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Ask JTF for Sunday, October 12, 2008.

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Hello Brother Chaim

As the race is close and now the question of Ayers, ACORN, Rezko etc are starting to come out.  We need to start putting those in the papers again keep pressuring them that the media has no choice but to pressure Bongo in all his crooked activities.

And 2nd off

Why are we the ones being held responsible to pay for the housing market when it was these low life bums that created this mess? Affirmative Action Franklyn Raines pocketed nearly 1 BILLION DOLLARS WITH A B from these shady deals and he happens to be Obama's financial advisor.

Come on now, them as financial advisors?  In Africa their idea of counting is 1 banana 2 banana.

Shalom Chaim,

What is your interpretation of the Torah and Tanach overall,   regarding liberalism.    Specifically,   in terms of government spending/  taxation in order to fund charities,  as well as the concept of socialism type of taxation?     

Thanks as always,  eb22.

Shalom Dear Reb Chaim
How should we react to anti-Israel news-outlets - besides responding in written form and joining  HonestReporting, FairReporting's work in this filed? 

Thanks and keep up your great show and work! Chag Sukkot Samaea’ch VMoadim Le’Simcha V’gmar Tov!
--Zev :dance: :dance: :dance:

Zev – Ask Yesha Q&A JTF Audio Show – every two weeks :)

Hello Chaim, what do you think the implications of ending affirmative action in America would be? What would the ignorant blacks and hispanics who received this preferential treatment do? Would crime skyrocket in America with all these savages on the streets as opposed to in the schools/workforce?

Do you think Rabbi Mordechai Friedman is a racist?

Were you  guys ever friends during the JDL?  and have you ever asked him to join JTF?


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