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Rudy should be president
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on March 20, 2007, 01:30:14 PM ---She's forming a backup plan in case she loses the Democratic nomination to Barak?
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Check out this site:
The same money and people that are supporting Obama are also supporting UNITY08
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on March 20, 2007, 01:35:12 PM ---Why did Reagan enforce amnesty? Was it foolish compromise he made with the Democrat controlled congress because he thought it would enhance his legacy?
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Reagan was not a perfect president. He was very good at understanding the Soviet Union...but unfortunately he didn't understand other things (like the Islamic threat or the Hispanic demographic threat)
From what I understand, Reagan agreed to an amnesty believing that Congress would start enforcing immigration law so the problem would never happen again.
I've heard radio interviews with men who were close to Reagan ...and they all seem to agree the Reagan seriously regretted the amnesty.
Reagan grew up in a different time and era in America. I truly don't believe that he understood the threat that non-white immigration (legal and illegal) posed to the US.
New Yorker:
Rudy is good, he cleaned up New York City when he was Mayor. He inherited a wrecked city, a cesspool from that moronic Dinkins, Guliani cleared the city of the dregs that were in our streets. He cleaned up Times Square, Times Square used to be the gutter, it was awash in prostitutes, sex shops, drug dealers and other crimminals; Today, thanks to Rudy Guliani, Times Square is the ornament of the city and you can feel safe taking your family there for dinner and a wonderful time. If Guliani does half for America what he did for New York city, he'll enter the history books as one of the greatest Presidents of all time.
--- Quote from: Din Rodef on March 20, 2007, 04:57:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on March 20, 2007, 01:35:12 PM ---Why did Reagan enforce amnesty? Was it foolish compromise he made with the Democrat controlled congress because he thought it would enhance his legacy?
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Reagan was not a perfect president. He was very good at understanding the Soviet Union...but unfortunately he didn't understand other things (like the Islamic threat or the Hispanic demographic threat)
From what I understand, Reagan agreed to an amnesty believing that Congress would start enforcing immigration law so the problem would never happen again.
I've heard radio interviews with men who were close to Reagan ...and they all seem to agree the Reagan seriously regretted the amnesty.
Reagan grew up in a different time and era in America. I truly don't believe that he understood the threat that non-white immigration (legal and illegal) posed to the US.
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Reagan was often forced to compromise on issues he wanted to get done since he had to deal with a democrat majority in both house and senate. Reagan often had to do things that he would under different conditions never do in order to get other more pressing things passed in congress. I think in Reagan's wildest dreams did he ever think that the illegal immigration problem would get to the proportion we have today. He had a bad experience at the hands of the Muslims with the attack on the marine barracks in Bayreuth however there again he could not comprehend that people like that could ever threathen the territories of the United States in any real way. The one thing I liked about Ronald Reagan is that he believed in America and the American people if he had his way I think he would have done a few things differently. All said and done he did a good job with what he had to work with.
Din Rodef:
Yeah CJD..I think you're right
I do like Reagan...he wasn't perfect but he must be understood according to the times that he lived in.
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