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Ask JTF for Sunday, October 12, 2008.
Dear Chaim,
I was recently watching my old JTF QPTV stock footage (of which I am proud to say, I have nearly every episode from 2001-2005 on VHS). As it happens, I found an episode of "The Jewish Answer" from the summer/early fall of 2004 - when Barrack Hussein Obama was a relative unknown running for senate against Jack Ryan. In this episode, you brilliantly pointed out how incompetent and unqualified Obama was, and prophetically hypothesized that he would be the democratic candidate for president in '08. In the episode, you also warn how dangerous Obama will be.
I find it amazing that you had the wisdom and foresight to know these things so early, Chaim. At a time when very few people even knew who Obama was (this was before his DNC speech), Chaim Ben Pesach had the situation completely mapped out. How did you know this? I am in awe of your uncanny political "sixth sense".
Long live JTF,
Dear Chaim.
Why are their Blacks in the NFL and NBA and other sports? Also What do you think of the $700 Bell out? When will the Annieversary of JTF come from the year JTF first came out? I might start doing shows on YouTube win I get the Go!Cam for my PlayStation Portable (PSP). One more thing what do you think of Sparta (AAcient Greese) aka the movie 300 Spartans.
Dear Chaim
Why hasn't the McCain camp released any political attack ads that show how weak Obama is on issues like crime and law enforcement? Like what happened with Bush Sr. when his camp released the Willie Horton ad. His numbers shot up but at the same time many people called him racist for some reason. Is the fear of being called racist the reason why McCain is holding certain ads back?
Shalom Chaim,
I recently came across a website having news articles highlighting black on white crimes that do not receive national coverage. There is, unfortunately, also evidence showing that it is most likely run by StørmFrønt types.
What is your take on the use of this site?
Best regards,
I'm so disgusted with this election. It comes down to either giving the country to Wall street or giving it to 125th Street (whom I equally can't stand). What SPECIFIC policie(s) will Obama enact that would give away America to affirmative action types?
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