SC, you won't convince us that Georgia is the bad guy, and you certainly won't by posting an article from a famous NAZI who, by definition, will always support Nazi nations.
No matter what the issue is, you can rest assured that Buchanus is going to oppose our country no matter what. The only people he sticks up for are concentration-camp guards and Arabs.
You are mostly right about Georgia and Buchanus, but Saakaschwili will not lead Georgia in a bright righteous future. This guy is nuts. He had all chances to tie his country to righteous values. But he decided to act crazy and like a criminal mainly to his own people. No western gouvernment will support him, this is a fact.
Georgia needs a better leadership in order to prosper.

I have read the article of Buchanus and althrough his "note" and his intentions are treaterous, he is mainly right on this issue.
I have sawn the Russian soldiers. This is not the destructed army of the nineties. This are well trained and equipped soldiers. They are acting rational and are well skilled.
I saw the Georgian troops also in action. It was a joke. Not from the equipment, but from the military tactic and behaviour. This are weekend soldiers.
It would be a crime to escalate this situation because Europe is cowardly and the USA will not go to war against Russia in the Kakasus.
Imo we have to focus all our power on the Muzzies in Iran AND in the after Musharraf Pakistan.
We have to keep Russia with all our might out of this areas. Otherwise we will regret it deeply.
Like I said the most important thing is to stop Russias weapon export to the Quranimals.
I don't think this will work if we will escalate the war in the Kaukasus.