I just watched Chaim's video on Jews for Sarah Palin.....Wow.....He just said everything I believe and more!!!!! I have been taking bible studies for the past 3 years, and finally understand this whole conflict that is going on between Muslims and Jews.....It all goes back to Abraham, Isaac, and Ishamael, just like Chaim says, read the bible, It will give you more truthful knowledge than any of these so called nitwits on foreign policy..
I am pretty sure Sarah understands that Ahmadinejad wants to acquire nuclear weapons, so he can began attacks to hasten the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah, he believes muslims will then be in total control over the world.....It has become so troublesome to us that alot of people do not know this fact, including Christians and Jews.....Our very survival is at stake...SPEAK OUT FOR THE TRUTH..SUPPORT MC-CAIN PALIN......
Amazing how studying the bible has given me total understanding of past conflicts and what new situations are about to happen with Islam......I know from the bible, that God will not abandon his people---Israel----But they have got to pray to him, and be obedient, ask for his help, as all of us Christians are doing......I know he listens.....We may be able to change the outcome of what lies ahead.
Debbie S.