General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
Dan Ben Noah:
Shalom Chaim,
I'm sorry that in my question last week I implied that Iran could destroy the whole people of Israel. I do not believe that this could happen. What I should have said was, if a very large percentage of Israelis were killed in an Iranian nuclear attack, G-d forbid, what would be your response to the situation and this movement's next step?
Dan Ben Noah
Shalom Chaim,
With your leadership role with JTF obviously making you a controversial figure to some, how often do you receive threats against yourself or your family? Obviously living in New York, with it's diverse cultures, has to put someone as outspoken as yourself in danger. if this has happened, what precautions have you taken to protect you and yours? God Bless you for all that you do.
Greetings Chaim:
Did you ever hear of Drs Dean Ornish and Caldwell Esselstyn? They claim the recommended diet by the American Heart Association is not effective enough in preventing heart disease and recommend a diet whose calories from fat is 10%. Their diets are vegan and exclude all animal products, refined grains, oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, coconuts, olives, chocolate, and foods with lots of sugar like fruit drinks and most desserts and limits fruit consumption. They have used their diets to reverse people's heart disease without drugs or surgery and the diets are even more effective than drugs. They also claim canola and olive oil are bad for the heart despite the common notion they're healthy. What is your LDL, HDL and total cholesterol?
Take Care
Dear Mr. ben Pessach,
I have seen a video of reverend Manning from the Atlah church.
He says that Obamas father was an alcoholic, an adulterer and he drove his car in Kenya while he has drunk schnapps and caused so car accidents.
He mentiones too, that he lost his legs in one of this accidents, but he was so addicted to schnapps that he drove again drunk with prostheses. Then he crashed to death.
Is this true?
If it is true, how can Obama praise this man in his books. Imo he is really no good example for righteous people.
Thank you very much,
The One and Only Mo:
Dear Rav Chaim Shlita,
Are there any JTF frequent programs to join, or oppurtunities to volunteer for JTF in Israel in addition to meeting other JTFers and learning more Kahanist ideals?
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