Author Topic: Two-thirds into the Year of the Rat … And how Kosovo will get Israel nuked  (Read 2094 times)

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*Two-thirds into the Year of the Rat … And how Kosovo will get Israel nuked*

By Julia Gorin

* |* Every 12 years, the Year of the Rat
returns. According to the Chinese calendar, 2008 is the Year of the Rat, and if
one looks up what a Rat year signifies, one finds, simply, "Chaos". Indeed, this
Year of the Rat has seen the Olympics hosted by China itself - further
legitimized by an American president's insistence on taking the unprecedented
step of attending an out-of-country opening ceremony. The commu-fascist nature
of Red China was on proud display during that ceremony, demonstrating a
precision by every performer marching to the same beat to almost superhuman
perfection. China's unaborted women and girls were featured prominently (though
not seven-year-old singer Yang Peiyi, because of her imperfect teeth).

As many have pointed out, the 2008 Olympics abomination we've witnessed — in
China's preparation for which young Chinese gymnasts were beaten in training;
peoples' homes were demolished (prison and beatings for those who requested
compensation or protested); human rights activists were arrested, broadcasts and
websites blocked, journalists denied access, and UK athletes initially forced to
sign a gag order against making any political statements or even telling their
colleagues of any mistreatment they may witness, much less emailing or blogging
about it -- has happened before. The year was 1936, when the Olympics were held
in Nazi Germany, and the English football team was ordered to give a Nazi salute
in Berlin. (This year, the American team wore communist Red out of "respect" for
the host country.) A quick calculation reveals that, like 2008, 1936 was the
Year of the Rat. And we know what chaos it brought on.

This Year of the Rat also happens to be an election year, one in which we
witnessed the most chaotic primary season in recent election history -- with no
one knowing for the longest time who would be the presumptive Democratic
nominee. And yet, amid the chaotic events of the Rat's year, the U.S.
presidential campaign seems comparatively the least newsworthy item. Let's
recall that the year began with still another great act of appeasement, its
enormity amplified by the tininess of the territory in question. In February the
U.S. and major European powers rewarded with a second state separatists who used
terrorism throughout the 1980s and 90s to wrest a chunk of land from the host
society it belonged to. This was the Kosovo giveaway — executed at gunpoint
(Albanians threaten the West and the West threatens the Serbs)--whose predicted
repercussions the world is only starting to witness on a grand scale as Russia
utilizes the clear precedent in the first flare-up of many that will follow--in
South Ossetia. It was not lost on the Czech Republic that its reluctant decision
to recognize Kosovo "independence"--after succumbing to U.S. and EU
pressure-took place on the territory of the former Sudetenland.

In another stunning historical parallel, John McCain's statement calling on the
U.S. and EU to bless the illegal land grab was prepared for a February security
conference in Munich. While the campaigning Democratic candidates at the time
likewise expressed support for the land grab, John McCain was on board from a
time before Americans had ever heard the word Kosovo, helping to get the Kosovo
Liberation Army terrorists armed by the U.S. and even pressuring Bill Clinton to
send in ground troops to kill Christians on behalf of Muslims falsely claiming
genocide. (Fortunately, Clinton knew better than to imperil American lives in a
war that he knew was fictitious but he needed desperately.) In a cosmic
coincidence, 72-year-old John McCain was himself born in the Year of the Rat --
specifically 1936, the year the world bestowed the Olympics upon Hitler's
Germany -- and his ascent is taking place the year the world bestowed the
Olympics upon Red China, took away Kosovo from the Nazis' bitterest enemy
Serbia, and restarted the Cold War.

At an equidistant point between 1936 and 2008, Rat year 1972, the Olympics were
held in Munich, and the world watched as Jews were once again slaughtered in
Germany, this time by eight "Palestinian" terrorists who killed 11 members of
the Israeli teams. After a day's break from competitions, the IOC declared that
the show must go on, and the following month Germany released the three
terrorists who remained alive.

Today, not only is the Bush administration no longer talking about striking
Iran, but while it publicly defends Israel's right to make its own decision
about a preventive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, it privately has
been telling the Jewish state to back off. When South Ossetia blew, the
administration's precarious position was underscored, with many voices advising
that the U.S. can't have it all, especially since it needs Russia's influence in
Iran. As one UN diplomat quoted by the NY Times said, "If someone went to the
Russians and said, 'OK, Kosovo for Iran,' we'd have a deal." But so wedded are
we to promoting expansionist Islam in the Balkans that we have jeopardized even
the Russia-assisted path with Iran, quite possibly enabling an attack against

Reportedly at the 1972 Munich Olympics, some partying American athletes
innocently helped the "Palestinian" terrorists scale the wall into the yard with
the building where the Israelis were lodging. An equally blurry-eyed America
could easily, but far less innocently, repeat the mistake. The Munich surrender
that 1936 enabled got millions of Jews, gays, Serbs, gypsies and dissidents
incinerated. The Munich of 1972 repeated the Jewish part of that and just as
soon forgot it. The long-brewing Munich-style surrender of 2008 in Kosovo — and
the further appeasing of Islamic interests because of our insistence on it--may
well get the Jews nuked. The Year of the Rat is not through.
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.