General Category > General Discussion
Michael Lerner possible that U.S. blew up WTC
I have no use whatsoever for that Kike Michael Lerner.
That being said, I personally have "smelled a rat" from the very beginning of the 9/11 incident.
Nothing of the U.S. Government's "official story" adds up; missing pieces of critical info and news, as available elsewhere, do indeed provide the basis for a "conspiracy investigation".
Whichever persons or parties involved, if any can actually be shown to have either enabled the attack or actively participated in it, should be charged with the crimes and tried in a court of law.
I have read and re-read all of the websites offering their many reasons as well as their "proof" of who did it; all of which fall far short of "proving" their various accusations and theories.
Some of them indeed provide valuable facts and information not available elsewhere, others simply decided who it was that is guilty, and then set about to make their "facts" fit the charge.
There is one thing of which I am certain -- the "War On Terror" is in fact a "War OF Terror"; against both the American people as well as the Israeli people.
It would appear that this phony "war" is the pretext for the Globalists' assault on the U.S. Constitution & assault on U.S. sovereignty; the goal being establishment of three major world Feudal Fiefdoms under UN dictatorial control.
As always, just follow the money trail.
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on February 10, 2007, 03:04:07 PM ---I have no use whatsoever for that Kike Michael Lerner.
That being said, I personally have "smelled a rat" from the very beginning of the 9/11 incident.
Nothing of the U.S. Government's "official story" adds up; missing pieces of critical info and news, as available elsewhere, do indeed provide the basis for a "conspiracy investigation".
Whichever persons or parties involved, if any can actually be shown to have either enabled the attack or actively participated in it, should be charged with the crimes and tried in a court of law.
I have read and re-read all of the websites offering their many reasons as well as their "proof" of who did it; all of which fall far short of "proving" their various accusations and theories.
Some of them indeed provide valuable facts and information not available elsewhere, others simply decided who it was that is guilty, and then set about to make their "facts" fit the charge.
There is one thing of which I am certain -- the "War On Terror" is in fact a "War OF Terror"; against both the American people as well as the Israeli people.
It would appear that this phony "war" is the pretext for the Globalists' assault on the U.S. Constitution & assault on U.S. sovereignty; the goal being establishment of three major world Feudal Fiefdoms under UN dictatorial control.
As always, just follow the money trail.
--- End quote ---
Maybe I'm crazy but I don't see anything fishy about 9/11.
Two planes flew into the WTC which could not have been wired with explosives without anyone knowing.
One plane was brought down over PA. We have evidence from flight seat records and air phone records that Arab terrorists were on that plane. We know it was not shot down because a missile would have been sort of obvious with hundreds of reporters meandering about.
A plane flew into the Pentagon. If you think it was a missile, you are a lunatic beyond help.
There is no conspiracy other than Islam's determination to murder us and George Wahabi Bush not wanting to jeapordize the flow of oil.
Yesha writes: "...If you think it was a missile, you are a lunatic beyond help..."
The interjection into my post suggesting that I was a possible proponent of the "missile" conspiracy-contraversy regarding the Pentagon explosion, besides my having never once mentioned any such argument in my post, renders the poster's assertions to be lacking in substance; perhaps due to lack of information.
Therefore, I post this link to the archive of one superb & independent investigative journalist:
I recommend all JTF members start at the very beginning of his investigations into the financing and background history of one Mohammed Atta, and continue reading each and every successive piece in chronological order.
No small task and no quick read here.
Finally, let me say that my opinion of the 9/11 debacle "stinking to high heaven" was my own conclusion, not based on information provided to me by others.
The passage of "The Patriot Act", following the attacks (which is even more extreme than Hitler's "Enabling Act For The Defense of Germany" which he passed following the Reichstag Fire), ended permanently any semblance of Constitutional Government as well as Constitutional Rights in America.
Exactly two weeks later following 9/11, came the day of a press conference which should be known to future historians as "The Day America Lost Its "War On Terror", when then Secretary of State Colin Powell publicly stated the following:
"The suicide bombings and other attacks against Israel ARE NOT TERRORISM; they are ACTS OF LEGITIMATE RESISTANCE TO ZIONIST OCCUPATION".
Smell anything yet?, maybe, .....a RAT?
Any Jew here believing that relinquishing your Constitutional Rights to George W. Bush and his gang of thugs, so that he can better protect you and the world against "Terror", might better just go on and fire a bullet into his own head right now, and save yourself the unpleasant trip to the concentration camps coming your way.
Once gone (and, rest assured THEY ARE PERMANENTLY GONE), your rights CAN NOT and WILL NOT be restored.
The usual argument heard daily from those ignorant of history and law goes like this:
"Look! Has anyone come and taken you or me away???"...."NO!"...
"So this proves that you are a conspiracy nut and that the Patriot Act IS WORKING to protect America!".
Unfortunately for us all, when tomorrow, say, a Hillary Arafat Clinton or a David Duke assume legal control of the Presidency, and along with it the full weight and power of the United States Of America, they will then be the sole and only authority deciding to use the unconstitutional Patriot Act to arrest & detain without any charges & without right to counsel, perhaps "permanently", any suspect they deem to be a "person of interest", "possible terror suspect", or simply "person or persons affiliated with, or lending support to, any or all terrorist groups".
Of course, TORTURE, as defined by International Laws and International Treaties, is now standard fare practice in America, thanks to the Nazis in power in Washington.
Just a month ago, when questioned at a press conference, President Bush issued the following statement regarding exactly whom in the Middle East were considered by the United States Government to be "the terrorists":
"A Terrorist is anyone opposing the "2-State Solution" the*** Conflict".
Don't believe me?.....look it up for yourself.
*** It appears that an Administrator here on the JTF Forum has taken it upon himself to deliberately misquote and/or misconstrue my actual words by substituting their own choice of words for the actual ones written by me in the quotation above by President Bush.....
I noticed this just now when previewing my post of 02/11/07 written 12:15am.
This behavior I will not tolerate under any circumstances.
If I want censorship or media spin, I can get all of it and more from Olmert and his Bolsheviks!!!!!!!!!!
If the current Forum Administrator wants to drive me off of this Forum, as well as away from JTF, they are doing a good job of it.
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on February 11, 2007, 12:19:00 AM ---Yesha writes: "...If you think it was a missile, you are a lunatic beyond help..."
The interjection into my post suggesting that I was a possible proponent of the "missile" conspiracy-contraversy regarding the Pentagon explosion, besides my having never once mentioned any such argument in my post, renders the poster's assertions to be lacking in substance; perhaps due to lack of information.
Therefore, I post this link to the archive of one superb & independent investigative journalist:
I recommend all JTF members start at the very beginning of his investigations into the financing and background history of one Mohammed Atta, and continue reading each and every successive piece in chronological order.
No small task and no quick read here.
Finally, let me say that my opinion of the 9/11 debacle "stinking to high heaven" was my own conclusion, not based on information provided to me by others.
The passage of "The Patriot Act", following the attacks (which is even more extreme than Hitler's "Enabling Act For The Defense of Germany" which he passed following the Reichstag Fire), ended permanently any semblance of Constitutional Government as well as Constitutional Rights in America.
Exactly two weeks later following 9/11, came the day of a press conference which should be known to future historians as "The Day America Lost Its "War On Terror", when then Secretary of State Colin Powell publicly stated the following:
"The suicide bombings and other attacks against Israel ARE NOT TERRORISM; they are ACTS OF LEGITIMATE RESISTANCE TO ZIONIST OCCUPATION".
Smell anything yet?, maybe, .....a RAT?
Any Jew here believing that relinquishing your Constitutional Rights to George W. Bush and his gang of thugs, so that he can better protect you and the world against "Terror", might better just go on and fire a bullet into his own head right now, and save yourself the unpleasant trip to the concentration camps coming your way.
Once gone (and, rest assured THEY ARE PERMANENTLY GONE), your rights CAN NOT and WILL NOT be restored.
The usual argument heard daily from those ignorant of history and law goes like this:
"Look! Has anyone come and taken you or me away???"...."NO!"...
"So this proves that you are a conspiracy nut and that the Patriot Act IS WORKING to protect America!".
Unfortunately for us all, when tomorrow, say, a Hillary Arafat Clinton or a David Duke assume legal control of the Presidency, and along with it the full weight and power of the United States Of America, they will then be the sole and only authority deciding to use the unconstitutional Patriot Act to arrest & detain without any charges & without right to counsel, perhaps "permanently", any suspect they deem to be a "person of interest", "possible terror suspect", or simply "person or persons affiliated with, or lending support to, any or all terrorist groups".
Of course, TORTURE, as defined by International Laws and International Treaties, is now standard fare practice in America, thanks to the Nazis in power in Washington.
Just a month ago, when questioned at a press conference, President Bush issued the following statement regarding exactly whom in the Middle East were considered by the United States Government to be "the terrorists":
"A Terrorist is anyone opposing the "2-State Solution" the*** Conflict".
Don't believe me?.....look it up for yourself.
*** It appears that an Administrator here on the JTF Forum has taken it upon himself to deliberately misquote and/or misconstrue my actual words by substituting their own choice of words for the actual ones written by me in the quotation above by President Bush.....
I noticed this just now when previewing my post of 02/11/07 written 12:15am.
This behavior I will not tolerate under any circumstances.
If I want censorship or media spin, I can get all of it and more from Olmert and his Bolsheviks!!!!!!!!!!
If the current Forum Administrator wants to drive me off of this Forum, as well as away from JTF, they are doing a good job of it.
--- End quote ---
9/11 conspiracy theories should not be peddled on a board of this caliber.
A Jewish State writes:
"...9/11 conspiracy theories should not be peddled on a board of this caliber..."
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