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Ask JTF for Sunday, September 7, 2008.
(Asking on behalf of Pheasant)
Dear Mr. ben Pessach,
what do you think of reverend James David Manning from the Atlah church of Harlem?
It is possible, that you will take him on your great radio or qptv-show?
Dear Chaim,
I wish we could stop all this nonsense that Jews were somehow better treated by muslims than by Christians - a question on the last week Ask JTF indicates that these myths are alive even among JTFers.
This myth is historically incorrect! Recently I've finished two books , one by Robert Spenser: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" and the other one: "The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims", is a comprehensive study by Ibn Warraq and Andrew G. Bostom. Their latest collaboration I did not read, but the title speak for itself: "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History"
These works prove, without a shadow of a doubt, what fate awaited Jews, Hindus and Christians and how our ancestors have suffered from the hands of these murderous beasts. Let's put an end to the myth! While Jews have suffered immensely under Christians, by no means it is a coincidence that prior to the Holocaust, a great majority of Jews lived in Europe or were of European descent.
PS It would be a good idea for our new website to have a myth basting section.
Dear Chaim,
Can you please give us your take on the notorious late Jewish anti-Semite Benjamin Harrison Freedman? I've been reading about him, and how he blamed the Zionists for telling England that they would get the U.S. to fight as their ally in World War I. He also blamed the Jews for German Nazi anti-Semitism. And needless to say, he was pro-fakestinian.
What makes these people turn on their former religion so viciously? And what can do to counterract his lies?
Dear Mr. Ben Pesach
I've recently seen the movie "300" which is about the Battle of Thermopylae. The movie has no historical value and I wasn't expecting to much but one thing shocked me though: in the movie persian ambassadors are blacks, the persian generals are blacks and even the king of Persia is a black man. (persian slaves are whites though)
So I decided to make some research and I found many forums and blogs were white people were politely making statements on how was impossible to have sub-saharian blacks in the persian army, their comments were follewed by dozens of comments like (quote) "your racist!!" posted by blacks.
One of these creatures went up saying "Persia conquered egypt years before that's why you have black men in there" which is also ridiculous.
Well, at least the fact that Persia had these "affermative action" black generals in his army could explain why they suffer such an incredible defeat...
Why do you think hollywood keep making these anti-history pro-blacks movies? Do you think they purposely glorify blacks? Is this something they want or is just something they are "forced" to do just to avoid the possibility of being called "racists"?
(By the way, blacks think this particular movie is "racist" anyway! Because the black men (persians) are the bad guys who get beated by the white men...)
Shalom Chaim,
First, good job by you, C.F., and the other JTFers who saw through Michael Savage a long time ago. As a result of Savage's overall tirade against the Sarah Palin selection, I have seen the light about Savage. I regret supporting him in the past.
What do you believe is the best course of action to minimize the damage that Michael Savage caused by condemning the Sarah Palin VP selection, his apathy to the McCain/ Palin ticket, and by Savage saying something to the effect that he would prefer Joe Biden as VP compared to Sarah Palin?
Thanks as always, eb22.
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