I feel sad for Greek people being so heavily mixed today.
I think the original ethnic Greek of 300 years ago is not the same as the todays average Greek. As are the original Romans, Celths, ... they all intermarried in Englan, France,.... Did their nation really die out, or are there still relatively pure Greeks around?

I suppose there genes dwell somewhere from Spain to Persia....I only have Celtic (Irish, English, Scottish) and German blood as far as I know. I'm very light and my sister is so pale she could glow in the dark almost.
Than you're British-German looking. Good
It is not a crime to be proud of one's family lines.I saw a Web page one time that showed Southern European models that were tanned and not tanned. When they were tanned, they appeared to have olive colored skinned but when they weren't tanned their skin was as pale as any other white person's.
People with blond (I mean almost white) hair and blue eyes, such as the Fins, the Swedes, get easily burned in the sun.
They have less pigment, and therefore people that live 1000-2000-3000-4000km to the south will gradually have
more brown-black hair/green eyes. Blond Hiar+ Blue eyes like Swedish people become gradually less comon in Denmark, althoug still very dominant, in Germany (of course an awful lot of non-Europeans that are about to interbreed!) in the North, people are usually blond too.
In the middle of Europe, lots of people are blond, but they are "darker blond" i.e. gradations between white-yellow-light brown... In Russia there are also lot of blond people. (Vikings that went on "business trips" in Russia) Could it simply be that Southern Europe has stronger sun?
yes, these people there never needed to adapt to the climate of the north (where there is a period of 6 months of darkness, as did the Scandinavians... With a darker skin there, you'd lack vit. D absorption, and become easier sick ... My father has tan-colored skin on every exposed part from working outside for many years in Texas. You can tell he's Irish and German by the shape of his facial features and his hazel eyes. When he takes his shirt off you can tell he's naturally pale like my sister and I.
Anyway I just thought I'd throw that out there as one possibility why many of them could be darker skinned.
I've made jokes about trying to pass as a white Spaniard and changing my name so that I could be classified as "Hispanic" when I go job hunting, so I won't be discriminated against. Many people here in America are unfortunately stupid enough not to know the difference between white Spaniards and Mexicans. There's a problem with my diabolical plan though... I just don't have their facial structure at all so I could never pass for Spanish. lol
One more question, do the people who consider Meds nonwhite treat Nordics or Alpines who mary Meds as if they were race mixing?
Well, Nordic people are quite reserved, they will not tell you such things, unless you know them quite well.
They emphasize on culture, and language first, as a condition to be accepted as an immigrant there.
Of course, that is also more politically correct, and less racist than telling you dislike people because of their colour.
But, to my experience, indeed, people from Denmark and Sweden could consider someone who marries an Italian as a race-mixer.
Danish women and men, are more radically against intermarriage with non-Europeans than Swedes , btw...
Denmark is rather right-wing. Sweden rather left-wing...
Holland is lost, There is a lot of blond women with half [censored]-babies... compare it with USA... Obama's mother types....
France (of course majority brown haired) is intermingling at a staggering rate with North-Africans...an black africans.. Germany less, but the inner cities in the south, and the Ruhr-Gebiet, (industrial hearth of Germany),
are filled with non-Europeans....
Belgium... what can I say... not as bad as Holland, but Brussel (capital of Europe's new Soviet-Union) is 56% non-European...
I guess the politicians, after the WWII wanted to proove they were no nazis, by letting in millions of non-Europeans...
Now we see, we are in a similar situation as the Native americans were...
Only, we facilitate the enemy...