You are making a mistake. Maybe you can be with Sarah when she grows up and leaves her Muslim parents.
ooooo.k, was that a joke, because i don't get what you're trying to say?

FOTL that is probably why you feel so down, you're in a way, lost. Your life seems meaningless to you because you have no guidance of religion or hope at the moment. Kind of how i feel right now. My life is worthless, i wake up...go to school...come back again and go to sleep. I know life can't always be exciting and fun but what comforts you at other times, is belief in the creator. You know you're living for something, doing something and if in this life you aren't doing following any rules or praying to God then DEATH, my dear friend, won't be as pleasurable as this LOST feeling. When you're ressurected, and maybe realise that you haven't done "enough", somehow, you'll probably be begging to return back to this earth, so make the most of it dude because you never know whats coming next.
I suggest join lots of clubs and get involved in everything & try harder with your religion.
"overdue to leave this forum permanently." by FOTLThis forum may be doing you some good, making you realise that religion is a way of life. Believing in what is right and wrong is the way forward. Otherwise i believe you will be sucked into mindless activities......that many uni students use to excuse their confusion and block it out. Like getting drunk, and "doing naughty things"

"how terrible people like me are. It's clear that the world rejects me."-once again by FOTL 
I was thinking about that once, myself and all i can honestly say is that the world is NOT rejecting you. You are rejecting GOD's Mercy and the oppurtunities that fly past you. If you believe in God and are a good man, then He won't be against you-God willing. God loves those who think and are righteous.
LOL cjd.....the women you have probably spoken to Probably want any excuse for something to be bought for them. You’re right cut flowers suit funerals…if people want a sweet smelling home, then perfume or some kind of fragrance does the trick well enough. Personally I don’t think anything can beat Fresh Air.
Btw do you think they celebrate valentines day in China?
I’ve read the Noahide laws, they are fairly simple. I would do those things anyhow, no matter what religion I was. Its ….i dunno common sense I suppose. Doesn’t it seem slightly, in a way lazy?
What does it take to become a jew? What is better, to convert to Judaism or be a righteous gentile who believes in the noahide laws- regardless of Judaism not demanding conversion?
You Yacov, I presume are an orthodox jew?