money.....both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson did not have the support of movers and shakers that want Obama in the White House. any time McCain gets a point ahead of Obama, Obama (must be flying w/no sleep to keep this momentum up,) goes back to Florida, for instance, where Sarah Palin drew 60K supporters at The Villages, a retirement community. Obama, earlier in the week began at University of Miami to spew his radical commie Marxist socialist, etc. agenda at this private, very expensive university. a party school beyond belief (i am an alumni,) their math, science, psychology and music depts. in the undergraduate school are very good and their marine biology, law school and medical school are outstanding. Now Obama, seeing what a great reception Sarah Palin rec'd, must not have that. So it's back to Florida to scare the elderly. He stated to the elderly, the state is now swinging towards Obama according to Rasmussen and/or Dick Morris on 9/24/08 (I forgot because I am so tired of writing this stuff,) he is up by one % as of 9/24/08 but on 9/23/08 he was not. Still, you could see the tides changing. Now Virginia is having the same problem. Laura Ingraham, who is very smart and often fills in for Bill O'Reilly on tv and has her own talk radio show, was very discouraged when she saw that millions were being dumped in Virginia where it looked like McCain was doing okay. When McCain extended the invite to Obama on 9/24/08 to meet in Washington, liar Obama claimed he extended the invite first. this is how petty he is and a liar, and, furthermore, the lengths he will go to annialate his opponent. Pres. Bush says Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain will both be present on 9/25/08 in Washington to help with the economic mess. First though, on 9/24/08, Obama had to announce that when you are president you have to multi-task (he said exactly do more than one thing at a time,) and that the debate Friday evening focusing on foreign affairs should be delayed (this was said by McCain,) and Obama twisted it around claiming that both should and could be accomplished. Obama further threw in this: and we can discuss the economy [during the debate on foreign affairs. what an innovate thinker he is.] i could go on and on but it is late and his crazy statements drive me nuts.
Race could/probably had something to do with why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson's efforts to be elected not that many years ago. Michael Dukakis (I keep referring to him growing up in Boston remembering what an ******* he is,) is now screeching "racism," just in case the bad economy doesn't get Obama into the White House. It is my opinion that all these tactics Obama uses are sucker punches, not gentlemenly [when Sen. McCain invited Sen. Obama to Washington to help with the banking mess on 9/23/08.]
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson didn't have 300 consultants to tell them what to do as is the case with Barack Hussein Obama. BHO did not agree to go to Washington at least 12 hrs. later or more. He did his hatchet job on the McCain-Palin ticket, consulted with his hundred upon hundreds of advisors (and look who his closest advisors are,) before agreeing to go to Washington when President Bush asked him to, not when Sen. McCain did. He has no manners....he can't help he's an oaf because of his upbringing, but I would have thought some of his Harvard days would have rubbed off on him and he would learn how to behave civally....oooh, I forgot, no one around Columbia or Harvard remembers him.