Author Topic: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO  (Read 13328 times)

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10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« on: February 18, 2007, 07:14:52 AM »
Give this a peek;

The bolsheviks at Youtube took down the above video. Here is a new link;

« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 12:33:23 PM by Allen-T »


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 07:21:32 AM »
The N-Word automatically gets converted to schvartza! Let me see if Nigeria gets converted to Schvartzeria....... ;D

Offline Angry Panther

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 09:03:41 PM »
That's the kind of book that should be on the New York Nazi Times bestseller list.  ;D

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2007, 12:23:06 PM »
Johnny Rebel on vocals I presume?

You guys like that shyt, don't'cha?? Go ahead and dance the "Achy Breaky" along with the rest of the trailer trash while you're at it and see where it gets ya'.   Before long you'll realize that those same guys are making antisemetic songs too and it won't even be funny to you.

You guys don't get it.  When you support Klansman and Nazi music, you're supporting your own enemies as well

"In the midst of these changes, the Resistance Web site shrank, but it continues to sell hateful music, including Resistance Records releases, other domestic hate rock records, and foreign recordings. Visitors to the site can still use a credit card to order albums such as Nordic Thunder's Born to Hate and Johnny Rebel's For Segregationists Only.

Many other bigoted music companies have followed in the footsteps of Resistance, selling hateful music on the Web. The Tri-State Terror Web site peddles Aryan vs. Alien by the group Mudoven, which features a cover photo depicting corpses from Nazi concentration camps. According to that site, over 900 copies of this release have already been sold.54 Also available there are Racially Motivated Violence by Angry Aryans and Murder Squad by Blue-Eyed Devils, which displays a photo portraying three lynched Jews on its cover. "


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 02:07:54 PM »
I have all of Johnny Rebels recordings. There is NOT one single song that mentions anti-semetism AT ALL. Yes, it is true one or two mention the Klan but he himself never talks about anti-semetism. His CD of segregation era songs also includes tracks by other artists who in fact are Klansmen and even those do not contain a single lyric that is anti-semetic. It is true his CDs have Klan themed covers,ok he is using their interest in him to market his music, I don't agree with that.  I challange you to give me specific titles and lyrics by Johnny Rebel though that are anti-semetic. Yes, distributers who also distibute neo-nazi recordings do distibute Johnny Rebel CDs but that has nothing to do with him as an individual or artist. Furthermore, Johnny Rebel re-emerged a couple of years ago with new recordings on a CD called "It's The Attitude, Stupid". On that CD there are several interview segments where he states 1]He is not and never was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, although they have been trying to recruit him as their official songwriter for years, and 2] He has basically the same position about blacks as Chaim does, no problem with complexions, only, as the title states, the attitude stupid. Timeless gems like Jesse Showed Up, with lyrics like "grocery store 3 schvartzas inside, the store ain't open it's the middle of the night, Alarm goes off the cops show up, they drag those schvartzas out in handcuffs, but then....but THEN.....BUT THEN......Jesse showed up,Jesse showed up....C'mon, man timeless ditties!!! You know Chaim is right, I was gettin on him about certain things he says sometimes about blacks but he said that he thinks it's important to mock black culture[exactly what Johnny Rebel does] because white kids who might be influenced by that need to see what pure worthless garbage black american culture really is. That it is something worthy of only ridicule.  So stick to the point. You are criticising Johnny Rebel because of the opinions of others who make records that are distributed by the same distributer as he. What I wonder is how much time you spend on black websites preaching about all the vile disgusting schvartza lyrics in rap music?     
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 02:33:41 PM by Allen-T »


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 02:29:15 PM »
And get your info correct before you just cut and paste things. For Segregationists Only is a compilation LP from the 60's that featured artists on the Rebel Records label. Johnny Rebel was only 1 artist on that LP. It is not a "Johnny Rebel" record. Also, if you do cite any Johnny Rebel songs and claim they are anti-semetic, I will immediately upload the song to and post the link here so anyone can download it and judge for themselves. 
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 03:04:57 PM by Allen-T »

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2007, 03:04:02 PM »
That's bull.  You guys can find a way to blame Jesse Jackson for 9/11 if it would ingratiate yourselves with the racist trailer trash.  Buddying up with racist whites helps you all feel tough I suppose.


And get your info correct before you just cut and paste things. For Segregationists Only is a compilation LP from the 60's that featured artists on the Rebel Records label. Johnny Rebel was only 1 artist on that LP. It is not a "Johnny Rebel" record. 

If Chaim tells you to jump off a bridge, you'd do it??

Great!!  You can buy the entire EP and support Johnny Rebel and the other featured Nazi musicans as well, even lowering yourselves further to the level of trailer trash.   When Jews support White supremists and nazis you support the ENEMY of the Jewish people.  Period.

You guys coddle up with nazis in order to make fun of blacks??  How smart is that.  Cut off your nose....

You say the LP is for segregationalists??  So you think that they package that music with the glorification of the the Jew in mind?  What do you think "Rebel Records" is anyway?  A division of Polygram/FFRR?  They are for and run by Aryan nazis as a means of promoting nazism.

Try doing this on a google line:  +"Johnny Rebel" +"Jews".

« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 03:07:11 PM by Kananga »


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2007, 03:12:15 PM »
If Chaim tells you to jump off a bridge, you'd do it??

Great!!  You can buy the entire EP and support Johnny Rebel and the other featured Nazi musicans as well, even lowering yourselves further to the level of trailer trash.  Make you feel tough, huh??   When Jews support White supremists and nazis you support the ENEMY of the Jewish people.  Period.

You guys coddle up with nazis in order to make fun of blacks??  How smart is that.  Cut off your nose....

You say the LP is for segregationalists??  So you think that they package that music with the glorification of the the Jew in mind?  What do you think "Rebel Records" is anyway?  A division of Polygram/FFRR?  They are for and run by Aryan nazis as a means of promoting nazism.

Try doing this on a google line:  +"Johnny Rebel" +"Jews".

What does any of that have to do with my original response? Can you attempt to try to formulate a relative response? Is there someone else out there that maybe can explain to me what I am missing here?? Listening to Johnny Rebel doesn't make me feel tough. It makes me laugh and keep a sense of humor so I don't do something illegal that I will regret.   

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2007, 03:23:29 PM »
Where does it say anywhere here that I've gotta dance to your tune??

Here are the covers of the new LPs you've been grooving to:

Take notice of the website where you can order the new collections.  Do you know what "88" means in crackerbabble??

Don't the Jewish people have enough problems already without getting associating themselves with skinhead stuff??

+"Jews" +"Johnny Rebel"


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 03:29:20 PM »
That's brilliant. I already acknowledged what Rebels CD covers look like and that I don't agree with that aspect of their marketing. "Those who cannot debate only defame" Isn't that the quote by Rabbi Kahane?  And where did you get the idea I am trying to convince you to listen to this music? I am not some champion of Rebels music. You started posting uninformed,ignorant responses to my link to a video that utilises 1 Johnny Rebel song. I am just responding. Johnny Rebel is hardly at the top of my list of favorite artists, in fact 50% of my favorite musicians are black; Eric Dolphy, Roland Kirk, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown. Johnny Rebel speaks honestly about [censored] bulls&it. Period. Nothing more,nothing less. You obviously are afraid someone might listen to it and realise it's true!! Too bad. Go harass your brothers that promote the garbage they promote. In the last week here in NY I have seen on about a dozen occasions a poster for what I think is a new movie. The poster says "Black Snake" "Moan" and depicts Samuel Jackson with a white woman on her knees in chains. Can you imagine if it was a white man with a [censored] whore in chains? So as long as I have to be subjected to things like that as I go about my business, including on billboards only several yards from my churches front door, I will continue to promote and educate people about the filth that is 95% of african americans.      
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 03:44:58 PM by Allen-T »

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 03:39:26 PM »
I can quote lyrics from Johnny Rebel's, "The White Man Marches on"?  Do you want me to post the lyrics or do you want to keep defending your support of neo-Nazis on a Jewish defense message board??


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2007, 03:47:45 PM »
That song you just cited is NOT on the 2 CDs you posted pictures of. Those are the only two CDs I own by him. It is possible he has recorded something very recently I am not aware of. Sure post the lyrics. I just checked Johnny Rebels website. I don't think that the song you just cited is the same Johnny Rebel I am talking about. It is probably someone else using the same name.   
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 03:53:42 PM by Allen-T »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2007, 03:53:41 PM »
Re:  "...Is there someone else out there that maybe can explain to me what I am missing here??..."

Glad you asked.

Here's what you are missing:

JTF puts on this forum, and with few notable exceptions, allows complete freedom of expression.

JTF (which is NOT this forum, per se) bases its ideas on those of Rabbi Meir Kahane; the aim of which were to literally save the Jewish People from another Holocaust.

JTF is neither a racial organization, nor a racist organization; JTF is judgemental of human behavior only, considering the Jewish Laws of Torah the standard of approved as well as condemned human conduct.

You misperceive the views and platform of JTF as supporting extremist groups with no connection whatsoever to JTF, this misperception on your part being based entirely on "unpopular" or "politically incorrect" thought frequently expressed by JTF, as well as here on this forum.


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2007, 03:56:38 PM »
You misperceive the views and platform of JTF as supporting extremist groups with no connection whatsoever to JTF, this misperception on your part being based entirely on "unpopular" or "politically incorrect" thought frequently expressed by JTF, as well as here on this forum

Could you show me exactly where I did that? I think you are mistaken. 

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2007, 04:08:26 PM »

The album has images of a Klansman on the cover.  I mean c'mon. Isn't that enough??  Has your hatred for blacks allowed you to become so disillusioned that you aren't even the least bit phased by the image of a hooded KKK?  Are you Jewish?

I'll tell you what.  As soon as I see or hear of Samuel Jackson or some "gansta rapper" sucking up to Nazi scumbags who want us all dead, I'll take you up on that preaching bit.  Until then my brothers, you guys really need to wake the FK up!!  Shame on all any Jew who would support this nazi crap.
Johnny Rebel - "The White Man Marches on".

"My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo,
We washed ourselves in [censored] blood and all the mongrels too,
We're taking out the zog machine jew by jew by jew,
The white man marches on."

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2007, 04:11:30 PM »
You misperceive the views and platform of JTF as supporting extremist groups with no connection whatsoever to JTF, this misperception on your part being based entirely on "unpopular" or "politically incorrect" thought frequently expressed by JTF, as well as here on this forum

Could you show me exactly where I did that? I think you are mistaken. 

I think the good Massah, the Baal Shem Tov is directing his post at me.  I'm so amazed that you guys will go to no end to defend the racism on this board.  You even coddle up to nazis because you hate blacks so much!! 


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2007, 04:37:35 PM »
I just spent a few minutes looking for info on that clearly anti-semetic song "White Man Marches On". It is not on any CD at all. IT IS NOT ON ANY JOHNNY REBEL CD,that is the Johnny Rebel I have been talking about. Apparently it is a song that is floating around on downloading sites, and the opinion seems to be that IT IS NOT THE JOHNNY REBEL and sounds NOTHING LIKE HIM. You obviously want very deeply to be "right" regardless of truth and will just say and post anything you think will accomplish that. Where is your proof that the song you cited is by the same man on those 2 CDs whose covers you posted? Present that and I will stop mentioning Johnny Rebel all together. The last thing in this world I want to do is give any attention to any anti-semetic. And no I am not Jewish. In fact the reason I support JTF and not the Ku Klux Klan is because the Klan is anti-semetic. That, and the fact that the Klan today is not what it once was. Today the Klan are a bunch of racists. They are anti-black. The original KKK was pro-white. There is a difference. I am sure in your view that's just word-play. But it isn't. I am pro-white. By that I mean I put the affairs of whites above everyone else. Not because I think whites are superior. But because laws like affirmative action create a need for whites to be this way to level things out. The truth is, I don't need to be anti-black. It is a waste of time because blacks are far more capable of exterminating themselves than anything I could dream up!!!     


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2007, 04:44:02 PM »
And that post wasn't directed at you by [Massah, the Baal Shem Tov ]. He cut and pasted MY statement and replied to it. Can't you read? No wonder this is going nowhere. 


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2007, 04:56:40 PM »
As soon as I see or hear of Samuel Jackson or some "gansta rapper" sucking up to Nazi scumbags who want us all dead, I'll take you up on that preaching bit. 

You are a trip man! So only when rap music starts being pro-nazi will you protest? Then you admit you do nothing when your homies curse only whitey? Gee why aren't I surprised? Can I ask you something? Are you arguing with me or backing me up? 

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2007, 04:57:21 PM »
You didn't look hard enough.  The fact that it doesn't appear on those compilations is irrelevant. That song is a Johnny Rebel song.  Johnny Rebel is an antisemite who you will excuse for being antisemetic for the sole purpose of denigrating blacks.

I take it you are not Jewish.  I don't expect most White male gentiles to understand, because White supremacy only works to their own favour.  But Jews should know better.


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2007, 05:00:41 PM »
You are clearly incapable of point by point logical,argumentative reasoning. I asked you for PROOF it is the same Johnny Rebel. But that's the negro for you, repeat something over and over enough times and it becomes fact.  I will entertain you no longer.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 05:03:42 PM by Allen-T »

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2007, 05:09:31 PM »
As soon as I see or hear of Samuel Jackson or some "gansta rapper" sucking up to Nazi scumbags who want us all dead, I'll take you up on that preaching bit. 

You are a trip man! So only when rap music starts being pro-nazi will you protest? Then you admit you do nothing when your homies curse only whitey? Gee why aren't I surprised? Can I ask you something? Are you arguing with me or backing me up? 

I'm not backing you up at all.  I don't have to defend you or any other racist white person when my homies curse whitey.  Nor am I obliged to support them in their hate either.  There's a big difference.

Show me where I've posted music here on this board from my antisemite "homies" which denigrates other whites or other people.

Strap on those hip boots and keep reaching for the surface homeboy!!

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2007, 05:13:30 PM »
You are clearly incapable of point by point logical,argumentative reasoning. I asked you for PROOF it is the same Johnny Rebel. But that's the negro for you, repeat something over and over enough times and it becomes fact.  I will entertain you no longer.

And I told you to do your own damn homework and I don't have to dance to your tune.  What's there to prove?? Google "Johnny Rebel - "The White Man Marches On".

Is that NEGRO enough for your BLANCO ass??
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 05:19:03 PM by Kananga »


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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2007, 05:38:53 PM »
So there you have it folks. Negro proof. A link to a website that mistakenly lumps together songs by 2 different artists with the same name. I guess this guy believes everything he reads!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 05:40:29 PM by Allen-T »

Yochanan Zev

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Re: 10 Little schvartzas-Youtube Style!!! RE; REPOST @ GOOGLE VIDEO
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2007, 09:46:34 AM »
"White Man Marches On" was featured in American History X.  It was written by Johnny Rebel

I can provide links all day.  You can't refute all of them.

"Name of song in American History X?

What is the name of the song in American History X where the fat guy is in his van going to dannys house and the only lyrics i remember is "jew by jew by jew, the white man marches on"

2007-01-04 18:46:41 - 3 Answers

Love Generator
Chosen Answer

"The White Man Marches On" - Johnny Rebel"