Author Topic: What the Hell was he Thinking?!  (Read 2734 times)

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What the Hell was he Thinking?!
« on: February 03, 2007, 01:47:32 PM »
11 of the Eleventh Month 5767

What the Hell was he Thinking?!

I'll get to the point.

Last week's edition of the "b'Sheva," a leading newspaper of Israel's religious Zionist community carried a full-page ad on its page 7.

The ad reads as follows (translated from Hebrew):

To Our Honored One and Our Friend

General Ya'ir Naveh

(May the Lord preserve and keep him alive)

A blessing has been sent - Be Strong and Courageous!

We have not forgotten your sacrifices, your integrity, the strength of your spirit,
your correctness in offering up soul and body
for the sake of the Land of Israel, Torath Yisrael, and the Jewish People,
in every place at all times and in every hour.
We stand by your side during the uneasy times
you and your family are experiencing, we salute you
as those who know how deserving you are of appreciation
and at times our silence speaks.

Don't let it get you down.

In the name of loyal friends

Rabbi Aharon Binah
Rosh Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
The Western Wall Plaza

Now, for those of you who do not know the above players, let me introduce them to you. Then you will know how it is that I am so incensed by the absolute absurdity of this full-page ad.

Maj. Gen. Ya'ir Naveh is commander of Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] in the Central Region. He holds ultimate responsibility for the administrative, restraining orders issued, without trial, to 20 Jews living in Yehudah & Shomron (Judea & Samaria) in the fall, 2006.

He holds the ultimate responsibility for other, similar actions.

His home in the city of Givat Shmu'el next to Tel-Aviv has served as the venue for on-going protests of his actions. He has also been called to task by the nascent Sanhedrin (Highest Rabbinical Court). His presence was requested to explain his actions, as their hallachic (Jewish legal) justification has eluded the Sanhedrin, based on the available information. On the contrary, his involvement in expelling Jews from their homes, appears to the Rabbinical Justices to be in violation of Hallachah.

Maj. Gen. Ya'ir Naveh refused to answer the summons to appear before the Rabbinical Court.

Oh, and did I mention that Maj. Gen. Ya'ir Naveh is a kippah-wearing, religious Jew and product of a yeshivah high school?

Enter "Rabbi" Aharon Bina...

"Rabbi" Aharon Bina took out a full-page ad not just supporting, but praising, Maj. Gen. Ya'ir Naveh who has refused to appear before a Beth din (rabbinical court), a serious offense in Jewish Law. Not only that, but the summons to appear was signed by hakhamim (Torah scholars) such as Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Rabbi Re'uven Hass, Rabbi Yehudah Edri, Rabbi Ido Elba, and Rabbi Prof. Hillel Weiss.

This is the same "Rabbi" Aharon Bina who has honored the likes of Gen. Elazar Shtern, another religious Jew and chief of the IDF Personnel Branch, as well as being a highly out-spoken opponent of any soldier refusing orders to participate in the expulsion of Jews from their homes.

The opinion of many rabbis that such orders violate Hallacha, and thus compel soldiers to refuse them, has not appeared to move Gen. Shtern. Although, I could be mistaken....

After Gen. Shtern's appearance at a Yeshivath Netiv Aryeh event, he made his way down to the the Kotel (Western Wall), where he was chatsised and called some rather choice descriptive nouns, by at least one hakham, of whom I am aware.

So, when Aharon Bina invites Gen. Shtern to his yeshivah, what are we supposed to think?

We are supposed to judge Aharon Bina with kaf z'khuth (the benefit of the doubt). But this Jewish blogger is finding that increasingly difficult to do.

What the hell Aharon Bina was thinking when he placed this ad, I have no idea.

But, I'm not surprised.

As it will said from here on out...

...ככה זאות ממלכתיות

Thus is loyalty to the state...

Related Stories:

Sanhedrin-Related Web Site Claims..., 4 Shevat 5767/Jan 23, '07

Expelled Yesha Jews Invited to Kenesseth, 18 Marheshwan 5767/Nov 8, '06
Twenty Handed Administrative Orders Without Trial, 27 Tishrei 5767/Oct 19, '06
IDF Manpower Chief Harassed at the Kotel, 13 Tishrei 5766/Oct 16, '05

Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah