So what are you doing in this country? If you don't like america you are free to leave. I am a proud American and it makes me sick that so many people are just as AntiAmerican as Obama. It is sick. If you think all the politicians are the same then you are just a victim, and its the systems fault. I refuse to agree with your perssimism and your slandering of our great country.
It is not something which should be discussed, especially while we are trying to win an election here.

As you can see on this map, I don't live in the USA.
I am not anti-american, I am against the american big corporations & establishment that are turning the USA
into a Third World banana republic.
McCain is horrible on illigal aliens, and border protection, but wants to give Russia a warning...
Why isn' any of the candidates willing to place the USA army on th mexican border?
I saw the speeches of Obama , McCAin and Palin on their respective conventions, and I am horrified by the naivity, the simplicity of those speeches.
I don't have sympathy at all for any of these people. They are just puppets, controlled by lobbies and maffia, that are destroying the USA, as well as any other nation on this planet.