The Left is desperate to ensure that Bush is remembered in the History books as a loony warmonger. The best way they can do it is to come up with easy-to-remember catch phrases and terminology that fit nice and easily into history books (Ie trickle-down economics for Reagan)
The MSM came up with a brilliant such bumper-sticker slander... the Bush Doctrine.... which they can proudly contrast with the monroe doctrine.
To them... Their definition of this 'made-up term' is that Bush can attack any and every country he wants... assuming that he feels that at some point in time.. .they may pose a threat. That is what you will read in the history books... mark my words.
Honestly... the Bush philosophy (doctorine) is really about trying to spread democracy... which is to me is an uphill battle in the Muslim world. That is what the History books SHOULD say. That Bush ignorantly believed that he could spread democracy and be the 'good guy' to the Muslims. And to that... he had to hold on to the idea that 'Islam is peace' and that Islam wants to be free... which it doesnt.
But nonetheless.... in th process... he still killed a lot of Islamofascists... so you gotta give him props for that.