9/25/08, Judge Andrew Napolitano, who we often see as a commentator, spoke about constitutional law. Specifically, there are 2 clauses in the constitution that are being violated should the bailout go forward. I dvr'd this and got every word he said. Here goes:
"Someone would have to challenge it before a judge but this is absolutely inconsistent with the constitution. There are a couple of clauses in the constitution that prohibit this. The constitution requires the gov't treat everyone equally.So, if one business is failing and the Congress wants to bail it out, it has to bail out other businesses that are failingand there's not enough money to do that.
There's another clause in the constitution that says that you have to do things not specifically to benefit individuals, but to benefit everyone. It is called The General Welfare clause. These 2 clauses were intended to prevent the United States Treasury from becoming a public trothand when people go to Congress with their hat in hand and Congress gives away taxpayer money, that's exactly the opposite of the restraints built into the constitution.
[Fox News 9/25/08 w/Neil Cavuto]
Any thoughts on this please? Does anyone understand why Geraldo Rivera disagrees with Judge Andrew Napolitano?