Original article in May 2008 (This article is not new its been covered by wnd, etc and ive seen it in the Newsroom here)
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/16/opinion/16brooks.html?_r=1&oref=sloginHe refers to "Hamas's legitimate claims"
and this article is by "conservative" David Brooks...
Why no follow-up questions as to why a listed terrorist group
as legitimate claims.
Hamas' Claim in their covenant is the destruction of the
Zionest entity.
Was it a moment of truth since there was no teleprompter.
He hasnt flipped on this one yet but it deserves an explanation.
Palin would be savaged and prolly eliminated by now
But he is getting a pass on this too .....what else is new .....
I sent this link to Hannity and Colmes)