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Most Abominable Jewish Hitler Ever

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Which of the following listed is the most wicked and vile self-hating anti-Semitic kapo ever?



--- Quote from: Chaimfan on February 19, 2007, 01:43:27 AM ---Which of the following listed is the most wicked and vile self-hating anti-Semitic kapo ever?


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Stephen Spielberg belongs on that list. I'm still throwing up in my mouth from watching Munich.

Rabin by far, Josephus was a traitor but he always felt terrible about what he did and hated the Romans. None of the other modern treasons could have been possible without Rabin.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on February 19, 2007, 01:46:43 AM ---Rabin by far, Josephus was a traitor but he always felt terrible about what he did and hated the Romans. None of the other modern treasons could have been possible without Rabin.

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I disagree about Josephus.  I don't think he was a traitor.  I voted for Rabin.


--- Quote from: jdl4ever on February 19, 2007, 01:49:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on February 19, 2007, 01:46:43 AM ---Rabin by far, Josephus was a traitor but he always felt terrible about what he did and hated the Romans. None of the other modern treasons could have been possible without Rabin.

--- End quote ---

I disagree about Josephus.  I don't think he was a traitor.  I voted for Rabin.

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Josephus left the Jewish people and became a Roman when the Jews were being destroyed. Sounds pretty treacherous to me. That's like being a Kapo.


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