He calls him a liar. One lie on top of another. Sounds about right. He speaks of Jeremiah Wright and says he was in the church for 20 yrs. and how stupid we are expected to be to believe "I didn't hear a word he said," about his rants, hating America, you've got to listen to this. He calls him, "deaf, dumb, stupid," which one, he shouldn't be a citizen of the USA. "I'm nausaus from this whole story."
"So what if I was a neighbor of Bill Ayers." Jackie Mason speaks about how he launched his political career from his living room. He was only 8 yrs. old." Obama said, "It's not important." ACORN "not important. Had nothing to do with us." He pretends any connection w/to. I only deal with honest people." Only a few months ago he gave them $800K to their campain." Jackie Mason said this is the most fraudulent organization. One fraudulent story after another.
"Every time only liars bring this up. He said, "Obama says, "let's talk about the economy," of which he knows nothing about it.