I am dubious whether she will be able to form a stable GVT.
Personally, I favour a coalition between comprising Likud, Labor, perhaps Shas and others. In fact, any other faction except Kadima, Meretz and the Arab parties.
I exclude Kadima because it brings nothing really new to the political choice of the country and I expect Kadima to fizzle out over the coming years. I exclude Meretz and the Arab parties because they are not committed to the jewish character of the State nor are they patriots enough to fight for Israel's survival.
Just one thing : it is not my role to say so, especially because I am a newcomer here, but ... really it is not fitting to call Livni a "whore". The only thing this does is to make the forum look like 'a group of extremists' instead of the intelligent and concerned people that you really are (from what I have read so far in the forum)