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Offline muman613

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« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2008, 11:47:01 PM »
If its economic why would you have cash, considering the US has fiat money.

Great point. Fiat money that is based entirely upon debt! I think the majority of Americans are clueless as to why our economy is literally in shambles. Our economic problems really started in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve. It's not a conspiracy to say that the Federal Reserve is deliberately screwing over countless Americans for their own profit. The situation is very complex. But most people prefer simple answers. It's not a Republican issue, it's not a Democrat issue. And neither party has the fortitude to truthfully address these problems and solve them adequately. In fact, the Democrat's messiah Barack Obama will only make things much, much worse. His economic plan consists mainly of wealth redistribution. He's a complete socialist demagogue.

Our economy has been excellent from my perspective for most of my adult life. I work in the computer industry and have since the 80s. I have worked in the defense industry, the video game industry, the dvd industry amongst many strong technologies I have worked in. This economy has been extremely good to me and I even survived the turbulence when the Internet bubble burst. I had the wisdom to avoid working in the internet instead concentrating on the digital video solution.

I realize not everyone works in the industry but generally I have seen an increase in wealth and seldom have I seen much discomfort. The worst in my life was during the Carter administration when we had rampant inflation and a depressed international image {also the oil crisis was terrible}. We survived that and are much more resistant to that kind of problem. I dont think that things are that bad for most people.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline ~Hanna~

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« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2008, 12:12:10 AM »
If its economic why would you have cash, considering the US has fiat money.

Great point. Fiat money that is based entirely upon debt! I think the majority of Americans are clueless as to why our economy is literally in shambles. Our economic problems really started in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve. It's not a conspiracy to say that the Federal Reserve is deliberately screwing over countless Americans for their own profit. The situation is very complex. But most people prefer simple answers. It's not a Republican issue, it's not a Democrat issue. And neither party has the fortitude to truthfully address these problems and solve them adequately. In fact, the Democrat's messiah Barack Obama will only make things much, much worse. His economic plan consists mainly of wealth redistribution. He's a complete socialist demagogue.

Our economy has been excellent from my perspective for most of my adult life. I work in the computer industry and have since the 80s. I have worked in the defense industry, the video game industry, the dvd industry amongst many strong technologies I have worked in. This economy has been extremely good to me and I even survived the turbulence when the Internet bubble burst. I had the wisdom to avoid working in the internet instead concentrating on the digital video solution.

I realize not everyone works in the industry but generally I have seen an increase in wealth and seldom have I seen much discomfort. The worst in my life was during the Carter administration when we had rampant inflation and a depressed international image {also the oil crisis was terrible}. We survived that and are much more resistant to that kind of problem. I dont think that things are that bad for most people.


I won't tell you about my life, so you won't get depressed  :laugh:
שמע ישראל

Offline jaime

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« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2008, 01:15:15 AM »
Bailout destroying the soviergnty of America.
Bailout putting us in debt to foriegn nations.
Bailout that  has high chances of destroying Social Security, Pensions, retirement accounts.
Millions of muslims already inside that are sleeper cells.
Millions of illegal hordes already destroying us from within.
Corruption in politics rampantly out of control.
The most dangerous man to ever run for President on the verge of winning.
Almost sure riots if this man loses.

The military is being deployed here to maintain order in case of riots and rampage in the streets.
Runs on banks, murders on Wall Street, obama losing, terrorist attack.

Massuh's overall scenario might, and I repeat, might, go a little to far, but he is on the right track.
Though running is not the answer. If America turns into a Stalinist martial state does anybody believe this will not have seriously dreadful effects on other free nations worlwide.
Look how our economic crisis is affecting the rest of the world now.
I am not going anywhwere, but most definetly, be prepared.

As far as obeying the law, the law will be relevant to who is making them, they can change fast.
Is this bailout legal.

i have read more posts on this thread and now see the threat.  furthermore, I can't find the stinkin email I rec'd today that said how in the US, we'd be more like Canada, in that, you can't say anything.  i posted a few days ago, the horrendous repeal of 4 California judges, wherein, if you say anything against gay marriage, gays in general, it is illegal.  what happens if some idiot overhears your conversation and decides to get you in trouble.  the movement, which is funded by very wealthy gay activists, are trying to get this law passed in R.I., 4 or 5 other East Coast states.  Massachusetts didn't even go for this because it is so outrageous.  It is Prop 22 on the ballot in California and is equated with racism.   i found the post but can't get the thread ???  this movement is AGAINST MAN AND WOMAN being married.  it is taught to children in school that gay marriage is normal.  we will be living w/martial law.  here is the original post but i can't pull up the thread:

Rick Santorum spoke at the RNC and is on Fox TV often.  I like him.  He wrote this thing and it very alarming and disgusting.  Men marrying men and women marrying women legally.

Rick santorum states, "I've never come to you with a more urgent message: Unless we act today, we will lose the battle for marriage--not a decade from now, not "someday," but quite possibly in the next few months." 

*This is scary. Look at these whacko judges!  See next paragraph:

How? Just weeks ago, a handful of out-of-touch judges overturned the will of the people in California by repealing Proposition 22, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman and was overwhelmingly approved by the voters in 2000.

*More on these insane judges.  Not even Massachusetts or New Jersey could stomach the idea.  Please read this paragraph:

Four California judges endorsed two big, very bad ideas. First, they extended the internationally recognized human right to marry to include same-sex marriage. Not even in Massachusetts or in New Jersey could the courts stomach the idea that same-sex marriage is deeply rooted in our foundational American traditions of human rights.

*Okay, if Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims don't agree with the way these crazy judges wrote this idea/amendment/or whatever the h*ll it is, we are discriminating, all the while being under "strict scrutiny," does that mean we will be eavesdropped....The Marshall Law in effect?!  So in California, if you don't agree, you are put in the category "exact position of racists under the California law."  Isn't that nice?  Maybe I can't talk to my friend at a cafe or restaurant because someone will overhear us and you know the probable outcome.  Here it is:

"The second big idea endorsed by the California court is even less promising: sexual orientation should be treated just like race under the California equal protection amendment, subject to "strict scrutiny." This is a ruling which, if left undisturbed, means that Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims who see marriage as the union of husband and wife, and view sexual activity as best confined to marriage so defined, are in the exact position as racists under California law."

*We know Hollywood is accepting of the breakdown of the traditional male and female marital laws.  See this and of course, there are the private doctors who are so PC, having gay employees flit about the office or if you know your doctors well enough, they will give you their liberal views on gay marriage:

"Hollywood, academia and some in the medical profession launched a huge offensive over the past decade to change the attitude of Americans about the homosexual community."

This is outrageous.  When they say "young people" they are talking about students.  They are teaching this in schools and colleges.  Anyone speaking of traditional marriage is intimidated, punished and probably "shouted down," as Obama said to do last week during his event at University of Miami, if anyone disagrees with liberal voters.

"They have succeeded in shaping the minds of young people against traditional marriage and intimidating and punishing anyone who offers a defense of marriage."

*This is the scariest part of this newsletter.  They are very rich and look at their tactics please:

"A sophisticated network of wealthy gay activists are now trying to exploit this change in attitudes by spending millions on stealth campaigns to defeat pro-family state legislators and pass gay marriage laws."

*I never thought I would see these states go for this legislation in my lifetime:

"They are pushing the battle first where the secular left is the strongest: deep in "blue states" including New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maryland and now even in my home commonwealth, Pennsylvania."

Does anyone see the same tactics used as in the Obama campaign: loads of money for their cause that is replenished when needed; must whisper and not get caught if you see a flamer who looks and acts laughing or you may be punished to the full extent of the law, which looks like they will charge you, indict you, incarcerate, if necessary, etc.  it's all there to see.  this is Prop 22 in California, however, look at all the East Coast states that are being effected by this legislation.  i don't feel like being under "strict scrutiny," do you? 


no the bailout is not legal.  it is unconstitutional in 2 areas.  see below:

     Bailout Unconstitutional Judge Andrew Napolitano
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:50:27 PM » Quote Modify Remove 

9/25/08, Judge Andrew Napolitano, who we often see as a commentator, spoke about constitutional law.  Specifically, there are 2 clauses in the constitution that are being violated should the bailout go forward.  I dvr'd this and got every word he said.  Here goes:

"Someone would have to challenge it before a judge but this is absolutely inconsistent with the constitution.  There are a couple of clauses in the constitution that prohibit this.  The constitution requires the gov't treat everyone equally.So, if one business is failing and the Congress wants to bail it out, it has to bail out other businesses that are failingand there's not enough money to do that.

There's another clause in the constitution that says that you have to do things not specifically to benefit individuals, but to benefit everyone.  It is called The General Welfare clause.  These 2 clauses were intended to prevent the United States Treasury from becoming a public trothand when people go to Congress with their hat in hand and Congress gives away taxpayer money, that's exactly the opposite of the restraints built into the constitution.

[Fox News 9/25/08 w/Neil Cavuto]

Any thoughts on this please?  Does anyone understand why Geraldo Rivera disagrees with Judge Andrew Napolitano?,26697.0.html

Offline jaime

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« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2008, 01:37:11 AM »
Here is an alternative solution to the bailout:



Published in the The New York Post on September 28, 2008


During Friday's debate, John McCain assiduously and inexplicably avoided using the issue that might have won him the debate and the presidency: opposition to a taxpayer-funded bailout of the financial crisis.

Congress is about to pass - and the president is about to sign - a bill that the American people detest by 2:1 margins. When Americans realize that there is, indeed, an alternative to handing over $700 billion to financial institutions as a reward for their failure, opposition to the idea will swell even further.

The bailout ideas proposed by the House Republicans and trumpeted by former Speaker Newt Gingrich make eminent sense. Indeed, they make so much sense that it is as if the roles of the parties have been reversed. It is the Republicans who are demanding that the banks and financial institutions pay for their own bailout, granting them only a mixture of loans and premium-paid insurance, while the Democrats want to pass the hat among the taxpayers to buy their dirty paper.

In an unusual act of political foresight and skill, the normally dead-headed House Republican leadership has crafted a platform that can carry the party to victory in November. All that remains is for the Party's candidate - and perhaps even its president and Treasury Secretary - to get on board. McCain can recover at the negotiating table the economy issue he lost in Friday's debate. He needs to have the courage of his convictions and insist on a bailout without requiring taxpayer-funded purchase of defunct mortgages from failing institutions.

The difference in the bailout plans is, of course, largely cosmetic. Dead paper is dead paper whether it is on the books of the government, purchased from banks, or on the books of the banks, insured by the government. The game is the same: Through loans or grants fund the deficient debt service on the defaulted mortgages until homes can recover their value in the cyclical real estate market.

But it makes all the difference in the world politically if this task is accomplished by buying bad debt or by lending the bankers the money to cover their current losses while they keep their bad debts on their books and by insuring them against future losses.

Loans are politically viable. Purchase of bad debt with tax money is not.

The Democrats and our politically-challenged president have failed to appreciate the difference between spending and lending. Treasury Secretary Paulson can be excused for not realizing it. Politics is not his thing.

But John McCain must realize the crucial distinction and must use his leverage to stop a taxpayer-funded bailout, insisting instead on loans and insurance.

If McCain stands firm, the Democrats will either have to pass the bailout package on their own, without Republican votes, and rely on Bush's signature on the bill to provide a fig leaf of bipartisanship - or they will have to cave in and pass the Republican package.

Either way, McCain comes out ahead.

If he gets his way, he gets credit for the bailout. If he doesn't, he can spend the campaign attacking Obama and the Democrats for spending $700 billion of taxpayer money.

If the Democrats don't adopt either course and play a game of chicken with the Republicans, their Congressional status as the majority party dooms them to taking the blame for any ensuing collapse.

Voters can count.

They know that Reid and Pelosi are Democrats and that they control Congress. With this power comes responsibility.

And if the Democrats do nothing - that is they fail to use their majorities to pass a bailout or to cooperate with the Republicans in adopting the GOP version of the package - it is they who will get the blame for the catastrophe which will follow.

The Democrats don't dare take that chance.

The cards are dealt for John McCain. All he has to do is have the guts to do what he didn't have the courage to do in the debate: Play the hand.

Offline ~Hanna~

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« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2008, 03:20:36 AM »
Did you see what Nancy Pelosi said today???
She made a speech about this...
שמע ישראל

Offline jaime

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« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2008, 03:27:47 AM »
Keep some extra cash and food around and a gun for home protection might not be a bad idea. The problem we may face is economic. I still feel that as bad as the situation may get we here in America will be far better off then most places in the world. Things will change after November no mater who goes into the White House. If Obama wins it will be one issue and if he looses it will be another. I believe the majority of the population here in America still has their heads screwed on correctly and what we are facing now is the shot across the bow that should get a great many of them to open their eyes and call for action. It may be a year or two of rough times but I don''t think we are facing the end of the world. Not yet anyway G-d willing.   

this is a great post because those of us who live in big cities, better make sure we have stocked cabinets filled with food, in case we can't go out.  look at what happened after the Rodney King verdict. i have insisted we get a gun for self protection and lots of people keep money in their houses safely tucked away in safes, or their freezer lol, in the case of that politician (black) who was indicted. 
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 06:51:21 AM by jaime »

Offline SavetheWest

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« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2008, 05:48:21 AM »
Massuh might be partially right.  If the government doesn't succeed against the Muslims terrorists, they may want to move against groups that are easier targets. 

An Obama administration with the power the Bush Administration has is very dangerous.  Bush should make many of these power expansions temporary or only against anti-American terrorists. 

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« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2008, 05:57:24 AM »
If its economic why would you have cash, considering the US has fiat money.

Great point. Fiat money that is based entirely upon debt! I think the majority of Americans are clueless as to why our economy is literally in shambles. Our economic problems really started in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve. It's not a conspiracy to say that the Federal Reserve is deliberately screwing over countless Americans for their own profit. The situation is very complex. But most people prefer simple answers. It's not a Republican issue, it's not a Democrat issue. And neither party has the fortitude to truthfully address these problems and solve them adequately. In fact, the Democrat's messiah Barack Obama will only make things much, much worse. His economic plan consists mainly of wealth redistribution. He's a complete socialist demagogue.

Our economy has been excellent from my perspective for most of my adult life. I work in the computer industry and have since the 80s. I have worked in the defense industry, the video game industry, the dvd industry amongst many strong technologies I have worked in. This economy has been extremely good to me and I even survived the turbulence when the Internet bubble burst. I had the wisdom to avoid working in the internet instead concentrating on the digital video solution.

I realize not everyone works in the industry but generally I have seen an increase in wealth and seldom have I seen much discomfort. The worst in my life was during the Carter administration when we had rampant inflation and a depressed international image {also the oil crisis was terrible}. We survived that and are much more resistant to that kind of problem. I dont think that things are that bad for most people.


The media is blowing the crisis out of proportion...I think we can all see who benefits from this.  Every time there is large bad economic news, Obama's numbers go up.  The media was absolutely and completely silent (except for Fox)about the economic success during most of Bush's presidency.  Remember we still have a 3% GDP growth and 6% unemployment. 
Some industries are still really strong.  Companies can't find enough people for the computer, wireless, health, green energy, game design and tech industries.

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« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2008, 07:30:38 AM »

   IT IS AMAZING to me that people actually DONT believe that this could happen.  Do you have your heads in the sand, or is it 'ok' to be somewhat ignorant of the situations around you?  We just had the GOVT make a bailout plan, that NO AMERICAN IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would EVER want- they did it WITHOUT our permission. 
  Tell me something: If Obama wins, what will the AMERICA {Christian} person do that is the average typical white guy?  If McCain wins, what will the AFRICAN American person do that is the average typical black man?

              PLEASE... If nobody can see the chaos that barack HUSSEIN obama has created, then I dont even know what to say.
  In Missouri, they are ALREADY planning for a 'police state' if ANYONE says an 'untruth' about obama:
  In OH, ILL, IN, and MANY other states, they ARE conducting military 'excercises' IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS, this is not some dang conspiracy- this is the TRUTH.
  So- I am sorry, ladies and gentleman, this is ALL going to HAPPEN, and that you all have THAT much faith in this govt & it being 'good' is BEYOND me.
                                                                  WAKE UP AMERICA, YOU ARE BEING HAD.


   Continental DISTRESS CALL!!!
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Offline jaime

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« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2008, 08:13:41 AM »
Pelosi is telling the Senators to sign the bill and they haven't even seen it.  I saw with my own eyes the feed at the bottom of the screen on tv, "Obama is signing the bill; by telephone conversation he worked on the bill; Sen. McCain worked on the bill via phone.  One Republican representative from the House says "No!" to signing the bill.  It is 106 pages and they are being told to vote "yes" by Pelosi on a bill they haven't even seen. 

If you watch footage, compiled all together, you can tell by the tone of his voice, his mannerisms, body language, that he is a dictator.

We are getting a taste of what socialism is like in the USA because we are now used to Obama: never getting a straight answer, it's the other guy's fault (usually Sen. McCain, an American Hero and the right man for the job as president.)

So, if we appear to have our head in the sand, I guess it's just shock.  Shock at the unthinkable.  How this country will never be the same if BHO wins/buys/bullies his way into the White House. 

Many Americans feel the gov't doesn't care about anyone but themselves and it's true.  How can we fix a bailout if it's dumped on the taxpayer's back?  Entrepeneurs will not be able to meet payroll with Obama as President.  We can't get loans until we pay $700B to the Sec. of the Treasury and a lot of these people will be gone so they don't care what happens to us.   

Most people are self centered, preoccupied on cell phones, blackberries, laptops, so they don't even look at you.  They are into themselves and what's going on in their lives.  People that work outside the home, get snippets here and there on the news, or watch local programming who want Obama to win so they do not report the news fairly.

This is a wake up call for all Americans but life goes on.  They love their American way of life and think by voting for Obama, he will be a wonderful president; just what the country needs.  they do not see what we see: tactics similar to a dictator.  he sure looks bad when they put all the footage together and it tells a story and he says, "you weren't listening to me!" when he has to figure out the right answer to an issue it takes 3 attempts (and 3 days,) to do it. 

We are aware of the martial law and all the troops that will be on foot in America.  It just takes time to absorb we are getting ripped off by the gov't with that stupid bailout, Pelosi says, "just sign it,"  "i want 100 Republicans to vote for it," because the Democrats are afraid of this bailout but the Sec. of Treasury acts like a check is made out to him personally. 

I have no idea what the black man will do or the white man.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  i haven't gone to bed yet.  night all.

Offline ~Hanna~

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« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2008, 10:24:04 AM »
Yes, I have been thinking about riots after whomever it is that wins, the other side is gonna be really mad.....

Also, I've heard people prophesy this as well, THEN I heard rumors through the grapevine somewhere else.....

Our country is going through so much stress right now (financial, political, spiritual) and with all the road rage problems, etc (too much Starbucks  :laugh:) everyone is upset about GAS PRICES, FORECLOSURES, THE BAILOUT PLAN, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC....

We are ripe for riots....

that is just what I am feeling.....

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Offline White Israelite

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« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2008, 10:40:08 AM »
If you guys are getting guns, I recommend you get something that is on the "ban list" before you can't get it anymore, get ar-15's, ak47's, sks, whatever you can. Come november, if obama gets elected, all of this will be banned. Handguns serve a great use for home defense and they are portable.