Author Topic: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain  (Read 9652 times)

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Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2008, 09:48:06 PM »
I hate to say it but unless McCain picks a known conservative or at least someone close to being conservative he is finished.
He better pick someone like Romney, Ron Paul or I hate to say it Huckabee.
If McCain thinks he is going to win with someone unknown he is more stupid then we think.


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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2008, 10:59:49 PM »
Lets just hope he wins
Liberals "A Waste of Good Skin"

Offline tykus1

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2008, 11:42:06 PM »
We are hoping for too much here.  We are doomed no matter who wins.  With McCain it will just take a little longer than Obama/Hillary to seal the fate of America/Israel.  This destructive process has been slowly chipping away, all the result of communist/socialist agendas perpetrated on us by the traitors and sell outs that we have been conditioned to believe are either democrats or republicans.  Unless we start a coordnated grass-roots movement on many local levels, and get back to the ways of the founding principals of this country, only then will we be able to help the US and ultimately Israel.  We have sold our souls for materialism and godlessness, with constant brainwashing bombardment via the media.  The general public does not give a d__m about anything anymore.  The people who really care (Most of Us on the forum) are a miniscule minority and considered crazy, whack jobs by the "normal" conformists with the heads stuck in the sand!  Most people are fearful of expressing what the truth really is in any forum, either public or private!  The really sad part is that the majority of people are happy (or at least have been conditioned to believe such) and don't want to give up the materialism they have!  G_D help us, and be prepared for a much different way of life in the year's to come.  Hopefully we will be able to recover from this disaster.

Offline cloudberry

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2008, 02:06:49 AM »
I hate to say it but unless McCain picks a known conservative or at least someone close to being conservative he is finished.

I agree.  As a conservative, I do not feel I'm being represented.  I'm willing to hold my nose and vote McCain for the hope of gaining more conservatives on the Supreme Court, but f McCain chooses an equally moderate-kissup-to-leftists Vice Pres, then that will most likely break me.  I frankly don't know if or what to vote for.   McCain best realize he can't blackmail us into voting for him by waving the Hildabeast and Obama at us.  He's got to earn it.

I'm not feeling optimistic.  Someone say something positive!
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. - Teddy Roosevelt

The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline rronfsc

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2008, 03:49:25 AM »
a female vp especially if hillary gets the nomination...not too shabby.

Outstanding idea,

How about Dr Condi Rice?
That would get the Female and the African American vote.
Plus this lady is no joke, she can go toe to toe with the worlds worst dictator and often leave them speechless.
She is articulate, tough and a very lovely lady IMHO.

I wonder can we draft her lol.

"I'm not feeling optimistic.  Someone say something positive!"

McCain, knows this is his last go round with the American public, I've a feeling he's lost that loving feeling with the liberal left.
I think the GOP has made it VERY clear what WE conservatives expect in a Presidential canidate.

This should make you feel a little better.
Dubya has seeded the SC with enough conservative Judges that any wacky leftist laws won't ever see the light of day  ;).

Best wishes, Ron
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 04:03:51 AM by rronfsc »

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2008, 09:55:46 AM »
" How about Dr Condi Rice?
That would get the Female and the African American vote.
Plus this lady is no joke, she can go toe to toe with the worlds worst dictator and often leave them speechless.
She is articulate, tough and a very lovely lady IMHO.

I wonder can we draft her lol.

"I'm not feeling optimistic.  Someone say something positive!"

McCain, knows this is his last go round with the American public, I've a feeling he's lost that loving feeling with the liberal left.
I think the GOP has made it VERY clear what WE conservatives expect in a Presidential canidate.

This should make you feel a little better.
Dubya has seeded the SC with enough conservative Judges that any wacky leftist laws won't ever see the light of day  .

Best wishes, Ron "

I hope you're kidding, but I have a feeling you're not.

Congosleeza would be an unmitigated disaster.

Sleeza is an anti-Semite, just like James 'F the Jews' Baker. She's owned by the Saudis and the Carlyle Group. She's even had an oil tanker named after her.

She's never left any dictator speechless but she has left true conservatives and supporters of Israel aghast with comments comparing the so-called Paleosimian movement with that of the American patriots during the Revolutionary war.

The Sleezabeast has been quoted as saying 'We in America understand the benevolence that lies at the heart of Islam.'

Congosleeza is a turd, as is the rest of the State Department.

The same goes for her boss, Jorge Wahabi Bush.

JTF by and large supports the Republican Party, but we're under no illusions, and fully realize that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

McCain over Hussein ? You bet !  McCain over Hitlery ? Affirmative !

But please don't come here heaping accolades on McCain, Condoleeza, or Dubya because we're not buying it and they're not worthy of it.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2008, 09:59:18 AM »
rronfsc:  "...How about Dr Condi Rice?
That would get the Female and the African American vote.
Plus this lady is no joke, she can go toe to toe with the worlds worst dictator and often leave them speechless.
She is articulate, tough and a very lovely lady IMHO.
She certainly is no joke.
What's funny about a nightmare?

She indeed leaves dicktakers speechless.
They had hoped for something a little more human looking; not a gorilla on a diet.

She sho b ah-tick-uh-lick, hmmm hmm!
She b dat' tang' ah's b trowin' p-nuts at!

Voke fo' Congoleeza...
Washim'don Dee-Cee Ko'mish'ner fo' Puh-bli Werkz!

Offline cloudberry

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2008, 01:52:44 PM »
McCain, knows this is his last go round with the American public, I've a feeling he's lost that loving feeling with the liberal left.
I think the GOP has made it VERY clear what WE conservatives expect in a Presidential candidate.

This should make you feel a little better.

Thank you very much Ron.  That works for me.  As long as McCain recognizes it's the conservatives that will make him president or just a tiny footnote in history. 

Time to step up, Juan McCain!
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. - Teddy Roosevelt

The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2008, 02:01:10 PM »
"I think the GOP has made it VERY clear what WE conservatives expect in a Presidential candidate."

Oh please.

If the GOP made clear what conservatives expect in a Presidential candidate, McCain shouldn't have even run---much less win the nomination !

Give me a break.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #59 on: March 21, 2008, 05:43:49 AM »
McCain Romney..  Not that its great, but beggars cannot be choosers..

McCain is the only hope to bomb Iran and help restart Iran revolution...   Nonetheless, he will continue to promote a divided Jerusalem; but sooner or later Israel will knock off its corrupt ant-semitic leaders or finally elect a real one and we can take care of the Pali-stinian problem themselves.  I think Ahmedinejab will live not so happy under a McCain-Romney regime comapred to a Clinton-Edwards/OBama regime..  Remember Ahmedinejab is supplying weapons to Hamas .. If it wasn't for him, Hamas would not have a leg to stand on..  Let the whining crying pali boys shoot their toys at Jewish children..  However, lets focus on knocking out Hitler, not Mussolini..  The Facists will come next...  Of course there is the Saudis, but then thats another story...

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2008, 12:14:51 PM »
Newt does not appeal to independents, women, or young people.  I think Newt will turn off more people than he attracts. The Republicans really need a young VP.

I predict Tim Pawlenty.
Sarah Palin is also a name all of you should google.

Wow I was close way back then!