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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2007, 04:20:51 PM »
This is sort of a long question about Moses, magic, sorcery & miracles...So maybe you can just read it over and offer me some insight into the matter:

What do you think about magic (the art of illusion)?  Is it wrong to do illusions for fun? (I know some basic illusions...making little things disappear etc...)

It seems like Moses performed magic or used magic.  I know the rod was said to be magical. I'm a little confused here...So magic is only to be used by prophets if it is ascribed to G-d? Also, did Moses only do magic with the rod?  I do believe that the parting of the Red Sea happened and was an awesome miracle.

But when I hear of things like the rod turned into a serpant, I am curious. Are we supposed to believe all this? For another example, Solomon's ring. And are we to believe Solomon really had a magic carpet?

If I recall, sorcerery is forbidden in the Bible.  Figures like 'Merlin' in pagan lore used sorcery and could seem like an abomination by Biblical standards, yet the Bible makes use of magic in the narrative a few times.

Are we to consider popular trends like 'Harry Potter' abominable as this would be inspiring kids to sorcery? (BTW I can't stand the whole Harry Potter thing)

One of the things I like about Judaism is the use of prophecy mixed with actual historical events to give us logical faith in G-d...And to therefore accept his laws.

I guess I am a little confused as to when magic is ok, and when it isn't. Are we supposed to believe in magic? Or just miracles? or both? Or is there a difference? 

Do we say, ok it's magic from G-d, or just an extraordinary event performed with the aid of a human agent(s) such as the Six-Day War which had help from G-d...Or could some of it be an art that was taught to the people who performed it, or maybe some 'secret technology'. Or maybe it is a little of both...human work and struggle assisted by G-d?

Do you think Moses studied sorcery? Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince, and magic arts were probably very common at the time. He probably knew all the tricks of the best magicians due to his wealth and influence.

Hopefully this isn't an offensive question.  Of course Moses accomplished great things.  Obviously the revelation at Sinai was divine.  I am just curious about the 'magical' aspects of the story. What is the Jewish views on magic?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 04:24:01 PM by MackaB »

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2007, 06:08:39 PM »

1. Was the name Martin a pseudonym that Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT"L, used?

2. I don't know if this is an appropriate question to ask you. You're not exactly a fan of the blacks. Anyway, I kind of have feelings for this girl. She's half-black and Jewish. Her mother's an Ashkenazi Jew, making her Jewish under halacha. She's not exactly religious and her family is quite liberal. I would describe them as a typical upper-middle class family from Manhattan. Despite some clear differences I do feel there is some chemistry between us. Her mother wants to take us both to the Museum of Modern Art next week. I don't exactly have the social skills of a Chaim Ben Pesach. I tend to clam up easily under certain situations. I know you've been on dates before. I'd like to ask this girl out on a date. Do you have any advice or pointers?

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

Kol tuv.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2007, 09:37:25 PM »
This is sort of a long question about Moses, magic, sorcery & miracles...So maybe you can just read it over and offer me some insight into the matter:

What do you think about magic (the art of illusion)?  Is it wrong to do illusions for fun? (I know some basic illusions...making little things disappear etc...)

It seems like Moses performed magic or used magic.  I know the rod was said to be magical. I'm a little confused here...So magic is only to be used by prophets if it is ascribed to G-d? Also, did Moses only do magic with the rod?  I do believe that the parting of the Red Sea happened and was an awesome miracle.

But when I hear of things like the rod turned into a serpant, I am curious. Are we supposed to believe all this? For another example, Solomon's ring. And are we to believe Solomon really had a magic carpet?

If I recall, sorcerery is forbidden in the Bible.  Figures like 'Merlin' in pagan lore used sorcery and could seem like an abomination by Biblical standards, yet the Bible makes use of magic in the narrative a few times.

Are we to consider popular trends like 'Harry Potter' abominable as this would be inspiring kids to sorcery? (BTW I can't stand the whole Harry Potter thing)

One of the things I like about Judaism is the use of prophecy mixed with actual historical events to give us logical faith in G-d...And to therefore accept his laws.

I guess I am a little confused as to when magic is ok, and when it isn't. Are we supposed to believe in magic? Or just miracles? or both? Or is there a difference? 

Do we say, ok it's magic from G-d, or just an extraordinary event performed with the aid of a human agent(s) such as the Six-Day War which had help from G-d...Or could some of it be an art that was taught to the people who performed it, or maybe some 'secret technology'. Or maybe it is a little of both...human work and struggle assisted by G-d?

Do you think Moses studied sorcery? Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince, and magic arts were probably very common at the time. He probably knew all the tricks of the best magicians due to his wealth and influence.

Hopefully this isn't an offensive question.  Of course Moses accomplished great things.  Obviously the revelation at Sinai was divine.  I am just curious about the 'magical' aspects of the story. What is the Jewish views on magic?
Macka, all real sorcery (that is going beyond optical illusions and tricks) is witchcraft and satanic. The Law demands that the Jewish people not permit a sorcerer or witch to live. The magic you speak of with Moses wasn't "magic" at all but manifestations of God's miraculous and infinite power.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2007, 09:47:05 PM »
2. I don't know if this is an appropriate question to ask you. You're not exactly a fan of the blacks. Anyway, I kind of have feelings for this girl. She's half-black and Jewish. Her mother's an Ashkenazi Jew, making her Jewish under halacha. She's not exactly religious
Greetings Yirmiyahu,

I'm not Chaim, but know exactly what he'd say. Chaim does not give a rip about the color of someone's skin so long as they are righteous and pure. He would not care if she is black. That said, he most certainly would be opposed to what I have bolded for you--the fact that she is not very religious. Why would you want to be with someone who is way to the left of you and for whom the Lord is a much less important aspect of life?

We Christians believe in being "equally yoked", which is a phrase coming from a passage in the New Testament (the Christian Bible). I know that Judaism believes in the exact same concept (even if expressed differently). How is a Jew who is not very serious about God any different from a pagan or Muslim?

Offline Sarah

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2007, 06:13:31 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

1.Today i was out on the high street and it struck me how much the western world is sucked into consumerism. You go into a shop to buy a ...lets say a pair of socks... and are confronted with hundreds of different "types". I watched in amazement people being mesmorised and so happy looking at all of these things, longingly. I find it quite pathetic. What do you think Chaim, you have a very busy life, don't you ever feel annoyed that you are trying to save Israel while half the world is wasting their life and time fawning over unnecessary things?

2. I am following the seven mitzvoh of Bnai Noach but don't feel they are very religious at all. I would follow them regardless of what religion i was as they are moral rules that deem too evil to transgress. If you are a noachide, are these rules all that are required or could i practice something more. I don't feel like i'm being religious......but maybe its not about the feeling?

Thank you chaim-and thats coming from the heart ;D. Another thing, last week you mentioned that South Africas government was untouched by economic sanctions. In fact they suffered extremely and currently owe billions in loans, all stemming from those sanctions. The only way they managed to get through was because they owned half of the worlds gold and diamond reserves. However Israel doesn't have these.

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2007, 08:16:18 PM »
1. How do you know that Israel did nothing in July 2006 to Lebanon? The media photographed the destroyed buildings and people. Even Christian hospitals were hit.

2. You oppose Feiglin's support of Likud politicians for their corruption and say that all Israeli Knesset members are corrupt. How then would a Kahanist party form coalitions? If a Kahanist party could not form a coalition, what also would it do to be effective?

Offline Daniel

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2007, 08:51:51 PM »
You repeat the constant Kahanist mantra of "They must go" referring to the Arabs in Israel. But haven't the adjacent Arab countries sealed off their borders since they are more interested in making the Zionist entity look bad by continuing to let the Arabs live in deplorable conditions than they are for caring and providing for their own people? It's very easy to say, "They must go!" But then that still begs the question, where are they going to go to?


Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2007, 10:03:45 PM »
   I'm having trouble acquiring audio related to the Sean Bell story. All the videos on youtube appear to be the same and onesided. None of them adress his three prior arrests, the fact that he was drugged and intoxicated, and that he was shot as a result of an argument with a prostitute who did not want to have sex with all of them but was willing to have it with two of them only. While it is a sick but common practice to hire the services of strippers for bachelor parties, it is even worse to hire the services the services of a prostitute.
   I have searched for hours and have not been able to find any audio about the true nature of Sean Bell. I've asked some people to help me find some good audio content about his true nature. Would you be able to relay the request to a few who may have not read my post or seen the preview which is up on youtube?
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2007, 10:15:56 PM »
Chaim, are you also doing an online english Yeshiva program or are you only doing Hebrew recordings?  If you are doing an english one, would you accept audio clips from religious Jewish members of this forum (assuming that you listened to them and approved) since I think I can pledge to record a few basic hebrew-english translation lectures on the Shulchan Aruch.  Or do you only accept material from Kahanist Rabbis and scholars? 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 02:22:48 AM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2007, 10:26:59 PM »

But what would she say if she knew you liked JTF considering she is part black? Does she talk like a schvartza? Is her father like Alan Keyes? I personally am not attracted to black women whether they are Jewish or not.

In this heavily PC environment if most of the people I associate with knew I liked and supported JTF I would be lynched, if not worse.

God forbid Yacov! Do you think I'd go for someone who speaks in broken English and is loud, stupid and obnoxious? No, she "don't be speaking like that". Since when did Alan Keyes become the standard by which all blacks must be judged? It's hard to find anyone with the integrity and character of an Alan Keyes whether they're black, white or purple. Her father is not Alan Keyes, but he isn't a deadbeat. He seems like a decent fellow from what I can ascertain. I'm glad to hear that you're not attracted to certain types of women. Whatever. That's fine by me. I'm a bit more lenient in terms of who I'd consider dating.

Greetings Yirmiyahu,

I'm not Chaim, but know exactly what he'd say. Chaim does not give a rip about the color of someone's skin so long as they are righteous and pure. He would not care if she is black. That said, he most certainly would be opposed to what I have bolded for you--the fact that she is not very religious. Why would you want to be with someone who is way to the left of you and for whom the Lord is a much less important aspect of life?

We Christians believe in being "equally yoked", which is a phrase coming from a passage in the New Testament (the Christian Bible). I know that Judaism believes in the exact same concept (even if expressed differently). How is a Jew who is not very serious about G-d any different from a pagan or Muslim?

I'm not the most devout person by any means possible (unfortunately). My Torah knowledge is infantile in comparison to Chaim Ben Pesach and a great deal of our regular posters. I think with the proper influence she can become a baalat teshuva. Thanks for your input though.

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2007, 03:36:40 AM »
Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope you had a great week and all is well.  This week I was wondering about children who result from inter-marriage, particularly from a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother.  Of course, I agree with you that intermarriage is not right and should be avoided, however that said, don't you think that children from the above example at least deserve the chance to explore their Jewish roots and identify with Judaism, as Jewish in fact, if they so choose?  I know the bible says to go by the mother's religion, and maybe a formal conversion would be in order, but to me the child should not turn his or her back on Judaism completely as is so often the case.  I think assimilation should not always be a one way street away from Judaism as it hurts Judaism in the end. [Yacov Menashe says that they should become Noahides.]

On a lighter note, I was also wondering what your favorite healthy meal is, one that you eat most frequently?  Thanks very much for all your hard work as always.  Also tell David we all hope he feels better soon.  Until next week G-d willing.


« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 03:43:59 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2007, 04:24:04 AM »
Hello Chaim,

What do you think the penalty should be for employers who hire illegal immigrants. The penalty in a Kahanist American government.

Do you think the US Border Patrol and Customs/Immigration service should still be under homeland security, s civilian agency or become a part of the US Military. At this point I think the USBP and ICE should fall into military control.


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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2007, 09:53:20 AM »
Hi there,

I'm brand new to this forum, but I got a personal message in my regular email asking to present my proposal to the Ask JTF forum. I had mentioned in the introduction section of these forums that I am an independent filmmaker residing in Texas at the moment. I am also an American/Israeli with dual citizenship.

I first became truly aware of Rabbi Kahane just a few short months ago (I know, I must have been living on another planet perhaps) being made aware of him by a guy calling himself Kahane Loyalist who had posted comments on some blog entries I had made on my Myspace page. Since then I have done a lot of research and found that politically if not completely religiously, (I come from a Conservative background),  I support the vast majority of issues also supported by Kahane and the Kahanist movement. I.E. I am absolutely 100% a Zionist, I believe in a Greater Israel whose borders are defined in the Bible etc.

In any case...some things I have noticed: I believe that the Arabs have been and continue to be more effective than we are at waging a media war. When it comes to the Kahanist idealogy this is even more the case since the Kahane movement is fighting against perceptions of not only the outside world, but of our very own brethren...regular everyday Jews across the world as well.

I have noticed...and please forgive me for being blunt here:


1. The videos shown on are grainy.
2. The lighting and sound are bad.
3. The background used by Chaim shouts "This is an underground video!"
4. Chaim's clothes are reminiscent of World War 2 French Underground resistance fighters.

I don't know if it is the JTF's intention to present itself as though it were underground completely or not. But I do know that in matters of perception, "underground" often is seen as "illegal."

While I know that the Kach movement and much of the Kahanist Movement's stuff is seen as truly illegal especially in wars, taking place for the hearts and minds of people, is all about changing perceptions...influencing people to take your side in viewpoint.

Several things can help the JTF tremendously in this.

1. Have a professionally done show. (You CAN do this in an apartment or some other space)
2. Give Chaim a well lit (When things are bright and open spaced there is a feeling of openness, of honesty...and of legitimacy.) area in which to sit and deliver his broadcast.

Perhaps put an Israeli flag either on a flag stand next to a wing backed chair or behind the chair on a wall. Have a nicely carpeted area covered with a pretty persian rug. Have a well made desk behind which Chaim can sit. It's a set...there are all kinds of possibilities that you can do without making it look like Chaim is in some cramped, confined area which he must squeeze into to do his broadcast.

3. Give him a professional mic. It ought to be wireless, very small, hooked onto his collar and transmitting either to a DAT recorder or even to the camera.

4. Use a professional, broadcast quality camera. Use a Prosumer will work just fine for the internet but really, High Definition would be ideal. I would suggest either a Canon XL2 or a JVC GYHD100.

5. Again, have professional lighting. When one comes out of the darkness and into light, provides the viewer with a sense of legitimacy.

I doubt highly that the JTF would like to be seen in the same sort of light as al Qaida or any other Arab group that uses terror and that provides video commentary. If one takes a look both at the quality of these Arab videos as well as the backgrounds used, along with the lighting and sound...the JTF is mimicking them. That's bad.

I think the JTF would like to have its ideas floating in the mainstream. But to do that, I think you need to be more media savvy and technically proficient than you've been. That's a harsh criticism perhaps but I believe there ARE solutions.

I would like to be able to help in that in some manner. I have not clearly thought through exactly how, since I live in Texas and most of you are in New York, but if my ideas sound remotely plausible, workable or otherwise make sense...I would welcome hearing from you all.

Be well!



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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2007, 11:41:14 AM »
I'm posting this for Yacov Menashe.

Do you consider Turks to be racially Caucasian? I do.

Do you consider all Jews to be Asian, even Ashkenazim? I do.

Sorry.. it just bugs me how some of you ask who is what in race?  It is what is in one's soul that makes who he/she is... Who cares who is racially whatever! African, Caucasion, Orange, Purple, Green, Blue..get over it!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline dawntreader

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2007, 01:27:08 PM »
I'm posting this for Yacov Menashe.

Do you consider Turks to be racially Caucasian? I do.

Do you consider all Jews to be Asian, even Ashkenazim? I do.

Sorry.. it just bugs me how some of you ask who is what in race?  It is what is in one's soul that makes who he/she is... Who cares who is racially whatever! African, Caucasion, Orange, Purple, Green, Blue..get over it!

I must agree. There is nothing about "race" that in any way matters to Zionism. There is no longer any such thing as a "pure" Jew...just as there is no such thing as a "Pure" person of any nationality. Ruth...who was a Gentile was an ancestor to King David...thereby making her an ancestor of the coming Moshiach. Somehow I doubt that someone's "race" matters all that much to G-d. He certainly didn't pick us to be His chosen people because of whatever racial stock we came from.

Also, in terms of caucasian, Asian or Negroid...scientifically speaking (And it doesn't matter what region of the world you hail from) Jews are, by and large, Caucasian (As are Arabs) due to the facial and nasal structures. Not Asian.
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Offline dawntreader

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Re: Ask JTF For March 25 Broadcast
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2007, 03:26:35 PM »
Asian is not a race. I meant Asian as in the continent. I think it is racist and ethnocentric that Orientals have hijacked the term Asian to mean Oriental. West Asians are Caucasian. Asians belong to 3 different races: Caucasian, Oriental, and Australoid.

Ah! Thank you for the clarification. I did think that what was stated earlier in the forum was racist sounding. And I personally don't believe racism has any place in a Jew's heart.  (And no...I don't believe Zionism is in any way racist). But I've noticed in other areas on this forum where people call blacks the N word or use the gangsta rap spellings of it etc. and that just doesn't seem right to me.

There was something else up above someone was talking about having a half black and half white girlfriend or some such. I think, to me if she was Jewish and black and good looking...I'd probably date her in a heart beat. But on the other hand...typically I am drawn to Sephardi women in particular. (I saw this one woman from Sderot in a Honest video and Oh my gosh....I had stomach butterflies just looking at her. Such a beauty!)

I think it would be great for Jews of Ahskenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi and the Ethiopian Jews to all intermarry with one another. I don't see what the problem would be. I also don't see the problem with marrying women who convert.

On one other topic as well. To me...I don't care if your mother is not Jewish. If Hitler would have killed you for being Jewish. If only your father is Jewish etc. You are a Jew. I consider you that and I don't personally care if the head Rabbi's of Israel or the USA don't. (I have a very poor opinion of Shlomo Amar anyways....)

Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry