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Rudy should be president

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Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: NewYorker on March 20, 2007, 05:11:46 PM ---

Rudy is good, he cleaned up New York City when he was Mayor. He inherited a wrecked city, a cesspool from that moronic Dinkins, Guliani cleared the city of the dregs that were in our streets. He cleaned up Times Square, Times Square used to be the gutter, it was awash in prostitutes, sex shops, drug dealers and other crimminals; Today, thanks to Rudy Guliani, Times Square is the ornament of the city and you can feel safe taking your family there for dinner and a wonderful time. If Guliani does half for America what he did for New York city, he'll enter the history books as one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

--- End quote ---


Giuliani kicked the prostitutes, sex shops and drug dealers out of NY just to make more room for the Mexican/ Muslims/Chinese takeover

Joe Gutfeld:
He did that to clean up the city.  Not for any group to take over.


--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 20, 2007, 09:05:33 PM ---He did that to clean up the city.  Not for any group to take over.

--- End quote ---
Rudy's first term as Mayor was a great success because he was a law and order man. When he came into power after Dinkins he was just what the city needed. The big problem with Rudy is that he is a Liberal on all other issues other than the law. In as much as he was tough on crime and he had good organizational skills in running the cities agencies his liberal bent got him into trouble in social issues. A Rudy Giuliani presidency would be the same scenario. Honestly he'd make a better Democrat than Republican.

an added plus is the way rudy was abled to do what he could to help the city heal from the attacks on 9/11.  in my opinion, rudy did heck of a lot better job of making sure his constituents were kept as safe as possible during and after the attacks just by communicating to the city and its citizens as quickly as possible just by going on tv and the radio.  i could still see and remember images of rudy walking up church street and tell new yorkers to get as far away as possible from lower manhattan via ny1 news.  he also stepped up by locking down the city as early as 10:00am on 9/11.  rudy took action.  all bozo bush did was sit in a classroom of kids like a dumb bump on log.  rudy showed that he is smarter than bush, as well as quicker, just by getting on tv and radio with regular and timely reports of what was going on and calming down the people of new york city.  rudy showed more concern for his fellow new yorkers than bush showed to entire country.  thank you, rudy guiliani.   


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