he endorsed an Illegal Alien for President.
Road Warrior, i thought you said apeface Michelle found some papers from Indonesia. He still has no papers? I reported this earlier to the McCain-Palin official site. Don't worry about it anymore. Let McCain worry about it. I guess he doesn't care.
Regarding the campaign financing, Obama collected $165 million last week. He lied when he said he would stop accepting campaign money, although, some are questioning where this money is coming from (they are slow, aren't they

) then on Fox News they said, "well, if Obama is accepting campaign contributions, why doesn't McCain?") how do I know? stupid? he's a man of his word, honest, but has etiquetted his way out of this campaign. NO ONE IS ON THE ROAD, campaigning for McCain. where are all his friends? I cast my vote yesterday by absentee ballot. I'm tired of listening to Obama. Look what they did to Joe the Plumber. Made his divorce records public (which is a private matter,) made his tax lien public (to humiliate him,) and criticizes McCain for even mentioning Joe the Plumber. All because Joe the Plumber asked a very important question. I think I'll go work my a** off so I can give it to Jose and La Shandra.

no wonder $13 trillion is in off shore accounts.