Dox, I tend to agree with you. I'm more partial to your former suggestion than the latter. I simply see too many cultural differences and the tragedy of over 60 years of overly "progressive" brainwashing to "hate whitey". Heck, even today the Whites hate whites and love blacks as much, if not more, than the blacks themselves.
One book I think you may find enjoyable Dox, is "
The Techniques of Communism" by Louis Bodenz. It outlines many schemas the Communists use to forward their cause. One, specifically related to this discussion is their use of the ignorant dumbed down black community against the Whites. The most explicite example is that of aka "
Martin Luther" King Jr.: Michael King, who was a member of the Communist Party, financed and aided by Communists, educated and awarded with a fraudulantly attained "Ph.D" and "Rev" title. Further, wherever he went agitation between the races shortly followed. A total distortion of reality is the media's presentation of this Marxist animal. Imagine no Holiday for any of the founders of America but there is for a Black Communist savage. Shows how much "progressing" America has gone through....
What is happening today is akin to Orwell's "1984" or Huxley's "Brave New World"....especially when the free thinking main character gets so depressed from all this collectivism the only option left to get away from it and attain his solely desired freedom was to hang himself....
My two cents...