Jews and liberalism are very deeply rooted and not easily changed. I used to be a leftist Jew and it took me about a decade to finally come around. So it can be done, but it takes a lot of effort.
I wouldn't bother arguing with older leftist Jews. They're unlikely to change a lifetime of liberal thinking. Perhaps it might be worth speaking to younger Jews, though being young in itself is problem when it comes to conservative thinking.
So, basically, I have no clue what you should do. But if I had to make a recommendation, I'd say go ahead and speak to young leftist long as you can stomach it. 
Well, I have been, but it gives me a headache. They just don't listen, the can't argue, they are immune to logic. I feel like I would have a better chance of convincing one of my dogs. At least they can sense when I'm getting impatient with them.
meditate over this line. It came to me a few years ago in a moment of clarity
** leftists/liberals are defence lawyers for the enemy **
it's good to be an honest judge, it's also normal to be on your own team. A defence lawyer for your own.. Like Kahane often said "I'm an orthodox rabbi.. I love jews".
That was deeper though, he did it out of a religious obligation, not for racial reasons.
"Leftism" is a mental illness, and they have to recognise that they have a problem, and they don't. So you can't help them. But some things can snap them out of it.
A bomb, or a safer say that can work.. somebody like Walid Shoebat.
And this works on any leftist.
Remember. A leftist is a defence lawyer for the enemy.
So what messes them up is when their client suddenly turns around and says he's the persecutor! it implies that they are defending the wrong team!