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Most Abominable Jewish Hitler Ever

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Well, Josephus was a Kohen who became a commander in the Jewish army in the battle against the romans and he fought the Romans and was a good Jew but he was captured and they let him live bec. he knew some high level Romans from beforehand.  He used his power and influence to try to help the Jews and tried to make the Romans persecute the Jews less by manipulating his historical books to make it look like the jews didn't want to fight the Romans and didn't hate them while in fact they really hated them.  What would you have done in his place and how was this traitorous? If he would have wrote how he really felt then they would have killed him and he would have gained nothing.  Instead, he was able to influence the Roman officers by his historical works and they were sympathetic toward Israel. Read Josephus and tell me if you really think he was a traitor.  I still have doubts since his works are biased in his favor probably but I won't accept he was a traitor until someone can bring me proof and after reading parts of his work I don't think he was a traitor. 

Everything he writes that I read is according to the wisdom of the Torah except one part where he may have sinned big time.  It's when he was captured and his fellow officers made a suicide pact.  This part is fuzzy as he doesn't provide too much detail.  Chaim probably thinks he should have killed himself with his fellow officers than surrender to the Romans.

I cast my vote for Norman Finkelstein as the most evil Judenrat kapo to ever disgrace the face of the earth.


--- Quote from: Chaimfan on February 19, 2007, 01:43:27 AM ---Which of the following listed is the most wicked and vile self-hating anti-Semitic kapo ever?


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You forgot Rudolph Kastner in the list. Anyone who has read Ben Hecht's "Perfidy" would vote for this disgraceful kapo. If you haven't read it, you can get it here:

Jabo i liked the film munich it made me want to support israel. Theres was something about that film that changed all my previous views on Israel being bad. Infact watching that film led me to search and i found JTF.

Chaimfan how do you come with these things lol :). I don't know half of these people so i'll vote for them all....its the least the probably deserve. Btw i "send" button doesn't allow me to click it when i try sending you a pm.


--- Quote from: sarah.... on February 19, 2007, 04:38:11 PM ---Jabo i liked the film munich it made me want to support israel. Theres was something about that film that changed all my previous views on Israel being bad. Infact watching that film led me to search and i found JTF.

--- End quote ---

Munich is a horrible movie on many accounts. One does not even have to be a Kahanist to spot the film's outrageous lies, flat-out distortions and chronic manipulations. Accordingly, I recommend you read Charles Krauthammer's review of the film.


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