Author Topic: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?  (Read 987 times)

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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:23:13 PM »
It seems that no matter who runs for what position, not just U.S. President, is always scrutinized, criticized, and ostracized by the media and the world for at least one thing. I understand that it's impossible to please every race, sect, and political affiliate. What I don't understand, however, is why obama (it doesn't deserve a capital "o" or the benefit of proper English in its muslim name) isn't exposed by all media outlets for whatit truly is. If the U.S. is so opposed to terrorism and sensitive after 9//11, how can they let the epitomy of what they are supposed to be against take hold of the most powerful position in the world? Either they just have no idea (which is their responsibility to learn), or they are covering up the truth for monetary gain. In either scenario, if obama, G-d forbid, takes office, who else can the U.S. blame but themselves if it leads to horrible situations? Also, how many votes will obama get in the South? Aren't they a shtickel more racist down there?

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 10:35:14 PM »
Do you want to know what I truly believe the main cause is? Racism. Plain and simple.

Just look at nagin, the mayor of New Orleans. They elect this imbecile into power again and why after he almost killed the people in all the flooding - that was partially his fault too? Because he "wanted to make the city more chocolate". Racism. If he a racist, they love him. If he hates America and Israel, they love him more. They'll even turn on old hillary if they see an opportunity to put someone into power because they are black (*cough* half-black and muslim) and anti-white or anti-America.

The whites and Jews that vote for this garbage... either they do so to somehow "prove" how they aren't racists (self-hating) or they are so far left that reality of the future has no bearing over their biases. Oprah, that beast, shed tears over how this may be the first black president. No issues... no logic... and no plan. They only want someone into office that has the same color to "prove" something. Forget about what he stands for, his past, and if it's even legal for him to run.

In my honest opinion, it really amounts to race... and that's despicable.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 10:39:55 PM by Shlomo »
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Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2008, 10:37:31 PM »
Shlomo, you are correct.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2008, 11:03:15 PM »
So basically history will keep repeating itself with racism being the underlying cause of the world's problems? If so, what are the positive factors of McCain becoming president other than the fact he's not obama? Is politics today essentially a "pick your poison"/"lesser of the two evils" situation in which we have to choose out the way that will screw us over less?

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2008, 11:09:35 PM »
Yes History is bound to repeat itself

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2008, 11:40:22 PM »
So basically history will keep repeating itself with racism being the underlying cause of the world's problems? If so, what are the positive factors of McCain becoming president other than the fact he's not obama? Is politics today essentially a "pick your poison"/"lesser of the two evils" situation in which we have to choose out the way that will screw us over less?

Unfortunately, this is what modern politics have become.  The politicians seldom represent the interests of their constituents.  People do go to the polls holding their nose.  It doesn't have to be this way.  If JTF can become a mass movement with even tens of thousands of supporters and a few million dollars (a pittance by the way) the political climate in this country would brighten significantly.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Is the U.S. causing its own destruction?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2008, 11:55:26 PM »
 If JTF can become a mass movement with even tens of thousands of supporters and a few million dollars (a pittance by the way) the political climate in this country would brighten significantly.

How many supporters does JTF have? Is $ everything in the sense that that is all JTF needs to become bigger than it is now? It seems that even if JTF became even bigger and richer, there are still enough leftists,anti-semites, and ingoramouses out there that would try to defeat JTF anyway and prevent us from expanding. In our own home , Israel, JTF is looked down upon (to say the least), will $ really change anything? I understand that with a lot of $ JTF can spread its ideas, but it seems that no matter what, people don't care.