?
No but I was probably less right wing than I am today. The first time I heard about JTF from a friend on Pal Talk I clicked on the latest "Ask JTF" to see what it was all about and I was really upset because Chaim was talking about blacks in a bad way. I didn't want to join a racist organization, so I left. It reminded me of how my dad referred to blacks as "suspects".
I consider that to be a mistake because I could have been part of JTF much earlier. Anyway later on I had some very bad experiences with blacks taking my promotions at work and I saw how evil and stupid the Katrina blacks were, and I realized Chaim was right.
When my friend on Pal Talk suggested JTF to me a second time I joined.
You have to understand that in school and on tv all I saw was pro-civil rights propaganda.