The Conspiracy of Broder, ben Pessach, Goldstein, Rabbi Kahane, Herre & USRAEL is a bolschewist pro Israeli Arab web site. It is called the "Palestine Portal"
I have read about a lot of conspiracies, but this is really crazy.
All is involved:
Of course our good Chaim, Rabbi Kahane, Baruch Goldstein, Henryk M. Broder, Stefan Herre from PI, JTF, Massada 2000,, Gush Emunim, Alan Posener,, etc.
This story could nobody dream.
Henryk M. Broder, Politically Incorrect and the Rabbi Meir Kahane Connection
Achgut Broder & Herre Politically Incorrect
To marsch devided – to strike united
Proamerican . Proisrael . Against the Islamization of Europe
Alliance oder Mesalliance?
Stefan Niggemeier on his blog at 14.5.2008 and in addition to that SPON at 30.5.2008 have brought attention to the fact, that the, with great possibility dubious, Islamophobes (quote from Alan Posener) of Politically Incorrect have referred with a hyperlink to the website of the „Jewish Task Force“ (JTC), which commited themself to the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane.
Kahane is the founder of the Jewish Defense Legue and of the Kach. " „In 1986, Kach was declared a racist party by the Israeli government and banned from the Knesset, and, in 1994, following the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre by Baruch Goldstein the movement was outlawed completely” (

(Logo left below: „Today these are the holocaust-deniers“)
The link leads directly to the website:
(2. from left: Rabbi Meier Kahane, 3. Chaim ben Pesach, the owner of the website)
The conspiracy-theoreticians i ask, to interpret the logo of the „Jewish Task Force“ not as real "USRAEL". Rather this is a sign, that there are Jewish sectarians, who have this might-dreams.The political goals of these are:
How JTF would save America and Israel!
POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens.
POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.
POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority.
POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America's addictive welfare handouts.
POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel's G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem.
POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil.
Against the attacks [here is meant Niggemeiers attacks], PI allowes Chaim ben Pesach to make his stand. He put his finger on some points, which are rarely addressed so directly in the political discussion.

[But the real issue in the dispute between Niggemeier and PI is Europe’s future:
- If you believe that tens of millions of Muslims should be permitted to flood into Europe, then you should support Niggemeier. But if you recognize that this policy is suicidal, then you should support and
join PI.
- If you are concerned about the fact that the Muslims have the highest birth rate in the world, and that Europeans have the lowest birth rate in the world, then you should support and join PI.
- If you are concerned about the fact that hundreds of thousands of European youth are converting to Islam, then you should support and join PI.]
Henryk M. Broder intervenes! Already suspicious to have, „pure relations“ to the with „great possibility dubious, Islamophobes“ of PI (quote from Alan Posener), he chooses side for PI against the chairman of the board of the interior of the German parliament , MdB [Member of parliament] Sebastian Edathy with „all lowliness“
Broder gives his advise of a real good uncle to the rascally boys of PI:
„Apart from that it was for shure no good idea, to mess around with an obscure group like JTF. There are people, you have to go a great way around them, althrough they have coincidental the same oppinion as you yourself, namely that the sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.“
So far, so good. I allow Broder every fun. In a hour of great amusement he gives the following advise:

Link: „More funny movies“ he is finding at the website
Kahane was right! Is this a coincident or „just a relation“, like Alan Posener would suppose?
The most of you are aware of the vocabulary of the slander and the de-humination of Henryk M. Broder. If not you can get here a first impression:
Please be not terrified by the choice of words of a notorious deliquent, of which were some parts handled by a court, some parts not. I suggest, that he got his education here:
If not, this is Henryk M. Broder's congenial brother in spirit.
Perhaps you have missed Broder's greatest thought, his century-sentence:
"The second point, which is not even touched, is much more brisant. The problem of the Palestinians is not, that they were deported, but that they were deported not far enough." 
This point, which is for Henryk M. Broder not even touched, has to come from deep pre-cognitive areas of the soul and the mind. It seems not to be far from the Madagaskar-plan of the Nazis, but closer is this plan to the ideas of the followers of Rabbi Meir Kahane and his fellows or the fellows of Gush Emunim ( Did Henryk M. Broder heard of them? "Israel inclusive Gazastrip, Judea, Samaria and East-Jerusalem are seen by this group as "Holy Land". If it is acquired it is forbidden to give it back. Even gouvernmental institutions, like the Israeli Armee, are allowed targets for attacks, according to this ideology if they reatreat from or give land to non-Jews, in the context of peace agreements. say the minimum - at least to have it touched. The thought, Broder have even not touched you find here: to did Zeus asked? Let we answer the "Cranes of Ibikus" :
De profundis I agree with Alan Posener:
"I will never forget the conversation with Israel Singer, in these conversation he told about his sorrow, the Jews of Europe could be seduced in the face of the rising Muslim anti-semitism, to join with Islam-haters.
"Racist is Racist", he said then, "and the Islamophobe unmasks themselve earlier or later as Anti-semite too".
He is right and the "Lunatic Fringe" of the local Islamophobes is the proof for that.“
In respect of our brave fighters for the occident and the free west we can complete the start-graphic:

The German-source-text has some logically problems and of course some grammer problems. I tried to express it in the way it is meant.
A personal remark: Israel Singer should be ashamed of himself to use a term, namely "islamophobe" that was ceated by the Mullah-regime in Iran for propaganda purposes. If "Islamophobie" is racism. I am proud to be a racist.