It is all a tragic one party sham. I don't have a clue what the big drive for McCain/Palin ticket by JTF is anyway. Both are calling for a "Two State Solution". This is a total sell out! Rabbi Kahane would be rolling over in his grave to know that a supposed Kahanist organization supports anyone that is advocating a "Palestinian" State, other than Jordan....or any of their other dozens of Mohammedan Turd holes.
There should be a JewsAgainstTheOligarchs movement. Perhaps there might be one righteous Jewish Attorney that will bring a class action legal action against the CFR/Trilateral Commission and their cohort "Foundations".....
Praying for a civil war... perhaps then, America will get back to its Constitutional Republic roots and not this inept idea that America is a "Democracy" as democracies lead to Socialism. Look at your neighbor to the North, island bastard father floating off the eastern coast of Europe, Europe itself... Sinking like the titanic into "multi-cultural" "humanist" oblivion...